What are you thinking about? Part IV

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I'm thinking the downside of advocacy for animals is being aware of too much. Just saw an undercover video of a pig farm in Iowa and now I'm feeling sick. It's just gruesome.
What I am thinking about

First I am thinking how glad I am deafskeptic is on the mend..stay stong my friend, you were missed. Next I am thinking only 12 more days to my mini vacation. I am so excited, spending time with my new love there as well,
Im thinking how fortunate I am to have met someone who has all the qualities I have been waiting for. I have been alone along time (by choice), so many other things happening in my life had no time for dating, and the ppl who asked were just not right for me and I knew that so why waste their time...it's cruel. I'm thinking I feel things that I have not felt in a long time and that tells me this is a good thing. Oh don't worry, after what happened to me, leaving me with almost 2 yrs to recover and a TBI that will continue to affect me the rest of my life, I took my time to get to know this man very well before meeting him. It's great, I even write back and forth with his MOM.
His honesty and intelligence blows me away. Smiling, and sending me flowers almost every day does not hurt. 12 days , OHHH thats less then 2 weeks, darn brain forgets days and time..Hmmm, I am thinking I am going to take this slow and enjoy every minute. Yeah, I am at peace, Happy Independence day to everyone. Smiling, I am praying all goes well, smile even tho I look like a patchwork quilt..laughing...Midnight..♥♥

"everything little thing he does is magic, everything he does,
just turns me on..
and even tho my life before was tragic, now I know my love for him
goes on, and on and on..." (TY Sting)
Wirelessly posted

deafskeptic said:
I'm happy to be back home after a week's stay in the hosipital.

Welcome back! I hope you have speedy recovery.

I am thinking about going back to the condo this week and take care of the cat & dog while uncle goes to his car show this week.
I'm thinking the downside of advocacy for animals is being aware of too much. Just saw an undercover video of a pig farm in Iowa and now I'm feeling sick. It's just gruesome.

It was on the news here. We didn't get a choice and I don't think showing the grahic video really helps. It just desensitizes people.

I also get really upset with the SPCA videos of abused animals to get people to send them money on a national level. It takes away from what people donate to local shelters which really need the money to save animals.
I agree about the SPCA - they're using guilt tactics. But seeing undercover footage of baby pigs being kicked and throw around definitely turns me off eating meat. I refuse to spend my money encouraging that kind of cruelty. I used to date an ex-con who, because of his record, was only able to find employment on a chicken farm. he said because of his experience there, he could never eat chicken or eggs again. he literally gets sick at the sight of chicken or eggs.

I think it's important for people to be aware of the practices behind factory farming. As long as the cruelty stays hidden, people would have no idea the story behind that piece of meat on their plate. I'm against keeping the truth buried. That's what the agricultural sector wants, for people to have no clue. And in fact, they now want to make it law to make it illegal to expose their violations of animal welfare acts. Which is why it's even more important that we cannot make it law to cover up illegal acts.
I agree about the SPCA - they're using guilt tactics. But seeing undercover footage of baby pigs being kicked and throw around definitely turns me off eating meat. I refuse to spend my money encouraging that kind of cruelty. I used to date an ex-con who, because of his record, was only able to find employment on a chicken farm. he said because of his experience there, he could never eat chicken or eggs again. he literally gets sick at the sight of chicken or eggs.

I think it's important for people to be aware of the practices behind factory farming. As long as the cruelty stays hidden, people would have no idea the story behind that piece of meat on their plate. I'm against keeping the truth buried. That's what the agricultural sector wants, for people to have no clue. And in fact, they now want to make it law to make it illegal to expose their violations of animal welfare acts. Which is why it's even more important that we cannot make it law to cover up illegal acts.

I can see that. My father worked in a packing plant during summers in high school. He would never eat hot dogs, and ate very little meat although not always practicing a vegetarian lifestyle.
Time to fire up the grill for dinner. Hope the kids are done with firecrackers for now.
I figure out myself think so might to create idea!
I am thinking a week from today, will be teaching my FIRST Zumba class at Rockstar Studio!:Ohno:
I heard it news tweet! you knew already know! I saw television!
We are home from the lake! Great time swimming, so much family with us. A great way to spend the 4th of July !
lots of pretty I am puzzled dizzy weird odd I am pretty first it puzzled it on buzz on inside odd I figure out recommand on weird on EEG I don't know what is find out! weird on something!
I'm glad power is back on. There was a power outrage around five pm today. I was asleep and then the apt shook a lot and I heard a very loud crash. I thought a car had hit the side of my apt then the power went out. My neighbor says the tower crashed in the thunderstorm. It just came back on.
Thinking how I wish I was Hispanic so I can join the Latino Deaf and Hard of Hearing Association ...they sure know how to organize fun events for adults and children. I will tell my friend who is a member to keep inviting me. :)
Deafskeptic, I hope you're doing better now.

Am thinking how I cannot wait for Psych season 5 to arrive in mail and I've just ordered it today!
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