What are the pros and cons of being oral or voice-off?

O.K., that didn't come across right. Sorry.

What I mean is that they sometimes appear impatient when he doesn't respond right away because he's waiting for us to finish signing, so they start doing things like speaking louder and pointing at the menu, as if signs alone are inadequate and those actions are somehow going to increase his comprehension. There's just something about the attitude that rubs me wrong. Not all waitresses are like this, but we've definitely encountered some.
It's tough with a 5 year old, but kudos to the waitress for addressing him directly. It's terribly insulting as an adult to have a waitress ask my companions what "she" wants (pointing to me)...

The other day at the bank, a trainee teller said to my husband, "should I just go ahead and talk to her anyway?"

You should have seen my husband laugh! :lol: