Utah: Law enforcement using Tasers as less lethal option



From Salt Lake Tribune @ http://www.sltribune.com/2004/Jul/07112004/utah/182655.asp

Electronic incapacitators -- commonly known by the brand name trademarked by Arizona-based Taser International -- look similar to typical police sidearms. Instead of bullets, however, the weapons fire two barbed probes up to 21 feet. The probes release 50,000 volts of electricity, enough to send a physically fit adult to the floor, writhing in pain
Brandishing similar anecdotes and equipped with statistics compiled by Taser International, law enforcement officials across Utah are arming their officers with incapacitators. Dozens of agencies have all or some of their patrol officers equipped with stun guns. Many more say they'd like to get on board, if they could afford it.
The American Civil Liberties Union and Taser International have waged a high-profile debate over whether the use of incapacitators has been a factor in scores of deaths nationwide. Taser International maintains those who died were high on drugs or had other health problems such that any physical confrontation could have ended their lives.
There is no statewide standard for officers to be equipped with stun guns. The Utah police academy offers no classes in the use of electronic incapacitators.
Read the whole article at the link provided above.
That wounds like a good idea. However, there are still risks... of course, guns have risks too. :dunno: