Ubuntu Linux Live CD


New Member
Jun 4, 2004
Reaction score
This one rocks I can use the live CD OS to access alldeaf.com and sprint relay and many more.

We got a stack of them to hand out.

I'm very impressed that this linux os can boot from the cd and I can explore the web and the relay service offerings. This OS system frees us from
a lot of bugs that comes with Windows OS. Bye bye hard drives too this Live OS CD frees us from the need of a hard drive too.

Finally you can get your free copy of the full OS version and the Live CD OS.

U can get yours at www.ubuntu.com AND ITS WORTH A LOOK!

I heard Ubuntu is good linux distrubutions lately btw I'm going stick with Mandrake 10.1
Its really neet!

I've seen the Ubuntu Linx, we have that the offce.
Richard is right, you can find alot of stuff on there, ane the live cd is free.
It has alot of search engines too.
I am running Ubuntu Linux Live CD on my Mac, Yep, they do have a Mac version, winks. They have Firefox web browser included also GAIM messenger application, it does Yahoo, AIM, MSN and others in one client. :) Best of all, it's free!
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