True or Not?


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Jun 29, 2007
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I got a question about sense of smell. It's it true that someone with hearing lost has a stronger sense of smell than someone who don't have a hearing lost?
I would say that it probably isn't technically any stronger, but the deaf person might be more aware of the sense of smell because they use it to compensate in some ways for the lack of auditory stimulation. Just a case of using it more than perhaps a hearing person would.
I would say that it depends on the sensory loss and that person's preference for wanting to be more aware of his/her surroundings. :dunno:
I would say that it probably isn't technically any stronger, but the deaf person might be more aware of the sense of smell because they use it to compensate in some ways for the lack of auditory stimulation. Just a case of using it more than perhaps a hearing person would.

You might be right jillio.I can smell gas from my stove but no one in my house can smell it,so I was told because of my hearing lost I am able to have a stronger sense of smell. :dunno:
I think it is true. I always smell things a lot more than other members of my family who are hearing. I keep insisting and when they think they can eventually smell it too.
I believe it is true too. I could always smell something that others around me couldn't. My Deaf friend told me of an incident recently at the chicken plant, she had smelled gas in the plant, she asked her co-worker/helper about it. The co-worker/helper realised about it and alerted the managers. They found a leak on the gas line.
Kinda True!! My hearing Sibling and I were at somewhere… I always first said what smell is? :giggle:
This is why wanted to ask ADers,To try to find out if its true and it seems like it might be true and that I am not nuts.:giggle:
pepsi lover you not nuts :giggle:

my mom who is hearing can smell gas i can't smell it once my mom smell gas at blood lab when i went in for blood test one nurse there did smell it but not other nurses there.
i did not smell it weird heh

normal for hearing have 5 senses: audio, visual, touch, taste and smell
Each are 20% function in brain. Once one is miss such as audio that never use much. It cause other 4 function increase 5% more which mean, all are 25% each.

More we see, touch, taste and smell. Sometime, I felt we, deaf, see more.
I know Jillio and Vampy are right that the heightened sense of smell for lots of deafies is subjective. In my case, as I became progressively deafer, the accuracy of my sense of smell increased.

My boss is so impressed with my sensitive nose that he has me walk through our bee yard and hive sites just to sniff out the early stages of "foul brood," a condition where we have to burn the colony, hive boxes and all.
I know Jillio and Vampy are right that the heightened sense of smell for lots of deafies is subjective. In my case, as I became progressively deafer, the accuracy of my sense of smell increased.

My boss is so impressed with my sensitive nose that he has me walk through our bee yard and hive sites just to sniff out the early stages of "foul brood," a condition where we have to burn the colony, hive boxes and all.

The wonders of human adaptation! Ain't it grand?
I have a poor sense of smell so I'm afraid my deafness hasn't sharpened my sense of smell.
I guess I never really noticed about my sense of smell being heightened for me, although I have always been aware that certain senses over-compensate for a missing or limited sense. In my case, it's the sense of feel. I can be laying in bed and not facing the door yet know that someone is walking in the room just by feeling that slight vibration. Same as my cat purring on the other end of the couch, I can feel that reverbrating throughout the couch. And so on. I'm sure most of you can relate.
I believe it is true too. I could always smell something that others around me couldn't. My Deaf friend told me of an incident recently at the chicken plant, she had smelled gas in the plant, she asked her co-worker/helper about it. The co-worker/helper realised about it and alerted the managers. They found a leak on the gas line.

Should that happen I'll just sniff the air and then yell out - SHE'S GONNA BLOW!!! :rofl:
Thank you jillio and moonflower for confirming that I am not nuts :giggle:

normal for hearing have 5 senses: audio, visual, touch, taste and smell
Each are 20% function in brain. Once one is miss such as audio that never use much. It cause other 4 function increase 5% more which mean, all are 25% each.

More we see, touch, taste and smell. Sometime, I felt we, deaf, see more.

That makes a lot of sense, thank PowerOn.
I used to have a strong sense of smell, but I lost the strength of smell when I underwent anaesthetic for an operation. Realised I lost some of it afterward.
I can smell rain coming before it actually rains. Also smoke/bush fires.