What are you thinking about? Part IV

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damn it hottest outside I wish be peek :lol: I am not me! lol
crazy lazy on clean up room! OMG On mess I am lazy :lol:!
What a beautiful day it is. Humidity is setting in a bit, but not bad compared to 2 days ago which was insufferable. Yesterday was PERFECT. I hope for an ever better day tomorrow; we'll be at b-i-l's lake house so that should be awesome. Jetskiing, here we come !!!!
restore computer on fix on fresh! clean smooth!
Wirelessly posted

I am thinking how far anyone should accept fb friend request on/off line? I was reading about a friend, a married woman stalking him, she even send friend request to most of his friends, this is scary or not? Hmmm
Thinking I better get dinner started. Bummer. No rest for the wicked today.
I'm thinking I have so much to learn. And also how biased and slanted studies can be.
I think so snack on energy sugar sweet I love cheery
I am too much on counselor postpone 4 weeks I consider figure out see find out best see!
I am thinking about sleep b/c I enjoy sleeping. :) Life is great when me is nappin'!
Wirelessly posted

DeafTim said:
I am thinking about sleep b/c I enjoy sleeping. :) Life is great when me is nappin'!

It's 12:28am here sleep does sound good right now lol
I figure out because pretty sleep crap yesterday I have scared!
Thinking about how much I want to have a BBQ party. I want pulled pork, hot dogs, hamburgers, grilled chicken, corn cobs, potato salad, etc. Too bad I'm not having any BBQ at all. Spending my entire day watching my movies and reading. I saw a few fireworks in my backyard last night though. Anyway. Happy Independence Day.
Thinking that I hope my husband will paint the walls today like he promised. That's his excuse for not going to the pool party with me and the kids. So far, he is still sleeping.
I'm happy to be back home after a week's stay in the hosipital.
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