VP via Computer...Questions



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VP via Computer

I hope u guys know what I am trying to say or understand what I typed abt! Due to my sort of poor english! :lol:

Umm... I just simple like to see how ur feelings abt either VP or Computer of what u have been using the most..... and few others that I like to ask some....

1) How often have u been using VP?

2) How often have u been using Computer? Meaning only for IMs: AIM, Yahoo, MSN..and etc.... for chatting only.

3) Do u think if use alot of time on VP, will be less for email in computer?

4) Or more on emails than VP....

5) OR Both same?

For reason why I ask was cuz of someone told me that there will be less emails and more on VP! I did not like to hear of that for reason cuz email was the best and help our english writing...etc as well as others who do not have VP but not that freaking chain letters or anything like junks at all!! That what I had plms with someone and man, that idiot person just removed my email address cuz thinkg I was wrong abt chain letters is hoax which is true! Geez! Finally, I just let it go and let that person have his/her plms, not me as I did try to warn... oh well!

Anyway, that is my opinion abt that..... so just wonder abt yours?

However, one thing.... I would like to stay on topic and dont be bashing......this is just simple questions...just wonder is all, alright?

Thank you very much!! :) :ty:
Well if there is no more email then it would be hard to contact someone on vp becuase it is only for one person at a time. The only way to let the other know that you are trying to reach that person is thru aim or email.

I am using both and I like it that way. I want to see to stay that way. There is other reason for emailing is for hearing familes that ppl may have or business. So I dont think it will declining of using the emails.
Email or AIM perfect if you can't reach somebody or not know where the particular person is... While VP can be good if that particular person is at where the VP is, PLUS another advantage is if need clarification, though VP much easier than E mail or AIM. So, either way is fine with me and I use any way I can. :-D
I use both!! Nothing that make me stop doing the email. Some deafies dont have vp. So I email them.
Well, I use both of computer and VP. I just got a vp myself since one month ago. Still same, It won't be different, I still need computer because need more information and emails to anyone my resume for a job hunting and etc.
That my exactly thoughs, too.... I used both but I use my computer mostly anyway cuz I always use it for search... research for my own personal... as well as email all the time.. etc..
I almost never use cpu, only at work... I always VP with my parents and some serious situation such as bank, SSI, or all bs... If I wanna order food then use AIM cuz VRS isnt good listen what I wanna order food...