We welcome a new pet in our family


New Member
Dec 23, 2004
Reaction score
That's a male rat, it's so cute... We think about to name him Tuxedo or other, not sure yet. More dicussion about name for that rat. And, he's 3 months old.


Sequoias hold him.


He's on my shoulder, cuddling up on my cheek



Galen hold him since he is very active and curious around in the Apt, tried to taking the picture of him


I love that picture of him! It's soooooo adorable!

:giggle: so enjoy!
Got cat?!?! :cool:

Are you naming him Alex after the Alex the Adminstrator??? :giggle:
Wow cute .. wow you bought another rat lol .. when your friends come in and gonna said AHHHH RATS!!! and stand up on the couch or chairs lol haha :lol:
WOW... what an adorable rat... now you got male one since your other rats were females..... I wont be surprised if you have more rats in about two months .. then later you probabaly end up having 100 rats.. hehehe...
Thanks everyone. Sweetheart begged me to get him because I didn't want more rats right now. I kept saying no, no, no until she sort of conviced me to get him. When will she learn?! We won't breed them until after April because to make sure he's healthy and in good shape after a few months and we will plan going to Michigan in April for 2 weeks. We are considering breeding Frisky with him, we don't know what variety of rat we would get. We're learning on how to breed them for health. We will sell some of them to pet stores that don't believe in feeding them to reptiles, sell them to customers who want them as pets. So far we know that blue powder and dumbo varieties are popular types. (We have a dumbo, which is Frisky)
yikes other one LOL

i like cats but i am little allergic to them too dang

but cute smile congrate
Good! We can keep the people away from our apt that who have rat-phobias. I hope those thieves do have that. It would be our perfect night watchers, :giggle:

(just kidding!)
He is too cute! I wanted to buy one at petco yesterday and my roomates say no because I have too many pet already.
Oh my goodness, you got another again.. You must be big fans with rats.
Wait a minute, how about mouse? As for me no tks i must be freak out.