Think It Over

Hey CyberRed, that is a good one. I completely agree. Life is too short. Sometimes people don't think about things such as that.

I just love this one, It's so true in fact after tongueonfire's death, It hit me reality that I'm missing out an opportunity to tell the ones I love how much I love them, not on special occasion, but everyday, every single minute counts. ;)

Thanks so much for sharing this CyberRed, It put a smile on my face. Life to short, enjoy life while you can, and make the best out of it. ;)
Saying Yes, this is a good one quietly.

I saw the presentation and that made me stop to think too. I sent it to my family.

CyberRed that was a very good presentation and very thoughtprovoking, making people stop to think then become more positive. :)