web cam


Active Member
Apr 1, 2003
Reaction score
HI I just got a new laptop and it is window 7. So new to me. After I got home from the store and try out my built in webcam and it was fine and had a application for me to use. Then a week later took it to the shop and got a new hard drive. So now my built in web cam that I cant use cuz there is no application to use. I am trying to find a good application download so I can use my built in web cam to take pix of myself and my dog or use video. Does any know what download program I can use and it is safe to use. Thanks you for your time.
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

Shouldn't you be able to download the webcam etc drivers from the manufactorer's website ?

I'd contact whoever replaced the drive, because they should have imaged everything over for you.

Btw, just curious - why did you get the new Hard drive installed on a new computer? Was it defective ?