We need your support urgently

1) What you just said is shady and dishonest, bordering on fraud. And it probably crosses that border as well. Especially since this case is going to court.

2) We have UK members here so there is no issue with posting this here, but asking someone here to do something dishonest within your legal system IS an issue.

3) Arguing with veteran members, even the ones that don't like me, is not advisable. You won't win many signatures here that way.

Good luck in your endeavor but please keep your efforts above board. When you don't, it negatively affects all of us. Thx.

I don't dislike you, Tx! :P I just try to encourage you to be honest on issues affecting deaf kids.
dear Bottesini. you are wrong The petition does not show location, just numbers and gives people an idea of the strength of feeling of the deaf communities in Alaska to Zambia re discrimination.

If you care in the slightest about deaf discrimination then could you and all the other silent majorities in here show your true selv es and sign the petition , or would you rather be known as I don't give a damn person about deaf problems

What's the purpose of a petition if it is only looking for meaningless signatures?

Feels like it is fishing for a cause where the supporters don't really support the issue, it's more like people who were convinced or coerced without giving them the moment to think about it and make a decision for themselves.

It's like a parent telling a kid he should choose to play baseball... when his heart was really set on playing basketball.
I will understand if you cant be bothered and would prefer to spend your precious time yapping and replying to some of the other weird topics being posted in this forum.

:lol: Real nice. Way to get people to sign up. You should stick with that line of dialogue.

Kind of like the unwanted Mormons and JWs who show up at your door week after week.
Feels like it is fishing for a cause where the supporters don't really support the issue, it's more like people who were convinced or coerced without giving them the moment to think about it and make a decision for themselves.

But if they didn't decide "correctly", they're all a bunch of jerks with meaningless lives and they all suck!

Maybe that's why nobody signed the petition... :giggle:
We need your support urgently

The bold statement ^^^^that you put in several of the posts is that trying to get us to sign your petition in a hurry and forcing us to do what you want us to do. Do we fall into your trap not knowing anything of what is going on in UK? What happen to the Change.org that will offer you to sign petition in the honest way to let people know about the discrimination of what is happening to the Deaf woman or any Deaf person being involved discriminated by Website? I don't like being take advantage to have us fall for your story. I have never heard of "deaf access research group" and I don't like having me force to sign the petition of not know what is going on at UK. I have never visit or live in UK at all. So I am clueless of what you are trying to get us to do your bidding. :(

Edit: Research group is like an experiment on seeing how we were test like rats to me. Are we guinea pigs to you? Do you think we are dumb? No way. :(
just in case anyone is interested this is the reference for my first report.

I was lucky, the UK BBC chose to highlight the report on their news web site.

Now in the UK, this sort of thing is just not done. An old deaf man does not write academic reports and have them published by the BBC.

Darg Final

It is a study of all GP surgeries in Wales and shows that 90% of them discriminate against deaf and hip patients.

You can see the egg on their faces across the pond.

If I can do this......what can you do?

my son GP in wales i never hear of discrimitation but i will ask him tonight.i mean it no worse in wales than elsewhere...the welsh assembly have nearly crucified nhs maybe it is them you should tackle
my son gp in wales,i ask him later about discrimination i never hear of him saying of this...the welsh assembly have crucified nhs in wales maybe tackle them
I been deaf 30yrs same argument now as then.Done lots for disabilities polotics
i friends with many on here it taken sometime, and believe me they have their problems, sometime i agree or not, but it not my place to get involved in discussions about the way they deal with things..i come on here to forget political stuff,it just nice have bit of banter with people..