This is a frightening situation in my area

Well ... they didn't have to hop a fence ... :roll:

They still got away.

Just face it. All the fear and all the criticism, and all the speculation was wrong, wrong, wrong. Deal with it.
And, again, they are not in the position to make that determination.:roll:

Of course they were in the position to make that determination; they were the ones who decided to send him to the South Carolina facility in the first place! Absent that determination, he would have been released here in D.C.

I'm not being overly fearful; I'm glad he was caught, and no harm was done to himself. I wonder how he made it back to D.C.; maybe that info will come out eventually.

But c'mon. There was a reason why D.C. officials made a determination to send him to S. Carolina vs. either detaining him here or releasing him here. They were the appropriate officials to make that call.
Once is over. Guy harmed no one. He is again in treatment. I guess some of you would be happier if he had killed a person or two so you could say, "I told you he was dangerous!!!!":giggle:
That's not funny. :mad:
Of course they were in the position to make that determination; they were the ones who decided to send him to the South Carolina facility in the first place! Absent that determination, he would have been released here in D.C.

I'm not being overly fearful; I'm glad he was caught, and no harm was done to himself. I wonder how he made it back to D.C.; maybe that info will come out eventually.

But c'mon. There was a reason why D.C. officials made a determination to send him to S. Carolina vs. either detaining him here or releasing him here. They were the appropriate officials to make that call.

They sent him to a mental health facility based on psychiatric findings that he had a mental disorder. He would not have been released in DC given those findings.

Really, you guys need to read up abit on mental health and the law. There are several good books out there regarding topics relating to forensic psychology and psychiatry as well as the implications of legal mental health issues.

What, you think that the cops say, "Oh, he dangerous!" and it influences a decision like this?:laugh2:
That's not funny. :mad:

I don't find the insistence on continuing to crucify this individual and the mental health center treating him funny, either. I find it very disturbing that there are actually people still out there that have such strong beliefs based on such flimsy knowledge.
Flimsy knowledge?

The DC police have been downplaying the existence of violent gangs for years. When residents of the tri-state area could plainly see the violence, plainly see gang warfare on their streets, the DC officials downplayed all of it.

Then someone caught a memo and made it public.

Bloods memo from George Kucik | Whitney Blake | Local | Washington Examiner

When questioned about it, there were no comments. It was "confidential" :roll:
Flimsy knowledge?

The DC police have been downplaying the existence of violent gangs for years. When residents of the tri-state area could plainly see the violence, plainly see gang warfare on their streets, the DC officials downplayed all of it.

Then someone caught a memo and made it public.

Bloods memo from George Kucik | Whitney Blake | Local | Washington Examiner

When questioned about it, there were no comments. It was "confidential" :roll:

Why are you bringing gangs up again?

I'm getting offline. I've got more important things to do that watch you guys obsess over a situation that has already been resolved.:laugh2:
Asked and answered. Read back in the thread.

Scrolled back. Never saw where you identified "officials". But this is just getting too funny. Obsessing over a situation that has already been resolved and still playing what if with it. :laugh2:
Why are you bringing gangs up again?

I'm getting offline. I've got more important things to do that watch you guys obsess over a situation that has already been resolved.:laugh2:

A situation that should never have happened in the first place.
I don't find the insistence on continuing to crucify this individual and the mental health center treating him funny, either. I find it very disturbing that there are actually people still out there that have such strong beliefs based on such flimsy knowledge.
Which strong beliefs?
... I've got more important things to do that watch you guys obsess over a situation that has already been resolved.:laugh2:
It's not over for the neighbors. They want to be assured that the facility is secure, that there are no adults or criminals being held there, and that they will be kept informed when a center resident is on their streets.
It's not over for the neighbors. They want to be assured that the facility is secure, that there are no adults or criminals being held there, and that they will be kept informed when a center resident is on their streets.
Are they taking it up with the center?
Lucy shouldn't have pulled out the football when Charlie Brown ran to kick it.

It happened. It will happen again.

Until criminals are deemed criminals, yes, it will happen .... often.
Are they taking it up with the center?
They try but the center refuses to answer their phone, and their emails bounce back (I got mine back, Failed Delivery). They have spoken to their local, state and federal representatives, who are checking things out.
It will happen regardless because criminals escape too.

Exactly. It will happen again, it has happened before. Get over it. As far as the neighbors are concerned, I doubt any of them have been so traumatized that they have drastically changed their daily routines as a result. Especially since there was no harm resulting from this patient's elopement.