These are always so boring.

:wave: welcome to AD Your Mom -- enjoy ur stay! :D

nice to see more GLBT members signing up here on AD! :thumb:
:wave: :welcome: to Alldeaf "yourmom", I hope you have enjoyed being on this forum so far. Have fun posting, and welcome aboard!!! :cheers:

Herzlich Willkommen zu AD :thumb:

I already enjoyed myself to read your previous posts here.
Welcome to Alldeaf and enjoy your stay here. I also am divorced with two kids. I am still single as well. :welcome:
Your Mom said:
Hey, my name is Meg. Ill just make a little list about my self.

-i am hearing
-i am a lesbian
-i am narcoleptic
-i just moved from boston to arkansas
-my girlfriend is deaf
-i love to write
-i am a grammar nazi
-i am obsessed with dental hygiene
-i spend every sunday morning watching old movies

See, I told you, these things are always boring.

I have some suggestion, so you stop being bored....

You're hearing, you need to go to a hearing forum
You need a man to keep you alert to see if he is cheating
well go move to New York City, exciting city
Get a hearing boyfriend who isn't bored at all
Waste all the talent writing posts about me
Go write a book.
I got bad breathe, sniff it.
well go to CHURCH, get involve with some activities, help kids.
The*Empress said:
I have some suggestion, so you stop being bored....

You're hearing, you need to go to a hearing forum
You need a man to keep you alert to see if he is cheating
well go move to New York City, exciting city
Get a hearing boyfriend who isn't bored at all
Waste all the talent writing posts about me
Go write a book.
I got bad breathe, sniff it.
well go to CHURCH, get involve with some activities, help kids.

Yeah and I have a suggestion for you, quit being a psychotic demented annoying bitch.

Learn how to read, I said that these things (introductions) are boring. I didnt not say that I myself am boring or are bored.

I dont want a boyfriend or a husband, I am 20 years old and I am GAY. I am a clit licking lesbian get used to it.

You are the demented one that keeps throwing fits, bringing attention to your self, example you making this post. You claim "oh poor me everyone picks one me i do nothing to desever it" then you go and make bullshit like this.

Hello Mod Admin? someone am I crazy? Does anyone else see this? She cries wolf at people having fun at her expense because she makes posts like this and then wonders gee why do people not like me.

Yeah and I have a suggestion for you, quit being a psychotic demented annoying bitch.

why you let people say your momma is b word and you find it funny, you're sick!!!

Learn how to read, I said that these things (introductions) are boring. I didnt not say that I myself am boring or are bored.

well go get a LIFE, go skydiving or something.

I dont want a boyfriend or a husband, I am 20 years old and I am GAY. I am a clit licking lesbian get used to it.

Oh I thought after I seeing your avatar, I thought that was a mustache
but actually that is pubic hair, ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!

You are the demented one that keeps throwing fits, bringing attention to your self, example you making this post. You claim "oh poor me everyone picks one me i do nothing to desever it" then you go and make bullshit like this.

Oh I pity you, sorry, I pity you too, boo hoo. happy now?

Hello Mod Admin? someone am I crazy? Does anyone else see this? She cries wolf at people having fun at her expense because she makes posts like this and then wonders gee why do people not like me.

BURP!!!!!! That what you get for picking on me
The*Empress said:
Yeah and I have a suggestion for you, quit being a psychotic demented annoying bitch.

why you let people say your momma is b word and you find it funny, you're sick!!!

Learn how to read, I said that these things (introductions) are boring. I didnt not say that I myself am boring or are bored.

well go get a LIFE, go skydiving or something.

I dont want a boyfriend or a husband, I am 20 years old and I am GAY. I am a clit licking lesbian get used to it.

Oh I thought after I seeing your avatar, I thought that was a mustache
but actually that is pubic hair, ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!

You are the demented one that keeps throwing fits, bringing attention to your self, example you making this post. You claim "oh poor me everyone picks one me i do nothing to desever it" then you go and make bullshit like this.

Oh I pity you, sorry, I pity you too, boo hoo. happy now?

Hello Mod Admin? someone am I crazy? Does anyone else see this? She cries wolf at people having fun at her expense because she makes posts like this and then wonders gee why do people not like me.

BURP!!!!!! That what you get for picking on me

picking on you? How fucking crazy are you? Seriously, you came to my intro thread with an insulting and rude post, you picked this fight.

Boo fucking hoo, quit whining all the time.
The*Empress said:
My female dog is licking on herself, you wanna lick hers too.

yep, you guessed it, i totally want to lick your dogs anus.

I live in arkansas, maybe we could plan a date for us?
no thank you. I think you had enough dental hygiene for one day...
Vagina juice must be acid terrible taste, huh, hmm.
The*Empress said:
no thank you. I think you had enough dental hygiene for one day...
Vagina juice must be acid terrible taste, huh, hmm.

Aw come on, dont be a tease.

mmm clit juice its really an aquired taste, its less acidic than you might think. I really liken it to a mix between um tuna and say, salt water.
The*Empress said:
you might fall asleep on my vagina, I don't want you to suffocate down

Oh trust me sweet heart, with a stench like your twat I dont think falling asleep is a possibility.
The*Empress said:
Go ahead, lick it, lick it, lick it.... I haven't bathe in 7 days....

Hot, I always knew you were a granola dyke!

Seriously though, its so nice that you finally came out as being gay, I really am happy for you.

I know of some really great lesbians in memphis, I will introduce you. Im excited for you.