What are you doing right now?

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Taking a break from giving my kitchen a strip down cleaning. Don't do this very often. My daughter is cleaning the living room & dining room as she is having friends over later for movie night. She said this is our Christmas prep cleaning. I said only if she keeps up with the regular cleaning between now and when we decorate.
I'm trying to figure out how to organize my DVDs. It's hard to divide movies by genre when there is also a sub-genre. I've read through people's advice about how they organize their DVDs. So far none seems helpful except to do it alphabetically.
Just got back from the ortho...i am getting braces put back on. 6 years of ortho treatment as a teen down the drain...ugh stupid wisdom teeth...well at least my brackets are clear :)

Don't feel bad, I had braces as a child and have them on again as an adult. I was going to have my jaw broken to re-set the bite but the fixed pallet expander corrected the bite so all I needed was a chin reduction. The surgery for the pallet expander was probably the most painful experience of my life. I hope to get the braces off this year....God willing.

At the moment, I just got back from getting the flu shot...and man is my arm feeling it...... :jaw:

Just writing in my notebook pieces of my future novel..writer's block just love to pop up to me..
Don't feel bad, I had braces as a child and have them on again as an adult. I was going to have my jaw broken to re-set the bite but the fixed pallet expander corrected the bite so all I needed was a chin reduction. The surgery for the pallet expander was probably the most painful experience of my life. I hope to get the braces off this year....God willing.

At the moment, I just got back from getting the flu shot...and man is my arm feeling it...... :jaw:


They are doing the expander next month...so not looking forward to that. I still can't eat anything at this point, I honestly do not remember it hurting like this when I was a teen. I'm starting to wonder how the heck did I ever eat hamburgers when I had them on the first time around!

Do you remember how long the soreness last? I know the ortho said that the soreness is much worse in adult than children, which is probably why it didn't even phase me the first time around.
Wirelessly posted

Relaxing and nursing my cold. I have no internet here it's all mobile.
I just finished watchin Alabama football game and just ate an orange. :rockon: gotta get anotha one. :)
i right now go to busy gym lots of busy! i am lots of! I have pretty spending to gym!
Resting for a moment after swimming at 11.30am
Read AllDeaf.com and more exercise tonight-Cochlear Implant at Club Singles-dance Yorkland/Toronto
just resting on the couch, came home from church and now browsing alldeaf, reddit and facebook.
Keeping up with FB, AD and 2 art forums as well as SparkPeople. Also, trying to think of what I want to draw for an art project. (I am a beginner of sorts)
Just got up sigh I work 3rds and got home this morning at 9:35 and fell asleep after my shower. Only two hours of sleep now doing my paper for my class and can't get myself into it. Oh and yeah got my family on my ass about chemo that I've refused to take. At least I ain't sick right people so rock on folks have a banging day and live it to its fullest. Don't forget to tell the ones you care for that you love em because it could be your last. I doubt it will be but do it to be safe ;) I love life it's a beautiful thing. Plus fall is here I love it, also it delivers the best weather! The only thing I'm missing is a sweet, caring, and loving girl to cuddle up with.
Im restin, sittin on my awesome personal couch watchin NFL Live.
Just back from dinner out with a large group of family, and now just sitting around the house with a smaller group, drinking coffee and eating tiny Halloween packaged candy bars. (Too bad if any small kids show up at my house on Beggars night!) :P
Wirelessly posted

Studying sociological patterns & its use for tomorrows class :o
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