Two 4th Grade Boys Charged with selling drugs!

What worries me is how do I explain drugs to my autistic son? He really has no idea about right or wrong. I could see it could be easy to make him think it was a good thing. (The wrong people anyways) Scary!

I agree. That is what worries me too about how to explain it to my autistic son as well. He's in the 4th grade.

It's definitely scary and worrisome. :Ohno:
He'll be 5 in March. Scary thing, he couldn't tell me if a bad man or woman would ask him to do things. He is just now learning ASL. Has very little verbal communication skills.

Luckily he has a big brother and sister to look out for him for now.
It is a big worry of mine with my two kids especially with the economy going downhill...more kids may turn to selling drugs just to be able to get the materialistic things they see on TV...
I think parents should be held responsible in this situation. How in Zues's ass does a 10 year old get a hold of pot? If the parents have drugs in the home, the children should be promptly removed from the home and placed with a relative that is drug free and willing to take them in and teach them right from wrong. If no relatives are available then it is automatic foster care - which is seldom any better from what I understand of the foster system.

I dont think these boys fully understood what they were doing. They probably know it was wrong but had very little thought to the consequences of it.
In all honesty, they might not have known it was wrong! If their parents sell and do drugs on a daily basis... I think the drug programs here don't start educating children until the 5/6th grades.

Look at the video games available to children now. People get shot, hang with gangs, sell drugs.. My oldest son has a game with a lot of violence. The rule in the house is he is not allowed to play it when younger children are around. My younger son, not getting the concept of right or wrong was caught "play" shooting after he saw it one time. It freaked me out!