What are you thinking about? Part II

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For a second, I thought I was in a childbirth thread. :hehe
Deafskeptic is rocking a new hair color. Love it! :D

I'm thinking that I must drag my lazy butt to the gym and run. The hardest part is always the dragging the butt part. :lol:

Ya'll have a great day! :wave:
Have an appointment in half an hour to get my hearing aid looked at. One of my hearing aids is all fizzy and has a bit of static. Better not be broken... they're only 3 and a half months old.
Thinking about getting the h-e-double hockey sticks out of here! It's been a long day and I'm looking forward to just having one more day of work this week.
Have an appointment in half an hour to get my hearing aid looked at. One of my hearing aids is all fizzy and has a bit of static. Better not be broken... they're only 3 and a half months old.

did you check your tube? fizzy and static sound is mostly cuz of water in the tube. sometimes the Dry N' Store doesn't completely dry it out so I use the air pump thingy to blow it out.
I'm thinking that I must drag my lazy butt to the gym and run. The hardest part is always the dragging the butt part. :lol:

I know what that feeling's like... :( Always bad dragging it there as you said. But once there you're having fun, so just go!!!!! :D

HMM dare I say that JamieLynn gonna tease us males with her fanny showing?? LOL

Behave!!!! This is not an NC-rated thread :cool2:, si?
Thinking. "Good Grief".

Glad my daughter is open with me.

Seems like drama is taking place at school between her and her friend.

Argh!!! Middle School! The confusing time of pre teens and adolescent!!
Thinking. "Good Grief".

Glad my daughter is open with me.

Seems like drama is taking place at school between her and her friend.

Argh!!! Middle School! The confusing time of pre teens and adolescent!!

just give'em my advice - "Less Talk, More Action" :cool2:
did you check your tube? fizzy and static sound is mostly cuz of water in the tube. sometimes the Dry N' Store doesn't completely dry it out so I use the air pump thingy to blow it out.

That's what she said it could be if it happens again. She also replaced my microphone protectors because it's been so rainy lately. She said that the protectors are much like diapers in the sense that they absorb, but don't clog. The fuzziness is still there, so she wants me to check back with her in a few days if I still hear it. It may or may not have to get sent away.
That's what she said it could be if it happens again. She also replaced my microphone protectors because it's been so rainy lately. She said that the protectors are much like diapers in the sense that they absorb, but don't clog. The fuzziness is still there, so she wants me to check back with her in a few days if I still hear it. It may or may not have to get sent away.

Do you have Dry N' Store?
The thing with all the little balls?

oh hell no. that junk is useless.

This is a very good device - Dry & Store Hearing Aid Conditioning System - Dry & Store Products - either Dry & Store Global II or Zephyr by Dry & Store but I have Global II (but mine looks different cuz it's an earlier model)
I'm thinking that broccoli should be banned from Chinese or frozen foods. I hate broccoli. :P
How do you cope with mornings as a teacher? I'm not a morning person myself. I think you should jump start yourself with coffee. :giggle:

Just force myself to get up...2 hours after waking up, I am functional. I dont really drink coffee unless I had a sleepless night.

Love your hairdo!
just give'em my advice - "Less Talk, More Action" :cool2:


That's what my daughter told the ex friend of hers. Which the ex friend had about 5 other girls behind her. :roll:

Ended up being intervene. Both got a free trip and lunch in the office.

Basically, I told my daughter its not worth fighting over.

She knows how to handle herself and knows what to do.... :D
I am thinking about my hubby who got bombared with a surprise interview. He is gonna be in a bad mood when he gets home. :shock:
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