Wash Away My Pain


New Member
Mar 21, 2004
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One of my very recent poems.. I used to write longer but then my Language teacher ( :asshole: ) ripped me a new... Ahh, you get the idea.. so I lost the movitation for a while.. now I'm starting again. :)

Wash Away My Pain

I crashed and was burned alive
Falling down the stairwell of Life
Crashing into my oldest fear
Couldn't even scream or shed a tear
Would somebody come and wash away my pain?

All my life, I was such an angry child
I'd throw a tantrum or go really wild
Destroy my dreams, I'll destroy something of yours
Scratch my back, I'll scratch yours
Would somebody come and wash away my pain?

I never had a life, I never had any parents, I never had any friends
This place, so dark, I never wanted to come back here again
Yet, here I am, standing in the rain, so cold and all alone
With not a soul around, willing to lend a hand or a home
Would somebody come and wash away my pain?
That's truly good work, Juanita...I can understand why school officials would worry, but some of 'em just don't understand good poetry when they see it. :)

Good job though! :applause:

WoW! I Sure Love Ur Poem! :tears:

Keep it Going Juanita....Maybe Put ur Poems in Some Contest U Might Win. Never Know Right? :fingersx:

Just wanted to tell u I admire ur Poem. :ily:
*Eyes Watery*....

Beautiful Poem....Very Impressed!....Keep it coming..I love to read poems!....

Have you ever thought of writing all your poems in one book?....
Wash away your pain by submitting several of your creative work... ;) Whether this poem applies to your past or not...it is deep and moving...once again, you seem to have a keen sense of a myriad of emotions put forth into words...keep up with the good work!