What are you thinking about? Part II

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I remember what it was like to work in the catering section of Kings Dominion. We had to work in 12 hour shifts and we served about 2k people daily. Exhausting work!

Oh wow! I typically work about 8 hours, bussing about 4 or so thousand people. I don't do it alone, though.
Wondering how the heck people can live in filth o_O I decided to turn on the robot-mommy mode and I quickly cleaned up a room for a fella who is currently "moving out". It is obvious that he used to own a lizard, mice, and a cat or two ((shudders)).

Now the room is bare, sparkling clean, my appetite was destroyed ((wipes hands)) and I can finally rest for a few minutes before I take my roomie's fluffy doggie out for a walk :)
Shoot I find it strangely ironic that at work we still have to treat the chickens humanely. All of this is after we have electrocuted them, cut their heads off, and have boiled the feathers off of them. Some chickens will fight right to the very end before they go in the scalding machine in which we have to pull them off the shackles and set them aside to let them bleed out. Yeah now you know why I refer to myself as a cold blooded killer.

The condo totally relaxed me. I was happy to stay until my uncle came home and he brought me back a cute t-shirt from Washington , DC cherry blossom :)
The condo totally relaxed me. I was happy to stay until my uncle came home and he brought me back a cute t-shirt from Washington , DC cherry blossom :)

That's nice! I love DC! I have never been there for the cherry blossoms, but I hope to go sometime!:D
That's nice! I love DC! I have never been there for the cherry blossoms, but I hope to go sometime!:D

Yeah, that place with those trees is really beautiful in the spring. Nice gift from the Japanese people from way back when.
Yeah, that place with those trees is really beautiful in the spring. Nice gift from the Japanese people from way back when.

I live so close that you would think I would have seen it, but oh well. I also never saw New York!:shock:
Yup it is. Oh yeah I've seen a four legged chicken as well. :shock: Oh the joys of factory farming, eh? :lol:

Doesn't it make you sad? All this is part of the reason I don't eat meat! Besides the fact the eating flesh is creepy.:giggle:
I have seen a half chicken/half duck.....it was named Chuck

And I know that isn't possible....but this thing was weird
Doesn't it make you sad? All this is part of the reason I don't eat meat! Besides the fact the eating flesh is creepy.:giggle:

Some days it does I guess. But then I was raised on chicken plant money that put clothes on my back, a roof over my head, and food on the table while I was growing up. Besides unless you have a degree that's pretty much your only 'career opportunity' around here unless you plan on flipping burgers for 8 hours then go flip burritos for another 8 for minimum wage without benefits. At least at Tyson it pays ok, it has health insurance and decent hours. Maybe I'm just immune to it in a way given this is how I was raised. My hometown had two poultry plants up until last year when PJP shut down and I got laid off. Without it, we probably would not even be on the map, that's how dependent our local economy is on the poultry industry.
Iam thinking about how lucky I have been to meet so many awesome ADers this year. :)
Some days it does I guess. But then I was raised on chicken plant money that put clothes on my back, a roof over my head, and food on the table while I was growing up. Besides unless you have a degree that's pretty much your only 'career opportunity' around here unless you plan on flipping burgers for 8 hours then go flip burritos for another 8 for minimum wage without benefits. At least at Tyson it pays ok, it has health insurance and decent hours. Maybe I'm just immune to it in a way given this is how I was raised. My hometown had two poultry plants up until last year when PJP shut down and I got laid off. Without it, we probably would not even be on the map, that's how dependent our local economy is on the poultry industry.

Makes sense. It's a shame though.
Some days it does I guess. But then I was raised on chicken plant money that put clothes on my back, a roof over my head, and food on the table while I was growing up. Besides unless you have a degree that's pretty much your only 'career opportunity' around here unless you plan on flipping burgers for 8 hours then go flip burritos for another 8 for minimum wage without benefits. At least at Tyson it pays ok, it has health insurance and decent hours. Maybe I'm just immune to it in a way given this is how I was raised. My hometown had two poultry plants up until last year when PJP shut down and I got laid off. Without it, we probably would not even be on the map, that's how dependent our local economy is on the poultry industry.
Have u ever thought about finding a better job out of state if you aren't happy with the job you have now? I know this economy is shitty but after reading your posts for a few years, I know how highly educated you are.
Shoot I find it strangely ironic that at work we still have to treat the chickens humanely. All of this is after we have electrocuted them, cut their heads off, and have boiled the feathers off of them. Some chickens will fight right to the very end before they go in the scalding machine in which we have to pull them off the shackles and set them aside to let them bleed out. Yeah now you know why I refer to myself as a cold blooded killer.

My mother told me as a child, and the oldest child in the family, it was her job to wring the chicken's neck and clean it for dinner. She tells the same thing you do about the chickens.

While it may seem like cold blooded killing, it is also a matter of feeding your family. That will take priority over everything else.
Some days it does I guess. But then I was raised on chicken plant money that put clothes on my back, a roof over my head, and food on the table while I was growing up. Besides unless you have a degree that's pretty much your only 'career opportunity' around here unless you plan on flipping burgers for 8 hours then go flip burritos for another 8 for minimum wage without benefits. At least at Tyson it pays ok, it has health insurance and decent hours. Maybe I'm just immune to it in a way given this is how I was raised. My hometown had two poultry plants up until last year when PJP shut down and I got laid off. Without it, we probably would not even be on the map, that's how dependent our local economy is on the poultry industry.

I understand your situation and maybe someday you will find the right path to a better career than killing chickens for a living...hurts to see them die right in front of you.
I'm thinking about last night and how much fun I had meeting the ADers and getting to know them, as well as making new friends.
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