What are you thinking about? Part IV

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Do you have something bothering you?

yes I have problem cause tried on sleep because bother my anxiety not perfect weak! I have bother seems on my mind easy I notice myself not easy calm down! bit movemovent! sleep restless I think so problem! not work medication, I think so increase medication, psychiatrist limit medication
Condo sold today! Full price too. Now what to do with the dang furniture.... :hmm:
yes I have problem cause tried on sleep because bother my anxiety not perfect weak! I have bother seems on my mind easy I notice myself not easy calm down! bit movemovent! sleep restless I think so problem! not work medication, I think so increase medication, psychiatrist limit medication

Have you tried anything besides your anxiety medication to help you calm down and sleep. Things like deep breathing, picturing something happy in your mind, etc?
Condo sold today! Full price too. Now what to do with the dang furniture.... :hmm:

My parents think they finally sold the farm. I'll know more soon. I think my nieces and nephews will miss the farm though.
My parents think they finally sold the farm. I'll know more soon. I think my nieces and nephews will miss the farm though.

I'm just glad you didn't say your parents finally "bought the farm".:P
My parents think they finally sold the farm. I'll know more soon. I think my nieces and nephews will miss the farm though.

I will miss the condo for sure. That is the reason I held out for full price. It was nice to have a place there if I ever visited but I still have the house 70 miles away...
Wirelessly posted (sent from a smartphone. )

Hope you survive your MRI scan. I've got one in two weeks time. I'm not claustrophobic but they're unnerving. Must be many times worse for you. Be courageous!

I went through with it but God I wanted to freak out! 25 mins of non stop closeness and your brain feeling like its being microwaved. Scary feeling. I hope thats the last time I have to go through with that. Wont get my results til 2 days or on the 24th.

I will never eat a baked potato again, poor potato
I went through with it but God I wanted to freak out! 25 mins of non stop closeness and your brain feeling like its being microwaved. Scary feeling. I hope thats the last time I have to go through with that. Wont get my results til 2 days or on the 24th.

I will never eat a baked potato again, poor potato

Be proud of yourself! You didn't cancel the appointment, and you managed your anxiety to get through it.
Thanks Jiro :) I am proud, I could of easily just called it off but I needed a piece of mind. I just kept my eyes closed, and tried to remember to breathe. Feeling your brain being messed with isn't fun though.
Condo sold today! Full price too. Now what to do with the dang furniture.... :hmm:

Congrats! Are you wanting to keep the furniture, or get rid of it? In either case, I have ideas for you!
I just kept my eyes closed, and tried to remember to breathe. Feeling your brain being messed with isn't fun though.


One of many favorite cartoons by Gary Larson's "The Far Side."
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