To All Canadians


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Nov 30, 2006
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HAPPY THANKSGIVING DAY!!!!! October 11, 2010

I hope you have a good weekend and be safe on the roads wherever you are going whether family gathering or have feast with friends.

I want to give thanks for my health and families including friends. Peace! :wave:
*waits for Canadian jokes*

Seriously though, didn't know today was their 'Thanksgiving Day' or whatever.
*waits for Canadian jokes*

Seriously though, didn't know today was their 'Thanksgiving Day' or whatever.

Actually, it suppose to be on Monday but Canadians can decide if they want to have Thanksgiving feast during the weekend before or on that day (Monday).

It is the same like USA people who are celebrating Thanksgiving in November. :wave:
Happy Thanksgiving to all the crazy Canucks in here.. heheh yeah that includes me!! So there.. hope that today gonna be a good day feast-wise!! hehehe!!!
Tonight is going to be the last night for Thanksgiving feast, so I hope you all have a good time eating the food and probably feel full and sleepy. I want to thank the Creator for giving me life as I am happy to be deaf no matter what. I don't want to be told that I have to hear so I am happy to be me. That is all for the night here. See you. :wave:
I often wonder if the Thanksgiving feast is the same as Amercians'. lol

(Happy Thanksgiving! :) )
Wirelessly posted

deafbajagal said:
I often wonder if the Thanksgiving feast is the same as Amercians'. lol

(Happy Thanksgiving! :) )


Thanksgiving is meant to replace the harvest festivals they had in Europe, so really-- Thanksgiving is meant to mark the end of a growing season. For farmers here, it's either the October Thanksgiving or Halloween when the summer crops stop growing.
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I often wonder if the Thanksgiving feast is the same as Amercians'. lol

(Happy Thanksgiving! :) )

Agree with you! Different month and different day. :roll:

The Thanksgiving feast is the same like USA, no big difference. :)
Wirelessly posted


Thanksgiving is meant to replace the harvest festivals they had in Europe, so really-- Thanksgiving is meant to mark the end of a growing season. For farmers here, it's either the October Thanksgiving or Halloween when the summer crops stop growing.

That is true.

Except for one thing, we, natives, are the one to teach them how to survive like hunting for wild turkeys and growing some crops to put them on the table, including fishing. The whites were lucky back then and want to thank them and to God (Creator) for helping them to survive. So they came in peace with a thanksgiving dinner and a prayer to God (Creator) that they are alive and not starving. :wave: