The Ring

Originally posted by ideafspy
Their sence didn't not good job. They make a lot mistake on the picture or film to using the graphic. For example; at the ending the woman holding the twised girl's head turn skull but not her both legs. Also, I heard the rumor there will be part two about her mother going to killed her. Woow! It sounds interesting!
You should watch Ringu, Ringu 2, & Ringu 0.

Ringu introduces the curse. Ringu 2 explains the curse. Ringu 0 explains the source of the original curse. If you ever get the chance, I suggest you watch these in the order as I stated recently.

I think that Ringu is better than The Ring.
Was advised to not watch this movie alone by a friend...

Got a chance to watch it a couple of nights ago. Interesting plot, but I didn't get scared at all - I just probed myself with the videotape thing and came across with my opinions of the possiblities. I didn't watch it alone since my roommate watched it with me.

Is there any better scary movie than this?
Originally posted by Aphrodite
Was advised to not watch this movie alone by a friend...

Got a chance to watch it a couple of nights ago. Interesting plot, but I didn't get scared at all - I just probed myself with the videotape thing and came across with my opinions of the possiblities. I didn't watch it alone since my roommate watched it with me.

Is there any better scary movie than this?
Yes... watch Ringu. It's the japanese version of "The Ring". Actually, it's the other way around. "The Ring" is the american version of "Ringu" because "Ringu" was made first.
Yeah, and I prefer the Japanese version.
American version added too much violence and some stuff that didn't make sense, like horses? And why have house over the well? I don't remember that in the original version? Anyway...
Originally posted by kuifje75
Yeah, and I prefer the Japanese version.
American version added too much violence and some stuff that didn't make sense, like horses? And why have house over the well? I don't remember that in the original version? Anyway...
My thoughts exactly. Did you know that they put small parts from Ringu 2 into The Ring? There are three parts of the japanese version (in order of release): Ringu, Ringu 2, & Ringu 0. It's also recommended to watch them in that same order as well. Ringu introduces the curse. Ringu 2 explains the curse. Ringu 0 explains the history of the curse. They even made the approach of "the curse" freaky in the japanese version.
Originally posted by VamPyroX
You should watch Ringu, Ringu 2, & Ringu 0.

Ringu introduces the curse. Ringu 2 explains the curse. Ringu 0 explains the source of the original curse. If you ever get the chance, I suggest you watch these in the order as I stated recently.

I think that Ringu is better than The Ring.


hmmm... interest...
Originally posted by kuifje75
Yeah, and I prefer the Japanese version.
American version added too much violence and some stuff that didn't make sense, like horses? And why have house over the well? I don't remember that in the original version? Anyway...

Yeppers - the part about the destruction of the horse from the ferry. It kinda of PISSED me off - I know it is a fictional scene, but - still.. it triggered up a form of digust in me and my roommate actually GOT fuming with anger off from this scene. I don't understand what the meaning of this scene that the horse got nuts and ran out... it is interesting how a creation like this comes from a human's soul --- *sigh*

Is the Japanese verision avaliable at the rental stores??
Originally posted by Aphrodite
Is the Japanese verision avaliable at the rental stores??
Yes, it's available at rental stores. It was released at the same time The Ring was released... I think.
Originally posted by VamPyroX
My thoughts exactly. Did you know that they put small parts from Ringu 2 into The Ring? There are three parts of the japanese version (in order of release): Ringu, Ringu 2, & Ringu 0. It's also recommended to watch them in that same order as well. Ringu introduces the curse. Ringu 2 explains the curse. Ringu 0 explains the history of the curse. They even made the approach of "the curse" freaky in the japanese version.

Have you seen the two other movies? Where would I be able to see it? Blockbuster has it listed, but not available for rental. I don't know why, but I just thought the Japanese version was better... maybe it is because I love Japanese stuff. Interesting to note that BB website said that Ringu was a "made-for-TV" movie. Hmm!
Originally posted by kuifje75
Have you seen the two other movies? Where would I be able to see it? Blockbuster has it listed, but not available for rental. I don't know why, but I just thought the Japanese version was better... maybe it is because I love Japanese stuff. Interesting to note that BB website said that Ringu was a "made-for-TV" movie. Hmm!
I have all three on my computer. I saw Ringu in October 2002, Ringu 2 in January 2003, and Ringu 0 in February 2003.
Originally posted by VamPyroX
I have all three on my computer. I saw Ringu in October 2002, Ringu 2 in January 2003, and Ringu 0 in February 2003.
Ah so you got it from Kazaa eh?
Originally posted by kuifje75
Ah so you got it from Kazaa eh?
Nope... Direct Connect. I'm connected to a RIT hub so everyone who's sharing files are RIT students. That way, the connection speed is... FAST! For instance, I downloaded Star Wars Episode II in under 30 minutes... and it was 1.3 GB!
I saw the THE RING, it was freaky for me to watch it and I'm not sure if I should be watching the RINGU...
Originally posted by VamPyroX
You should watch Ringu, Ringu 2, & Ringu 0.

Ringu introduces the curse. Ringu 2 explains the curse. Ringu 0 explains the source of the original curse. If you ever get the chance, I suggest you watch these in the order as I stated recently.

I think that Ringu is better than The Ring.

Have you see the ANY Mistake that "The Ring"? You should find three to four mistake that you can find on that movie. Ringu is good movie, yes and still mistake that movie too. :o