US policeman used Taser on 72-year-old woman

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this old lady reminds of of an episode of COPS in Atlanta. old lady wear a ski cap was pulled over for speeding. instead of signing the ticket and fighting it in court she starts threatening the cops. "my son is gonna kill you. he is gonna kill you ALL." than she figured out what a dumbass ass she was and started crying an said "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me, I'm really a nice jewish girl and never behave like this". her tammy fay baker make up was streaming down he cheeks.

it was a riot. :rofl:

almost as funny as the male truck in the leopard print bikini and high heels :rofl:
Not if a policeman do it right. There are several ways to subdue her without hurting her. Darkdog had mentioned the martial art practice of Aikido. I think the Aikido wrist lock moves are the option way to subdue her without injury. I've performed few moves of Aikido. I know the move would look bad for media, but at least she will be fine. If she were a man, the story would be different. Kathryn Winkfein on the local news (it's stationed in Austin, TX) stated that she described her taser scars to the news reporter. I think she'll go to the court in this late June, but there was no mention of the court date.

Exactly. The whole point is that the officer used excessive force against an older woman who was accused of nothing more than a traffic violation.
It IS always dangerous to drive 60+ mph. It's a risk for you to take and the state allows you to do so but it carries with hefty fines and penalty if you do not drive it safely.

Wrong. You might want to check on that. :)

I already have, Jiro. Perhaps you should check the laws Reckless operation is a separate charge that has its own criterion.

Perhaps it is unsafe for you to always drive 60 mph, Grandma Jiro, but I can do so quite safely, thank you. And my nearly 40 years of driving record supports it.
OIC. We should all drive 35 no matter what the speed limit is, because Grandma Jiro says it is a safe speed. Right.:lol:

how about obey the speed limit? The speed limit is 45, not 60. Driving much slower than speed limit is also illegal. :)

and that's why highways have 3 lanes - Fast, Passing, and Slow. For teens and elders - please stay on safe lane. Leave the fast lane open for those who can drive it safely.
I already have, Jiro. Perhaps you should check the laws Reckless operation is a separate charge that has its own criterion.

great. now you should understand that the cop can charge you with multiple violations at same time. You can drive fast and be charged for speeding and reckless driving or unsafe driving. Of course - you may say that's bs but that's what the court is for... to contest it.
Perhaps it is unsafe for you to always drive 60 mph, Grandma Jiro, but I can do so quite safely, thank you. And my nearly 40 years of driving record supports it.

so are you allowed to speed 60 on 45 because of your 40 years of experience?
this old lady reminds of of an episode of COPS in Atlanta. old lady wear a ski cap was pulled over for speeding. instead of signing the ticket and fighting it in court she starts threatening the cops. "my son is gonna kill you. he is gonna kill you ALL." than she figured out what a dumbass ass she was and started crying an said "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me, I'm really a nice jewish girl and never behave like this". her tammy fay baker make up was streaming down he cheeks.

it was a riot. :rofl:

almost as funny as the male truck in the leopard print bikini and high heels :rofl:

Saw that one...woman definately had some mental issues. Point being, cops stayed calm and in control. They did not have to resort to tazering or shooting the poor woman.
Exactly. The whole point is that the officer used excessive force against an older woman who was accused of nothing more than a traffic violation.

the additional amount of force was used because she was argumentative, combative, resisting arrest.
Saw that one...woman definately had some mental issues. Point being, cops stayed calm and in control. They did not have to resort to tazering or shooting the poor woman.

because the poor woman did not resist arrest or get physically combative. :)
the additional amount of force was used because she was argumentative, combative, resisting arrest.

It was excessive. Lesser means could have accomplished the same goal.
because the poor woman did not resist arrest or get physically combative. :)

Yes, she did. Perhaps you should view the episode before determining what did and did not occur.
Where exactly did you get that? You are really reaching now.

see back your post. We're talking about driving 60mph illegally on 45mph.... not 60mph speed limit on highway. Please try to stay on topic.

Since you're preaching about it's possible to drive safely at 60 mph..... is that ok to speed 60 mph safely even on 45 mph speed limit?
Yes, she did. Perhaps you should view the episode before determining what did and did not occur.

ok. i will need further information on that episode. what season and episode? I don't watch COPS.
great. now you should understand that the cop can charge you with multiple violations at same time. You can drive fast and be charged for speeding and reckless driving or unsafe driving. Of course - you may say that's bs but that's what the court is for... to contest it.

You can also drive 15 mph below the speed limit and be charged with reckless operation. The point is, the woman was being charged with a speeding violation, not a reckless op violation. You just keep trying to trump up charges against her to support your belief that 72 year old drivers need to be tazed for violating traffic laws.
You can also drive 15 mph below the speed limit and be charged with reckless operation. The point is, the woman was being charged with a speeding violation, not a reckless op violation. You just keep trying to trump up charges against her to support your belief that 72 year old drivers need to be tazed for violating traffic laws.

trump up charges? but i'm not a cop :lol:

My belief was that the cop had to subdue her by any means he can since she was physically combative and argumentative. She was a NON-COMPLIANT driver.

can you show me any link that the officer is charged with using excessive force?
how about obey the speed limit? The speed limit is 45, not 60. Driving much slower than speed limit is also illegal. :)

and that's why highways have 3 lanes - Fast, Passing, and Slow. For teens and elders - please stay on safe lane. Leave the fast lane open for those who can drive it safely.

And which lane would be determined to be the "safe" lane, Jiro? :lol: BTW, she wasn't on a 3 lane interstate.
trump up charges? but i'm not a cop :lol:

My belief was that the cop had to subdue her by any means he can since she was physically combative and argumentative. She was a NON-COMPLIANT driver.

Your second statement has a great deal to do with the fact that we are all very grateful that you aren't a cop.:giggle:
And which lane would be determined to be the "safe" lane, Jiro? :lol: BTW, she wasn't on a 3 lane interstate.

Right-side lane is always the safe lane. I thought you would know because of your 40-years driving experience :)
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