update on frankie

yep, thats it exactly! that and i would rather cut my arm off than lug his chubby butt around all day.

I know what you mean! When my baby got too heavy to carry on my back I used a baby carriage. I did not have a car and I walked everywhere when I lived in California. So it it would had been real cruel to made my toddler walk everywhere! When she got old enough to walk short distances I had her walk.
And that helped her to be good at track.
its ok, because my son adrian, when he was younger..totally took the neighbors dog out of its yard, and tried to sell it at the convenience store up the road. with a sign and everything..naturally, the neighbors saw this.

Ha! Bet that went well with the neighbors. :giggle:
As a special needs mom, I know firsthand about some of this. My son is now 13. We use a stroller/wheelchair because it fits well in the car. Of course, Alec has a very low intellect, so nothing bothers him. He's not as ambulatory as he used to be, but when he was younger and I took him shopping without his chair, he would usually start heading for the door as I was trying to pay for something. And oh, those lovely automatic doors just open right up...

Sadly he doesn't walk well anymore, and he's bigger too. He doesn't talk or have the ability to understand anything. He's my only child, and he is my joy. I used to wonder what I did while I was pregnant with him to make him this way. All genetic testing has come back as "normal", while he's clearly not. But after many years I focus less on the "why's" and just love him up and keep him happy. Besides, not too many 13-year olds love tickle games and snuggles and kisses from their mothers! He'll never outgrow that sweet stage of development.
wow, really?? so you know what i am talking about then!! i was starting to think i was alone!
the whole thing is just so baffling..the not eating, not talking, making very odd noises, obsessed with lights and tapping stuff..and now hes taken to hitting himself and pulling his hair even more than he was..but this morning, HIS FEEDING TUBE CAME OUT.
thank god we had a spare and that they had a nurse who had a vague idea how to get the new one in..i shouldve done it myself but i chickened out because i had never seen it done. we actually found frank an awesome stroller at babiesrus! we got him a great big jogging stroller! its ugly as anything, but its huge and it will keep him safe.
oh and he also figured out how to push open the screen door and run off. yep..i was griping at a teenager and he managed to push our cheesy door open and get off the porch and take off! he was found right in front of his "deaf child" sign, which made us look just lovely...but i was actually kind of impressed!
If I could only count the number of times we thought they'd be calling child protection against us! (Not really, of course, but Alec used to scream like I was killing him when I used to cut his hair).

Frankie sounds like a fun, adventurous child. PM me any time if you need an understanding "special mom" to talk to. :wave:
he is a lot of fun! hes a lot of work, but hes such a sweetie too. i just wish i could understand why hes doing the things he is doing. i know one thing, this forum has helped me beyond measure..when i first started posting here, we were at the very start of finding out all these things about our francis, and all the people here have had amazing advice..i dont know how i wouldve kept my sanity without them and my husband, i think! :D
If I could only count the number of times we thought they'd be calling child protection against us! (Not really, of course, but Alec used to scream like I was killing him when I used to cut his hair).

Frankie sounds like a fun, adventurous child. PM me any time if you need an understanding "special mom" to talk to. :wave:

We had DFS called on us just cause I was giving daughter a bath. She hated water in her face and I was trying to wash her hair. The way she was reacting was almost like dunking a cat in a toilet. Man, it was terrible. Lots of explaining to do when DFS and the police got there. Luckily, I had friends over at the time who were witnesses.
We had DFS called on us just cause I was giving daughter a bath. She hated water in her face and I was trying to wash her hair. The way she was reacting was almost like dunking a cat in a toilet. Man, it was terrible. Lots of explaining to do when DFS and the police got there. Luckily, I had friends over at the time who were witnesses.

that reminds me, when my sister was little, she put Morgan's head *cat* into her bowl of water and it got her all wet!!!
speak of the devil...child welfare showed up last night, i about died..obviously, everything was ok but really? what a waste of resources.
it was the lady who was driving by. but you know what? i am sooo tired of thinking frankie is delayed because of his hearing loss..it makes me wonder if people think deaf people are learning disabled just from that, or what? i am tired of having to explain that having hearing loss wont make you unable to eat, or do things most kids a year younger than you can do..people are dumb!
Wirelessly posted

dont explain it to them they dont deserve to know, if someone is truly want to know just to get to know who frankie is then go ahead explain. If idiot ask bunch of stupid questions, give them stupid answer
i should but even my own family..my sister, who has a down syndrome child who runs circles around frank, declared that the reason hes so delayed is because he cant hear..and i hear that constantly..its stupid, really.
it was the lady who was driving by. but you know what? i am sooo tired of thinking frankie is delayed because of his hearing loss..it makes me wonder if people think deaf people are learning disabled just from that, or what? i am tired of having to explain that having hearing loss wont make you unable to eat, or do things most kids a year younger than you can do..people are dumb!

Oh yesss! Story of my and many others' lives,....dumb people!

Hang in there! You are not alone.
i should but even my own family..my sister, who has a down syndrome child who runs circles around frank, declared that the reason hes so delayed is because he cant hear..and i hear that constantly..its stupid, really.

Ha! What??!!! Geez, guess I should toss my degrees in the garbage. :giggle: Didn't know I was supposed to be delayed because cannot hear. :roll:
its true, i have had a zillion people say that, and its so annoying! i mean, last time i checked, hearing loss doesnt kill your fine motor skills or your capacity to learn at a normal rate..i wonder about most people and the things they say..its pretty amazing.