Wal-Mart Stores to cease layaway service

yup!! my mom call wal fart this morning... sheesh i want layway BACKKK!!!
Well, blame the ones who don't do their part. It's not your fault... just happens to a high percentage of people.

It's like me. I'm often thought to be inconsiderate because of how the other deaf students here at NTID act. The one thing many students here do is... believe the first thing they hear. As a result, there are rumors and gossiping going around all the time and people try putting me in the middle. Because of that, hearing people have less trust in me because of the bad experience they had with other deaf students. :(
Thanks to those people who didn't pay on time. We get no layaways cuz of them. That's unfair, they should just not allowing those who don't pay on time to put anything in layaways. Why didn't they do that?
I actually think that it's better to just save money than to do layaway.

One time, I wanted to get a bunch of games and buy a couple of game systems. Even though they already came out, I knew they would be around for a long time and that the price would remain the same for a long time.

So, I got a few envelopes and labeled them with something like... "Dreamcast Games", "N64 Games", "Playstation Games", etc... (this was years ago before I moved to New York.

As I received my paychecks, I would put $10 in each envelope. I got paid bi-weekly, so it would take me a couple months before I got another game. Since they slowed down on the sales of Dreamcast games and there was nothing else for me to buy, I took the money from that envelope and split it to other envelopes. I stopped when I came to New York.
lol wild

i rarely used layaways sometimes i have to but not lot smile
i am saving money lalal for christmas i am plan to do early christmas shopping once a time with like 3 ppl a time not ALL no
huh? i am shock to hear that.. gee.. i hate that.. i need it back.. i will find out
I am Walmart associate and do not know why they decided to close all Layaway. I will find out why later.
I am Walmart associate and do not know why they decided to close all Layaway. I will find out why later.

they said that not many people put stuffs on layaway thats why they stopped doing that. and its getting EXPENSIVE they said!!!! jeez.. thats bullshit.. i dont believe them!

I will use kmart as they still use layaway option for people. walmart is stupid to stop the layaway option.. :roll: at them!
i think they are stupid to make the decision to close layaway. we are hundred of thousand associates who possibly upset with whom decision and hope to get it back in future. Because of Sam Walton's tradition layaway should stay! i know walmart earns enough billions dollars sales each year. I feel like i can't do without layaway. i think they are crazy to say expensive. damn!
my thread is just to let people know HOW many days they have till christmas to put stuffs on layaway.. thats all.. but why merge with other thread?? i just want to let everyone know to hurry and use layaway thats all? sigh..
I never using layaway but my mom did for christmas in late 80's until early 90's.
World War IV I See...LMAO!!


LOL! I wanted to do that just once.

November 19? That's release date for Nintendo Wii. It means bad news for my sister if she planning to get it for me in christmas day. She always put her husband's and son's Star Wars toys in layaway until payday so she could afford them. She always pay on time. My mom paid the layaway last week when she got her payday check.

Thank you for news. I will pass it to my sister.

Fuck Wal-Marts and stupid so-called customers for mess up the layaways.