What are you thinking about? Part IV

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I figure out think so best :) I figure out update my sites hosting!
Hmmm... Now THAT would not be good! I think either my husband or I could bring up anything with each other without accusing or being accused of "being insecure." We just don't do that sort of stuff, call each other names or insult each other if we bring up an issue.

I agree. My view about this issue isn't about trust, but about the lack of consideration and respect for me.
It is very figure out reason tough! think myself focus on mind!
I am thinking we're gonna be late this morning......
Man it's Sunday morning and I have been up since 5:30. Couldn't sleep, as usual.
Man it's Sunday morning and I have been up since 5:30. Couldn't sleep, as usual.

I was up at 6:30. Weird since I usually tend to sleep in a bit later on Sundays than I do the other days.
Weird. I got up at five this morning and felt refreshed and ready to go, but there is no work today. I had a lot done around the house this morning already and thinking Now what?
Was up at 8...that is early since it's summer and the boys are still snoozing....the breeze is blowing outside along the river and the sun gives the water a beautiful shimmer...as if it's diamonds....the fish jumping in and out of the water, maybe for joy?...I sat outside on the patio watching it all for awhile with my coffee. It's my "quiet time".
Just now got up, and am dreading the heat. My big excitement today will be when we go to McDonald's for lunch and the put gas in the car.
Just now got up, and am dreading the heat. My big excitement today will be when we go to McDonald's for lunch and the put gas in the car.

:giggle:...now that's "excitement" Botti!....As for me...it's watching my doggie asleep right at my feet, her leg twitching...(maybe thinking of chasing a cat?)...and wondering if I should awake the boys...nah...gonna let them sleep as long as they want to. It's summer!...My son asked me last night if I would take him & his girlfriend to the park for a picnic..and I said Yes. (She's a sweet girl, and it's "puppy love")....so I'll drop them off for a while then pick them up...dunno what else is gonna come along....it's spur of the moment during the summer kind of thingy....
I am thinking don't allow others to be negative with you , keep moving along with a positive and encouraging attitude!
I'm thinking how sad it is that some people believe and act as if that real love is based on conditional terms.
Am thinking I rather spend my money on new furniture than bills...being responsible isn't fun, is it? *pffffft!!!*

same.... I need a "Bum Sofa"! the one where you come home from a long hard day and then slouch on it... and then lie down to take a nap cuz it's so dang comfortable
Speaking of Shel's situation...how would you feel if you found out that your spouse's flame was on his/her facebook friend's list...would that be kind of awkward, too?

awkward? nope. wouldn't care.
I love blueberry pancakes, blueberry muffins, blueberry pies, and blueberry cobbler...but I can't stand to eat the blueberries themselves. Isn't that weird? :crazy:

me too :hmm:
Hmm, example? If you don't do what they want all of the time, then the person turns a cold shoulder until you give in. It's a form of mental abuse, imo.
Hmm, example? If you don't do what they want all of the time, then the person turns a cold shoulder until you give in. It's a form of mental abuse, imo.

ugh :roll:

major turn-off.
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