warning for friends on Facebook


New Member
Jan 7, 2007
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There is a person pretending to be Mrs. Bebonang on facebook but it isn't her... her real facebook profile has FishVille on it. The fake one was just started on November 13th. Don't add the person, they say that "officer Sam" gave them a $150,000.00 in exchange for them giving him $1,000.00 for processing and stuff. If it doesn't come from the Bebonang with fishville then it isn't her! the officer Sam said he started working with the Hearing Deaf alliance sweepstakes or lottery commission worldwide and that from a list of screen names mine was one selected from this website as a contact to be awarded money to, don't go for it.
I hate that they picked on us on this website and took it to facebook to try to do and that it happened to Mrs. Bebonang.... it's a bad scam
There is a person pretending to be Mrs. Bebonang on facebook but it isn't her... her real facebook profile has FishVille on it. The fake one was just started on November 13th. Don't add the person, they say that "officer Sam" gave them a $150,000.00 in exchange for them giving him $1,000.00 for processing and stuff. If it doesn't come from the Bebonang with fishville then it isn't her! the officer Sam said he started working with the Hearing Deaf alliance sweepstakes or lottery commission worldwide and that from a list of screen names mine was one selected from this website as a contact to be awarded money to, don't go for it.
I hate that they picked on us on this website and took it to facebook to try to do and that it happened to Mrs. Bebonang.... it's a bad scam

I have had the same thing, luckily I noticed it before most of my friends but they are using the same name and profile picture. Very hard to explain to non-technical people.
I had the same thing happen to me. Someone copied my profile and sent an email out to many of my friends about winning some money, etc etc. My friends and I have reported the fake profile to FB but they still haven't taken it down - it's been almost 2 weeks. The fake profile says I have grandchildren - yeah right.
that's why I give people the web address to my facebook instead of my name... if the web address of a profile don't match up, it's not me :)

although I do know that people create a new FB profile.
I did notice that. I know of it happening to 2 others here on AD. DeafSkeptic and SallyLou.
I know a friend who had to delete his account after someone had pretended to be him. I knew it wasn't him, nor was that his style. Had to report it immediately.
I just got one in my Email from FB. I know its not the same person ( Bebonang) from AD. Its the same picture that's on my friends list here.
This happened to my aunt! O.o Is this triggered toward deaf people or something? That's just messed up.
Thank you, Steph. Yes, it had happened to me before and now it is happening again. I don't want to delete facebook because I love to play FishVille and have fun taking care of fishes in the aquariums (three aquariums, very happy). I don't know how to clean up this mess on my profile. I checked on my search engine in facebook and now I see there is only one profile of myself. So that mean someone has deleted the fake profile for me. I am not the expert on how to clean up the facebook if I want to continue using it for facebook games. Also I like to chat with some of my family members and friends. It is really sad that this continue to happen. What are we going to do? :(
I posted a message on the fake Bebonang page telling people that is was not real. I hope it was removed. sorry that this happened to you.
should sue to Facebook is wil fault strike! many complain frustrated on people terrible screw up system! something serious! that is waste of time! that is fake trick not good! that is finest charge will legal will more update security implementation fake!
yeah I had seen that happening to friends so few had to quit facebook cuz of the problem with privacy on facebook and hackers are trying harder to screw up everyone's profiles on facebook so gonna delete who did that to me cuz I am not in mood to play games on facebook ;)
A friend of mine had this happen ... turns out the culprit was an angry jealous ex. Facebook wasn't the only place mimicked. AIM, Yahoo Messenger, and another deaf forum were used. The person even posted pictures.

That person is currently being investigated for a plethora of other fraudulent activities.