Traveling With Friends

We are planning on a road trip. We all have to make an agreement where to go, pretty much we all agreed where to stop to rest, where to stay etc... gonna be super fun since four of them never been to West! (my youngest, Z, three other friends). :) My family are so excited that I am coming out! OH boy!!! Cuz of Z! I don't blame them ha ha!

MOst important is, make a agreement before trip begins. Highlight the map, write down a list where you want to go see, etc. For eating out, it tough part. We'll have to agree where to eat...
My good friend and I went to LV for the Deaf Nation World Expo and we had no problem in agreeing on our itinerary beforehand. We went to some shows or sightseeing together. We went to the World Expo separately because we could meet our old friends from our Gally times. At one time he went out to church with his Baptist friends as I went to Bellagio's to watch and take video of the Dancing Water fountain. After Bellagio's, I met Jiro and few other ADers when they walked from the pool at Treasure Island Hotel and Casino.

In the end we thanked at each other for being an excellent travel companion. We are going to Dominican Republic along with other two friends next year or so.

I went to Australia alone two years ago and I had to make plans and itinerary with my friends in Sydney, Melbourne and Tasmania first. It is important to expect what 's ahead of you. For example, my friend in Tasmania, insisted me to book a flight from Melbourne that arrived at Lanceston before 4 p.m.; otherwise, she would not picked me up until next day a.m. Know why? So many animals such as kangaroos and wombats tend to cross the highways starting at evening time so she wanted to avoid colliding with any of them.

It is always important to discuss and agree the itinerary beforehand first, so it will be a great result in the end.
A good friend and I have taken a lot of trips, often at the very last minute. Last minute as in..."Hey- I have an idea! Road trip! Let's drive across the country." Friend: "Hell, yeah!" And the next day we would take off- we were such good friends that we knew we could trust one another in not getting screwed over with money, etc. I miss those days.
Hello Everyone, How are you?? Hope you are very well everything .. I am deaf and from From India.. I worked Travel Agency of the Deaf " DEAF TRAVEL INDIA & NEPAL" Traveller deaf will come to India.. you will contact me.. and Skype : deaftourindia. Facebook : Deaf Travel India & Nepal..

Thank you
Gaurav Arora