Weightloss Suggestions?


New Member
Aug 27, 2011
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I'm about 20 LBs over my normal weight. I don't like it because my parents both have diabetes and I don't want to put myself at risk. Do you have tips or suggestions what I should do to lose weight? I've already joined a gym and feel it was a waste of money. Someone told me to start a juice diet, but wouldn't that cause me to gain more?
I've found a lot of used exercise equipments cheap. Try one of them. See how you like them. If you don't like them, at least you tried and aren't out of much money.
I'm about 20 LBs over my normal weight. I don't like it because my parents both have diabetes and I don't want to put myself at risk. Do you have tips or suggestions what I should do to lose weight? I've already joined a gym and feel it was a waste of money. Someone told me to start a juice diet, but wouldn't that cause me to gain more?

Yes, join the gym. No, do not do a juice or any other diet as it is just temporary.

The fact is, exercise is not the solution for losing weight. The real solution is to change what you eat. It's about a 80/20 ratio between diet and exercise.

Reasonably, you can lose about 30 lbs in three months.

You should exercise 5 to 6 days a week and alternate resistance and cardio each day(one day weights other day cardio). Also, you don't need to run, swim or bike for more than 20 minutes for cardio. You don't need to be hip-attached to the gym.

I suggest you buy the Body for Life cookbook, but do not buy the shakes(it will take longer, but you don't need them).

Forget about counting calories you should be following low fat recipes instead(why reinvent the wheel).

Also, keep in mind food allergies.

And, one more thing about Body for Life, only use the cook book and not the transformation site which is a big scam. The author has a great fitness regime, but now he is trying to just make extra money.

For someone only 20lbs overweight, you can do this blindfolded.
@Dereksbicycles We actually have some exercise equipment in the garage. Sort of like our own mini gym. We haven't set up the treadmill, but I stayed out there for a couple hours kicking the punching bag last night. But, yeah I'm out $700 paying for the gym. That money could have went to school, but I had expected to see results with the gym. Lesson learned.

@Vacation guy Thank you I'll check it out. I don't really eat much during the day, so I think that's where the weight is coming from. I think my body is just storing unnecessary fat. The gym here didn't help though.
We actually have some exercise equipment in the garage. Sort of like our own mini gym. We haven't set up the treadmill, but I stayed out there for a couple hours kicking the punching bag last night. But, yeah I'm out $700 paying for the gym. That money could have went to school, but I had expected to see results with the gym. Lesson learned.

Don't feel bad about the gym because it is a good experience. Having other people who workout around is a great motivator. And, having good looking people around you is an even BIGGER motivator.

I've lost 55 lbs with my change of lifestyle a year and a half ago and I'm still at that weight now.

When you cook healthy food you should make it a fun event, sip a glass of wine, put on music(if you can still hear it) or put on a closed caption movie, etc.

If you are not having fun, in a healthy way, you're not doing it right.

EDIT: Yes, you need to eat 4 to 5 meals a day. Don't skip anything and make low fat food. Problem solved.
That's true. Yeah, I hated being at that gym. Out of all the 20 something tv's they had, only 3 TV's had closed captions and were all on the same channels. I won't mention the pool. But, I will try to make cooking a fun event. I can't listen to music anymore. I went profound deaf about a year ago, but I've learned to feel the beat. So, watching a rented movie would be in my best interest. Thank you for helping!
That's true. Yeah, I hated being at that gym. Out of all the 20 something tv's they had, only 3 TV's had closed captions and were all on the same channels. I won't mention the pool. But, I will try to make cooking a fun event. I can't listen to music anymore. I went profound deaf about a year ago, but I've learned to feel the beat. So, watching a rented movie would be in my best interest. Thank you for helping!

I'm profoundly deaf. I can't listen to new music, but I can still listen to old music(music I've listened to over and over) because it is programmed into my brain.

Ask the guy at the gym for the remote so you can put on closed caption, it's what I do if I want it on. Keep in mind, watching the TV is really about distraction so the captions don't make that much of a difference. I also use magazines for that purpose.
They won't give the remotes to anyone. I just have to ask them for closed captions or I just turn my phone on and read books instead. The only channels that are on are the home network, the cooking channel and infomercials about exercise equipment. They play one section of sports and one section of kids shows. I just don't like it there anymore.
No gym should cost $700. That is crazy!! Then again, I've not been to CA since 1988. What would I know?

I hope you can make a better use of the equipments that you currently have now that you know gym is not the best idea.
They won't give the remotes to anyone. I just have to ask them for closed captions or I just turn my phone on and read books instead. The only channels that are on are the home network, the cooking channel and infomercials about exercise equipment. They play one section of sports and one section of kids shows. I just don't like it there anymore.

I always watch a food channel as it relaxes me when I workout. I try to think of ways to make the dish low fat. I also think about what they are putting in the food that makes it fattening. But mostly, it's just good entertainment.

I would watch music videos as well with no sound because the people in the videos are in good shape and that can keep you motivated.

I read health magazines and others such as Outside, Details, Men's Health, etc.
im been lose lots weight since 390-326

if you going gym or walk and run lots to lose lots weight
how about try buy an Asian cookbook, they eat hardly any fats...dsiover Korean, Japanese, thai foods, and its bit long on the preparation side, but fast to cook.
just ideas, also squeeze some fresh lemon in jar of water, chill it and drink that 4-5 times a day in a glass, nice and refreshing it also flushes out toxins from your body.