What are you Leaving Behind in 2009 and wanting to do in 2010?

It seems like 2010 will be the worst year of my life. It has already been ruined. :(
It seems like 2010 will be the worst year of my life. It has already been ruined. :(

Try not to think about it. Look at the bright side, that you have been working on your workout, family, friends, kids and have jobs.

I know what you mean, me too but i keep staying to think positive because i look at my kids' priceless faces and keep going on while my situation isn't perfect that bothers me so much.
Try not to think about it. Look at the bright side, that you have been working on your workout, family, friends, kids and have jobs.

I know what you mean, me too but i keep staying to think positive because i look at my kids' priceless faces and keep going on while my situation isn't perfect that bothers me so much.

Something happened last night. I am not ready to talk about it now. Maybe later. Thanks :hug:
Aw, Shel. I'm so sorry for whatever happened to you. I hope you're ok. :hug: This may be a year of transition where you're not sure what will come next or what you will do next. Instead of putting 2010 into doom, you can focus on the little things. Like enjoying being alive, being with family and friends, even being on AllDeaf.com, and so on. They can silly little things, even if no one else agree with you. It is yours to enjoy and no one can take that away from you. That's what I focused on when my depression reared its ugly head.
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Shel90, sorry to hear you had a bad night. I sure hope you will be ok. Take your time to come back to AD if needed.
Shel - I hope things get better and we will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.

Thanks..I am just taking it day by day. Today is a hard day because I woke up feeling like tons of bricks were on me. Just trying to keep up a positive attitude about this situation but it is hard. I will explain later and you will all understand why. Thanks! :hug:
Thanks..I am just taking it day by day. Today is a hard day because I woke up feeling like tons of bricks were on me. Just trying to keep up a positive attitude about this situation but it is hard. I will explain later and you will all understand why. Thanks! :hug:

I know what you mean. I've been up since 3am just worrying over things, but I know worrying will not "fix" it, but I can't figure out what to do.