Thread/Forum Read Marking Change [REPOST]


Staff Member
Feb 27, 2003
Reaction score
AllDeaf used to mark read threads/forums via cookies, but recently it was changed so that it uses the database instead.

This change was made for a more true mark read system, and should solve the read and unread threads/forums some members were having.

Since the change, all threads/forums are marked as "unread." It is recommended that mark all forums "read" by going to to the front page, and under the "Quick Links" menu click on "Mark Forums Read." Existing members need to this only once. Newly registered members after the date of this post needn't worry.


Thank you.
I already clicked on Mark a few weeks ago
but I have changed my mind about this.

How can I remove to un-mark the reads ?

I do NOT want to mark all reads anymore because
I usually go back where it was, but then
I could no longer find it exactly where it was before.
*raise my hand up higher* Alex Alex..
I did it over over over...

(Getting tired of it) becz kept constantly came it back again another day!

*mumbling* (squint)~ :squint: