[Video] Cochlear Implant joke


Active Member
Mar 26, 2003
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Please do not take this as offensive. it's a humor thing...

Oh man..that was funny. It looked like it was taken about 15 years ago?
Oh man..that was funny. It looked like it was taken about 15 years ago?

don't ask... i got that thru chained email so i post it on youtube in order to post in here... Just wondering how can I post video from my files?
That video is lame. No implantees EVER get shocks or can't swim because of shocks or anything. Nada. It's hard to relate to the humor because I have one and I know what it's like to have it. That video is totally ignorant of what cochlear implant is.

I don't mind jokes against cochlear implants but that one is lame. Totally. The video is funny only to those who don't understand cochlear implants.
That video is lame. No implantees EVER get shocks or can't swim because of shocks or anything. Nada. It's hard to relate to the humor because I have one and I know what it's like to have it. That video is totally ignorant of what cochlear implant is.

I don't mind jokes against cochlear implants but that one is lame. Totally. The video is funny only to those who don't understand cochlear implants.

I think it was taken 15 years ago judging the style of the clothing. If that's the case, then it would make sense for 15 or so years ago when we were all not so informed about CIs like we are today.

I think it is funny not because I dont understand CIs...just how goofy the actors were.
Yeah, I'd say probably after Bill Clinton was accused of having an affair. :)
It was happen in last 15 years ago, that old...
That video is lame. No implantees EVER get shocks or can't swim because of shocks or anything. Nada. It's hard to relate to the humor because I have one and I know what it's like to have it. That video is totally ignorant of what cochlear implant is.

I don't mind jokes against cochlear implants but that one is lame. Totally. The video is funny only to those who don't understand cochlear implants.

I agree.
It was happen in last 15 years ago, that old...

Yea, I kinda suspected that cuz we are much more informed about CIs nowadays and it would be silly if deaf people made a video like that now. 15 years ago, it makes sense.
I liked it. I thought it was funny, not "die from laughing" kind of laugh, but still funny.

Humor is good.
it's funny, and yeah it is an old joke.. when Ci's weren't as well understood as they are today, so i don't see why it should be removed.