Tipping System

Is it wrong when I suggest that I would tip $5 instead of $20 to waiter because I think $20 is too much? It's my decision to tip what I can if I'm in America. I do not against your decision because I know each person is different...
It depends on how much your meal cost in America. It's a percentage.

A $5 tip is good for a meal that cost $25-35.

A $20 tip is good for a meal that cost $100-135.

How much was your meal?
I don't agree that waiteresses get paid $2.90 per hour, that's not always true. My gf's sister earned $13-14 per hour plus tips at 2 different restaurants in Michigan. Many deaf people are not rich enough to pay the tips because they only have SSI, so they only can give how much they can afford.

I'd prove you with a few job openings


By law in Washington state, ALL non-farm jobs are paid at the minimum wage of $7.63 per hour or higher as of 2006.
Oversimplify = distort or falsified something.

Now you are distorting my words.

Please don't take my post personal because I disagree American tipping system.

I am not taking it personal. You are.

No, it's no comparision with apples and orange or see black and white. Its about tipping system in different countries where it relate in this thread here. The reason, I created the thread here because I am interesting to find out why and learn about tipping system/service charge in different countries.

If you continue to state that tipping and service charges are TWO DIFFERENT THINGS, then you are comparing APPLES TO ORANGES.

Is it wrong to share you all about tipping vs service charge in my country and disagree with American tipping system? Is it wrong to open what I think of American tipping system? I see no problem if you disagree with Europe or oversea system over service charge or tell me what you think of service charge.

No there is nothing wrong to state your disagreement to it, however a lot of postings here have negative overtones, therefore it sounds like you are bashing on it a bit.

Yes, I aware that our countries are not prefect but it's tipping system, I'm referring to because it relate in my thread. Is it wrong to disagree American tipping system because I am for "including service charge" in many europe countries?

As what you said about Norway is your experience as the same as I had an experience with europe and oversea countries. Is it wrong to share you all about my experience of visit to europe countries? Do I say anything against your experience there in Norway or what? I didn't say anything about Norway because I don't have any experience there but you.

I never said anything against your service charges in Germany. I accept the difference, and tried to make a comparable parallel to the American system. I felt that you did not view it that way, so that is why I called your approach "black and white" whereas I am looking it in a "gray" area making comparable anaylsis between the two systems. Either way, you still pay some kind of a charge that goes to the waiter.
Here is your tip card for free:


My card is a little bit worn out, but it is still use for the tips. This is American tip for the waitress/waiter. (Waitress = woman / Waiter = man)

15% - if you think that your waitress/waiter is a little fair or rarely show up your service.

20 % - if you think that yours is good service who often come to you and smile at you.

5 % or none - if the waitress is crabby or rude to you. This is very rare...

Let's say that you like your service, you could pay 20 percent for the tip. Your food price would be 12 dollar so you add it for the tip would be $2.40 . Total is $14.40 . That's easy.

Thannnnkkkkkk yyyyooouuuu sooooo muuuucccchhhhh :hug: That´s exactly, I´m looking for... I save it in my file and will print and then give it to my friend who got confused where she and her husband spend 3 weeks vacation in America last August 2006. I bet she will feel ambarrass when she see the list... because they told waitress to keep the change ($1.???)...

I´m not interesting about cents... (I hate cents)... example.. tip $2.40... I would add $3.
It depends on how much your meal cost in America. It's a percentage.

A $5 tip is good for a meal that cost $25-35.

A $20 tip is good for a meal that cost $100-135.

How much was your meal?

I understand... I´m appreicate very much for your explaining, especially Webexplore to post the list of tips... I will print it and save it in my purse when I´m in America for vacation.

I would not tip $20... $5 is my limit tipping. I would not go to expensive resturant and then tip extra expensive.
I don't agree that waiteresses get paid $2.90 per hour, that's not always true. My gf's sister earned $13-14 per hour plus tips at 2 different restaurants in Michigan. Many deaf people are not rich enough to pay the tips because they only have SSI, so they only can give how much they can afford.

I'd prove you with a few job openings


By law in Washington state, ALL non-farm jobs are paid at the minimum wage of $7.63 per hour or higher as of 2006.

Your description sound same as in Germany but I don´t know how much per hour they earn. I will find out soon.

Between $8 and $14 per hour plus tipping sound good... I will find out about German wages for waiter/waitress but I has the feeling that $8 to $14 plus tips is better than German decent wage... I will find out.

Yes I can understand and agree that the tips is a voluntarily, the people can limit tips what they can if they don´t have to follow list of %. Like what I say that I decide to limit $5, not $20 if I visit to any resturant. (not expensive resturant...)
Now you are distorting my words.


I am not taking it personal. You are.

No, I am not. I felt that you took my post personal because you upset with my posts. I created the thread here to share the tipping system from different countries because I´m interesting to see cons and pros discussion on this issues like what I saw in links where I provided yesterday.

If you continue to state that tipping and service charges are TWO DIFFERENT THINGS, then you are comparing APPLES TO ORANGES.

No, it´s you who compared tipping system with service charge. I tried to explain you that tipping system and service charge is not the same thing.

No there is nothing wrong to state your disagreement to it, however a lot of postings here have negative overtones, therefore it sounds like you are bashing on it a bit.

No true. It doesn´t mean that I bash because I see different view on this issues and explain why I disagree to this. I know I am very straight person and say open what I think directly.. .I don´t beleive to play being flattery... If I want to know then I am not afraid to ask question or disagree directly. What´s debate topic for?

I never said anything against your service charges in Germany. I accept the difference, and tried to make a comparable parallel to the American system. I felt that you did not view it that way, so that is why I called your approach "black and white" whereas I am looking it in a "gray" area making comparable anaylsis between the two systems. Either way, you still pay some kind of a charge that goes to the waiter.

I never said that you are against service charges but compare tipping system with service charge. I only say that I see no problem IF you disagree with service charge and explain why. I tried to tell you what I know... Of course I make sure again and questioned a friend last saturday whom his family own guest house/ resturant where we meet once a month (deaf club meeting)... I would apology if I make a mistake and give you right but they gave me right. I would not post if I didn´t know anything.

I provided the link yesterday about tipping vs charge service. I explained in my previous posts that it´s owner decision to hire waiter/waitress and fix the decent wages for them, not additional pay from charge service to them. The owner keep profit (charge service etc). You refused to see it... I do not expect you to agree/give me right over tipping system vs service charge. That´s so.
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We tip on what tax at the bottom of recipe. For instance, if it says 3.24 then we would double tip from 3.24 to about 6.50. It works for us.
I don't agree that waiteresses get paid $2.90 per hour, that's not always true. My gf's sister earned $13-14 per hour plus tips at 2 different restaurants in Michigan. Many deaf people are not rich enough to pay the tips because they only have SSI, so they only can give how much they can afford.

I'd prove you with a few job openings


By law in Washington state, ALL non-farm jobs are paid at the minimum wage of $7.63 per hour or higher as of 2006.

That's correct, sweety. Also, I just talked with my mom about her brother which my uncle Kevin work as Chef at Fancy Resturant in Detroit which it could cost a plate of food for around maybe 50 dollars or 100 dollars or so, not sure.. And, waiteress who work at same resturant as my uncle Kevin work at, they pay them 23 dollars an hour! It's alot money since it's rich people's resturant more like, Actor people go there or Preseident could be there, etc like that.. And, when I was in Virginia with my family when I was young, visited my mom's other brother Jeff, his ex girlfriend used to be work as waiteress the resturant in that state, she said that they have to pay around 10% of tips back to their boss... For the bills, etc something like that Im not sure... It's Family Resturant, not same like Denny's or whatever like that... Only one resturant in that state...
If someone can afford to eat at a sit-down restaurant, he/she can afford to pay good tips. If someone can't afford to pay tips, then he/she should not eat at that restaurant. It is not right to deny tips to the servers. They did their work and should be rewarded. Being a cheap customer is no excuse. In America, the tip is part of the normal cost of dining out. If we don't want to pay tips we get "take-out" food.

Also, there is nothing wrong with restaurant owners making a profit. That is the reason they are in business. Owning and managing a restaurant is not a hobby just for fun.

second that...
That's correct, sweety. Also, I just talked with my mom about her brother which my uncle Kevin work as Chef at Fancy Resturant in Detroit which it could cost a plate of food for around maybe 50 dollars or 100 dollars or so, not sure.. And, waiteress who work at same resturant as my uncle Kevin work at, they pay them 23 dollars an hour! It's alot money since it's rich people's resturant more like, Actor people go there or Preseident could be there, etc like that.. And, when I was in Virginia with my family when I was young, visited my mom's other brother Jeff, his ex girlfriend used to be work as waiteress the resturant in that state, she said that they have to pay around 10% of tips back to their boss... For the bills, etc something like that Im not sure... It's Family Resturant, not same like Denny's or whatever like that... Only one resturant in that state...

Interesting, I would NEVER afford to have a plate of food per $50. :eek3: $23 per hour wow... I can understand that it´s for rich people who can afford.

10% tips back to boss...? I have a question for you... perhap you can ask your Uncle... I know my question sound odd but how do boss know how many tips waiter/waitress collect from their customers then pay 10% of total tips back to their boss?
...Many deaf people are not rich enough to pay the tips because they only have SSI, so they only can give how much they can afford....
Not just deaf people but any people (myself included)--if they can't afford to pay a decent tip, then they shouldn't eat at the restaurant. Or order just an appetizer or salad bar or something they can afford plus tip.

Can a deaf person use SSI as an excuse when they go to the grocery store? Can they tell the clerk, "Oh, I can't afford to pay for all my groceries, so I'll just give you what I can but I'll keep the food."? No!! Can they go to the gas station and say, "Oh, I can only afford to pay for 12 gallons of gas but I will put 18 gallons in my car."? No!! So why should they be able to rip off restaurant servers?
A question for you Liebling.

Hypothecially, (since I know you wont, as you say you never would) you went to an expensive restaurant in Germany. The restaurant's menu says that a service charge is added to the bill, and will be 15 percent.

Your bill comes to about €200, for example. 15% of €200 was the service charge, which is €30 for the service charge. In effect, you paid more than just your food, but to the restaurant, to the waiter, etc.. Right?

I fully understand that a service charge is "different," but my point is that some of that service charge still goes to the waiter in addition to the Trinkgeld. Some of that service charge might pay for the waiter's higher salary.

According to this link, in Utah, the minimum wage for a waiter receiving tips is $2.13 an hour.
Utah Human Resources State Council - Article Feature
I would not tip $20... $5 is my limit tipping. I would not go to expensive resturant and then tip extra expensive.
If your restaurant meal costs $100, then $5 is an insult tip.

Getting a $100 bill doesn't always mean that it's an expensive restaurant. If there are five people in your group, that's only $20 per person, especially if appetizers, dessert, and alcoholic drinks are included. A $5 tip means that each person gave only $1 for a $20 meal! That's 5%, which means your service was awful.
By law in Washington state, ALL non-farm jobs are paid at the minimum wage of $7.63 per hour or higher as of 2006.

Under the Republican bill, restaurant owners are allowed some kind of credit, to get the money back for paying their waiters $7.63. So, the owners really only pay like $2.15 whilst the taxpayers pay the rest of the waiter's salaries. I think it is a pretty unfair system where taxpayers would pay for the services of diners eating out. I would prefer tips because it is the customers themselves, not taxpayers, who foots the bill.

Republican Minimum Wage Bill to Lower Wages in Seven States | Democrats.com
... I do not expect you to agree/give me right over tipping system vs service charge. That´s so.
It really doesn't matter who agrees, or which system is "better".

The point is, when in Rome, do as the Romans do. That is, when people dine out in Europe, they should follow the European customs and just leave "change" tips. When people dine out in the United States, they should follow the American custom and leave at least a 15% tip. It doesn't matter if you or I (or anyone at AD) thinks it's "right" or "wrong", "better" or "worse", or "I do it MY way". Whatever the custom is for that country, that's what should be followed, like it or lump it.

I guess if a person doesn't like the way things are done in another country, then he/she should stay home.
It really doesn't matter who agrees, or which system is "better".

The point is, when in Rome, do as the Romans do. That is, when people dine out in Europe, they should follow the European customs and just leave "change" tips. When people dine out in the United States, they should follow the American custom and leave at least a 15% tip. It doesn't matter if you or I (or anyone at AD) thinks it's "right" or "wrong", "better" or "worse", or "I do it MY way". Whatever the custom is for that country, that's what should be followed, like it or lump it.

I guess if a person doesn't like the way things are done in another country, then he/she should stay home.

excellent post!
If I go oversea, I would try to be equal to my host/group of party, to avoid any embassement and respect their interesting culture of their own.
If your restaurant meal costs $100, then $5 is an insult tip.

Getting a $100 bill doesn't always mean that it's an expensive restaurant. If there are five people in your group, that's only $20 per person, especially if appetizers, dessert, and alcoholic drinks are included. A $5 tip means that each person gave only $1 for a $20 meal! That's 5%, which means your service was awful.

Do you think that I pay $100 for that meal? :crazy: I never spend $100 like that in my life... Greek, Italian or German resturant cost us (4 person) between €40 and €50 including service charge. $100 plus $20? No Way...

Please re-read my previous post that I do not want to go expensive resturant. I limit $5 and follow the list of % where webexplor provided for us which good to aviod any ambarrassment.