Want to Know More about "Joe the Plumber?" Read This...

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Hear Again

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Jan 21, 2005
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Hi everyone,

Given McCain's repeated references to "Joe the Plumber" in last night's debate, I thought I'd post an interesting news article I read on my Roadrunner account. (Sorry, I don't have any direct links. For those of you who have Roadrunner, you can see the story in today's news links.)

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Here's the story...

'Joe the Plumber' says he has no plumbing licensePublished - Oct 16 2008 03:17PM CDT | AP
By JOHN SEEWER - Associated Press Writer
Joe the Plumber said Thursday he doesn't have a license and doesn't need one. Joe Wurzelbacher, better known as Joe the Plumber, the nickname Republican John McCain bestowed on him during Wednesday's presidential debate, said he works for a small plumbing company that does residential work. Because he works for someone else, he doesn't need a license, he said.

But the county Wurzelbacher and his employer live in, Lucas County, requires plumbers to have licenses. Neither Wurzelbacher nor his employer are licensed there, said Cheryl Schimming of Lucas County Building Regulations, which handles plumber licenses in parts of the county outside Toledo.

Wurzelbacher, who voted in the Republican primary and indicated he backed McCain, was cited by the GOP presidential candidate as an example of someone who wants to buy a plumbing business but would be hurt by Democrat Barack Obama's tax plans. Wurzelbacher said he was surprised that his name was mentioned so many other times.

"That bothered me. I wished that they had talked more about issues that are important to Americans," he told reporters gathered outside his home.

Wurzelbacher, 34, said he doesn't have a good plan put together on how he would buy Newell Plumbing and Heating in nearby Toledo.

He said the business consists of owner Al Newell and him. Wurzelbacher said he's worked there for six years and that the two have talked about his taking it over at some point.

"There's a lot I've got to learn," he said.

Wurzelbacher said he started his day with an early morning workout and came back to his suburban Toledo home to do live interviews with TV networks.

Reporters camped out by his house overnight and by midmorning there were 21 people on his driveway surrounding him, holding cameras and notebooks.

Wurzelbacher said he's feeling overwhelmed.
He's nothing but a Republican plant and yet more proof that John McCain is going to continue to rely on gimmicks from now until November 4th.
McCain really knows how to pick 'em, doesn't he?:P
This whole thing is crazy! LOL!
I think this issues is funny... I doesn't mean to laugh at Joe but McCain!!!!!!!!! Please accept my apology if you think it's not funny for laugh at McCain...

I can understand how Joe feel after learn that his name was mentioned in final debate several times by McCain... McCain made him feel hypothetical media star... I really feel sorry for Joe because of his harmless questions over tax issues to Obama for few minutes.

How really stupid McCain is!!!! Joe doesn't have a liescne to buy/own a business YET... McCain should use the owner of small businesses as an example instead of Joe...
I'm wondering either Joe know/understand that the $250,000 limit or more under Obama's plan is net income, not gross revenue? It would be less than $250,000 after spending expenses (pay wages to their employees, plus their expenses, etc.)

I'm having a hard time understand why anyone concern over their earn $250,000 net income... why upset when they know there're only 3% difference to increase the tax on $250,000 or more...net income after spending... 3% is not much... :shrug:

Middle class people don't earn $250,000 but under $100,000 gross revenue... I doubt either many small business owners earn $250,000 gross revenue or not?

If Joe make $250,000 or more under Obama's plan then he would get richer thru middle class people because they are able to afford to order Joe to do his job for them... :ty: tax break for middle class people...

Unfortunlately, without liescne, Joe can't earn $250,000 or more... It's sad that Joe don't know that Obama is better choice.

I would not crying over 3% tax increase on $250,000 or more when I were Joe or small business owners because I rather to see my tax go to help middle class and poor class people and also improve economy over war issues...
...I'm having a hard time understand why anyone concern over their earn $250,000 net income... why upset when they know there're only 3% difference to increase the tax on $250,000 or more...net income after spending... 3% is not much....
Only 3%? That equals $7,500 each year, or $75,000 plus lost interest or investment value after 10 years. That's a lot of money to me.
He's nothing but a Republican plant and yet more proof that John McCain is going to continue to rely on gimmicks from now until November 4th.
How was Joe "planted?" I thought Obama came into Joe's neighborhood?
Only 3%? That equals $7,500 each year, or $75,000 plus lost interest or investment value after 10 years. That's a lot of money to me.

Its proportionate. To someone making 100,000 dollars a year it would be much more of a loss than to someone netting a quarter of a million. That's the whole point. Who does the tax system hurt the most, and who does it benefit the most?
Only 3%? That equals $7,500 each year, or $75,000 plus lost interest or investment value after 10 years. That's a lot of money to me.

I recall about you were upset to pay more taxes instead of tax refund, usually from IRS.

Obama is great point for middle class, time for them to break from high tax rate in 8 years or little more.

I bet you will going to be thankful after Obama win and change the tax policies, you could get tax refund instead of pay more taxes to IRS.

My parent is middle class, in 90's, they pay fairly average tax rate and got some tax refund but in 2000's, they are feel like pay more taxes and doesn't get tax refund since 6 or 7 years ago.
Economy -- The Myth of 'Joe The Plumber'

Last weekend, Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) visited a quiet neighborhood outside Toledo, OH, and ran into a man named Samuel J. Wurzelbacher. Wurzelbacher, known as "Joe," asked Obama if he believed in the American Dream and expressed his concern about having to pay higher taxes should he fulfill his desire to own a small plumbing business. "I'm getting ready to buy a company that makes $250,000 to $280,000 a year," he told Obama. "Your new tax plan is going to tax me more, isn't it?" Obama explained that his tax plan is premised on the idea that "if the economy's good for folks from the bottom up, it's gonna be good for everybody. If you've got a plumbing business, you're going to be better off if you've got a whole bunch of customers who can afford to hire you." Obama then added, "I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody." Wurzelbacher became an instant conservative hero. Right-wing media immediately latched on to him -- who called Obama's economic plan "socialist" -- and Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) quickly jumped on the bandwagon, lionizing "Joe the Plumber" in the final presidential debate last Wednesday. "What you want to do to Joe the Plumber and millions more like him is have their taxes increased and not be able to realize the American Dream of owning their own business," McCain said to Obama. But the reality is far different. In fact, a progressive tax policy is exactly how "millions" like "Joe the Plumber" can realize the American Dream -- a concept that McCain once understood years ago.

Click the headline to read more and rest of today's Progress Report!

[My comment regarding this article: I would love to see Clinton Economic of 90's be brought back on track which Bush derailed it. We PROSPERED in the 90's! Bush threw it all away.]
Its proportionate. To someone making 100,000 dollars a year it would be much more of a loss than to someone netting a quarter of a million. That's the whole point. Who does the tax system hurt the most, and who does it benefit the most?
Who are we to judge how people want to spend their hard-earned dollars? How do you know what percentage of money would "hurt" someone? Also, since when is the purpose of income taxes to "hurt" people? Is the government supposed to punish people for earning more money?
I recall about you were upset to pay more taxes instead of tax refund, usually from IRS.

Obama is great point for middle class, time for them to break from high tax rate in 8 years or little more.

I bet you will going to be thankful after Obama win and change the tax policies, you could get tax refund instead of pay more taxes to IRS.

My parent is middle class, in 90's, they pay fairly average tax rate and got some tax refund but in 2000's, they are feel like pay more taxes and doesn't get tax refund since 6 or 7 years ago.
No, Obama's tax policies would not help us. We are self-employed, and we would still have to pay taxes. Also, because many of Hubby's customers might have to pay more taxes, they might also cut back on Hubby's services, so our income could go down.
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