Video sign practice!


New Member
Sep 10, 2007
Reaction score
Hello everyone,

As I search for ways to practice signing I began to wonder if there were people (deaf or hearing) on this forum who would be interested in signing to each other via webcam. I even considered asking for some CI's to set up a tutor service that I would be willing to pay for (when extra cash was available) for some webcam one-on-one tutoring. I hope this does not violate the terms of use policy for the forum...if so please problem!! I just need practice!!

My Skype name is JonRobrt and I have a logitech webcam and a broadband connection....

Thanks and I hope to meet some new signers!!!

I would love to sign with you! I need all the practice I can get as well. I am pretty active in the Deaf community here and am hoh. Feel free to PM me!
Thanks Erica, Currently I am having trouble with my modem (I only have wireless!) so, once I get that resolved I will PM you. I have to say, you are WAY above my skill level! I would be worried that I might impede your progress or that you would find signing with me B-O-R-I-N-G! Thanks for the reply!!

Have a great weekend, John
OKAY! My new cable modem is up and running!!! Feel free to Skype me if you want to sign:-0)
