US Gunowners But 14 Million Guns in 2009


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May 26, 2004
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I ran across this article and it made my eyes go wide, lol. It says that we USA citizens have bought more guns than the world's 21 standing armies combined. Whoa. But I am not sure if they are NEW gun owners or what. I personally know of people selling guns to other people, and no record is kept, so I wonder how accurate this article is.

USA Buys 14 Million+ Guns In 2009 - More Than 21 of the Worlds Standing Armies

Personally I am not too concerned about being invaded by another country and will sleep soundly tonight. :lol:
Mods, could you please change the word "But" to "Buy" in the title? Whoops.
not surprised. USA! :cool2:
That's been going on since before Obama got sworn in as President and it will continue until his administration decides otherwise how to deal with civilians owning handguns.

That's been going on since before Obama got sworn in as President and it will continue until his administration decides otherwise how to deal with civilians owning handguns.


Obama is the gun salesman of the year!
Like what Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto once said during the World War 2, "You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass." :cool2: That was in 1940's and he was still right to this date.
That shows proof that crime actually drops! Yes, the crimes has dropped lately.

That is because criminals are now likely suspect that victim may have guns so don't want to risk of getting shot.

If guns are outlaws, criminals will KNOW you are not likely to have gun so fuck you.

England now has very strict gun law, their crimes has skyrocketed, even toward to cops because cops are not even allowed to have guns.
That shows proof that crime actually drops! Yes, the crimes has dropped lately.

That is because criminals are now likely suspect that victim may have guns so don't want to risk of getting shot.

If guns are outlaws, criminals will KNOW you are not likely to have gun so fuck you.

England now has very strict gun law, their crimes has skyrocketed, even toward to cops because cops are not even allowed to have guns.

That is what happens when liberal hippies run the country.
Like what Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto once said during the World War 2, "You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass." :cool2: That was in 1940's and he was still right to this date.

False quote.

Misquoting Yamamoto |

U.S. mainland by a fear of American citizens with guns in their closets. They frequently quote Japan’s Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto as saying: "You cannot invade mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind each blade of grass."

But this quote is unsubstantiated and almost certainly bogus, even though it has been repeated thousands of times in various Internet postings. There is no record of the commander in chief of Japan’s wartime fleet ever saying it.

How do we know? We contacted Donald M. Goldstein, sometimes called "the dean of Pearl Harbor historians." Among his many books are "The Pearl Harbor Papers: Inside the Japanese Plans" (1993) and the best-selling "At Dawn We Slept: The Untold Story of Pearl Harbor" (1981). He is a professor at the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Pittsburgh. He told us the supposed Yamamoto quote is "bogus."

In an exchange of e-mails he said:

Prof. Goldstein: I have never seen it in writing. It has been attributed to the Prange files [the files of the late Gordon W. Prange, chief historian on the staff of Gen. Douglas MacArthur] but no one had ever seen it or cited it from where they got it. Some people say that it came from our work but I never said it. … As of today it is bogus until someone can cite when and where.

We included this in an update to an Ask FactCheck item we posted May 10, debunking an error-filled "gun history lesson" circulating by e-mail.

We make no argument either for or against gun ownership. But we do object to fabricating quotes and passing them off as historical fact.
Sorry, souggy, he still said it. Each blade of grass is cutting it close, though, so I imagine he meant behind every tree. :D
Sorry, souggy, he still said it. Each blade of grass is cutting it close, though, so I imagine he meant behind every tree. :D

Nice humour. :)

I only found it fishy because... 1940s... Damn that was a time when everyone in the Soviet Union had a rifle, or everyone in Japan had a handgun or a sword... and so on. Yet Japan was crazy enough to try and invade the USSR once in the 1930s. :hmm:
I get what you mean, souggy, except the part where he cannot decide between a handgun and a sword. No wonder they lost. :P
But really, the survviing veterans of WWII brought back a passion...Guns! Yay.
Okay, but another Japanese General Kuribayashi has it says, "The United States is the last country in the world that Japan should fight." Because of the USA of its population, factories, and 2nd Amendment.

Misquote or not, those ones who has been to the United States of America are well educated when it comes to the war. No country will ever want to invade the mainland of the United States of America unless they do stupid thing to do and know the casualties will be high for them.
Okay, but another Japanese General Kuribayashi has it says, "The United States is the last country in the world that Japan should fight." Because of the USA of its population, factories, and 2nd Amendment.

Misquote or not, those ones who has been to the United States of America are well educated when it comes to the war. No country will ever want to invade the mainland of the United States of America unless they do stupid thing to do and know the casualties will be high for them.

That what people said about Japan... and the Soviet Union. :)

It's not the population, factories or the second amendment that makes the United States a worthy foe. It's the sheer size of the country.
The 2nd Amendment is EXACTLY how we maintain a secure free state - the right to bear arms:

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."