From RAIN,reprinted from Network

Top 11 Signs your ISP has given you up to the RIAA as a dangerous KaZaA user

11. All the files in your favorite MP3 play list are now "Lars Ulrich sings 'Feelings.'"

10. Your KaZaA rating changes to "Defendant."

9. Eminem insults your mother in his next single.

8. Recording Industry Association of America president Hilary Rosen sends you e-mail messages with embedded .wav files of heavy breathing.

7. All the spam in your inbox is from Motion Picture Association CEO Jack Valenti.

6. You get a bill retroactively charging you 99 cents per downloaded track. Total bill: $29,700.

5. A Tommy Mottola screen saver suddenly pops up on your computer.

4. Vanilla Ice and MC Hammer picket your home with signs that read, "Piracy don't pay my bills."

3. You receive a request from someone using outdated hacker wannabe slang claiming a friend said you could "hook me up" with the latest Snoop Dogg album.

2. You suddenly have numerous songs from someone named Avril Lavigne.

1. CD-shaped crop circles appear in your backyard.
Originally posted by Bush_in_2004!
SG, here's another problem . . . apparently most music artists support the actions of the RIAA, after all this organization is run by these artists to protect their interests. If enough of them opposed things, we'd see changes in the organization (they all have votes you know), but apparently most artists are happy with the RIAA which is why we see action in court and congress instead of from within.

Well, I tried to google for this page that had a full list of a lot of popular singers and which side they sided on.

Of course, Metalica is known to side on RIAA....but currently, they're neutral right after the part where RIAA started to attack the users instead of the companies that supported mp3s to be downloaded.

Dixie chicks has publicly rebelled against RIAA. Garth Brooks expressed concerns about RIAA needing to evolve with the new techology...

I can't list them all...nor can I find this maybe someone else has seen it. I saw it on the yahoo media page somewhere.
Originally posted by Stevey Boy
If RIAA entered in your computer via IPs, without asking or being aware about it, true? I find it wrong. You cannot seize something without the warrants.

It's part of the issue by supporting The First Amendment on this case that everybody have the rights to not download or dowload. That's their choices.

There's one thing I don't get it, I am not following this issue closely, how come you don't get in trouble for recording your favorite show which it sounds like breaking copyright/ illegally to you?

Also supposed if you buy a CD, and you decided to upload one of your favorite song from a CD, and that song u uploaded already got copyrighted info and how can it be not legal if you uploaded a copyrighted material in a p2p program?

I agree with you. The seizing should be done by the government executive authority figures. Not a 3rd party group like RIAA. Sadly, recent judgements has concluded that RIAA can do it. That's why you're hearing recent news about subponeas being served by RIAA instead of police officers.

It's not the First amendment nor any other amendment unless you're speaking about 4th one which is must have warrant to seize personal properties.

The part about recording shows has been changed in the laws in the past as soon as VCR came out. Same type of laws that ATT tried to claim ownership of phones.

About the uploading of your "owned copyrighted material" is legal as long as you are the sole person with it. If someone else obtains it without acquiring the copyright's illegal. It's the downloading part that those users are getting in trouble for...not uploading. RIAA is setting up fake sharing places with tags on them to decieve users to actually download the copyright protected mp3s so they nabbed your IP and can go up to your ISP and ask "Who was this person with this IP at this time 8 pm last night?" Verizon lost that case when they tried to protect this type of information as part of privacy concerns.
I wont get in trouble with RIAA
do u know why? cuz i am deaf and i cant hear the music, therefore I dont download the music......Personally I think its stupid anyways.....RIAA is a crybaby
"The seizing should be done by the government executive authority figures."

what??!! you mean John Ashcroft??!! NO WAY!

I saw a list of artists too in a music periodical, I forget which one, but if I see it again, I'll post some band names.
Originally posted by Banjo
Prove it please.

It's illegal only if it was music under the copyright protection. He didn't be specific on what type of music it was.

As far I am concerned, it is illegal to steal. I don't recall songs that were intended to be released solely for p2p softwares.

There were several small timer bands who released them on p2p for feedbacks. Remember Starwars kid movie? It spread over p2p too....with eyecandy art added in it.

They were released to generate money, not theft.

Not all of the generated money are from solely music. Don't forget concerts...promotions...etc.

If you want songs, buy them!

Sure, if it's more reasonable......what if i wanted to buy just one song? Is it possible? have to buy the entire CD (album) to just get one song while the rest sucks. (I don't listen to music but I know I sound like I do....but I understand hearing people and my wife's needs for music)

If not, then you're a thief and a cheapskate.

You failed to mention that RIAA is greedy enough to stop an evolution of a techology. RIAA is also responsible for why there's a threating lawsuit against me. Was I really a thief? Sure I might be a cheapskate because I'm out of a job and been looking for a job the last 2 yrs.

Of course, it isn't illegal because it's a legal freeware filled with pop-up ads, spywares, etc. There's no infringement in any copyright acts in the software.

Not all of the p2p softwares are filled up with what you said. Napster was claimed to infringe in with the current copyright acts.....why are they bankrupt? :p

It's the ACTIONS that the Internet Users are taking violates the copyright laws.

Remember Wild West? It's the same users who took actions to put in a law that it's illegal to kill people. Imagine if that law was NOT around....and someone like me would be crying that this law should be established. But thankfully, you're alive today because of this law.

Of course, it's one of the purposes to make all the information available known to man.... legally.

Internet is defined as a public domain that can be obtained anywhere in the world. We don't need USA laws to make ourselves look like a total fool. Did you know that most of major linux conventions are held outside of USA because of the DMCA laws? Defcon will move out of USA soon. Those linux and other OS security experts aren't allowed to discuss about security features of other products (protected under the copyright laws that RIAA supports). Look at this russian hacker who gave a preaching story about how Adobe's encryption system stunk. He got thrown into a jail cell for just trying to tell Adobe how to improve....not making fun of them.

People always want to get something for free. Tough luck.

I'll laugh at you when I hear you bitching how much volume of oxygen you would have to pay for to be able to breath. Tough luck. :p

You have to earn them.

You need to, too.


Why would we want a Theft Revolution?

It's not a theft is a techology huge revolution. This brings back the wild west history. It was a huge revolution when the wild west was tamed.....everyone had a chance to live...without worrying about the tests of the only strong survives.

No thanks, because it'll just make our economy go belly-flopping. How are people supposed to keep their jobs if people like you keep stealing?

You're thinking only one way. We're not saying that we should make the ENTIRE music collection to be free. Look at VCRs.....many of TV companies said they would go bankrupt. They didn't....they're billionaries. ATT is still a billionarie after they lost that telehone devices lawsuit. There's so many other different examples that you're refusing to take a look at...that RIAA and other music groups would follow in.

According to your assumption where 90% of Internet population steal files.

I'll guarantee you that at least of 90% broadband users has downloaded at least ONE copyrighted mp3 file regardless of how it was obtained.....and that 99% of the hearing people (same group of people) has heard a single illegal copy of the mp3.

If that was true, then we wouldn't have any new songs, movies, softwares, and more because all of them would be out of business.

Well, we thought there would be no more TV shows....thought that since wild west was tamed that there would be overcrowding of population in the USA.....that there would be just one phone company who would manage to survive the phone device explosion.....and so many other things. Airliner companies are struggling much worse than RIAA Airliners need the more help than RIAA does...seriously.

But if it is on the rise, then they have to be stopped.

Those TV shows kept on going on the rise after the VCRs came look at those DVD recording devices like Vito....etc...would that make the tv companies go bankrupt? Nope..those big boys can take care of themselves as always...

Once a Thief, Always a Thief, A Great Way to Live Such A Shameful Life.

Lettme correct you.....once a patriot....freedom is always free...die free.
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Originally posted by Bush_in_2004!
"The seizing should be done by the government executive authority figures."

what??!! you mean John Ashcroft??!! NO WAY!

I saw a list of artists too in a music periodical, I forget which one, but if I see it again, I'll post some band names.

Any of the government enforcement groups....I'll rather them than RIAA who could plant those evidences. :p
Originally posted by Banjo
First of all, I am not talking about RIAA. I'm not even interested in RIAA.

Quit standing up for them.

I am referring to the COPYRIGHT LAWS.

Sorry if I wasn't clear the whole time, but I've always been talking about the copyright laws, not the RIAA.

I did mention RIAA in a couple posts, but that wasn't my priority to begin with.

Copyrights Laws, they are not to be taken lightly. In fact, it is a huge problem today.

You're right....the copyright laws are the hugest problems in USA. We don't have much freedom because of those copyright laws.

I'm not saying that all books, videos, and music or other types of works should be free....

Look at our 1st amendment....Freedom of Speech, Expression, and whatever you want to call it......the magazine 2600 couldn't use that to publish how the dvd cracking program worked....because of this DMCA law. Is that really freedom??

No.....and is that really stealing any of those people who did the hard work to create all of those contents (books, videos, music and whatever)?'s just a program....just like I made a gun and someone else took it and shot the shit out of someone like you....should I be blamed? NO.

The owner of the songs has granted permission to share what they own to the public?

The owner?

Apparently, you don't know how the musicans license their songs......those artists don't own them unless they acquire a royal license of them...The companies do.

Legally, the people who own the rights to the songs have the rights to do whatever they want to do with them. Not the people who own copies of the songs.

Ok....let's go and buy a book written by someone like dean koontz......and I like it so much and I show it to my other friends....that's illegal if it was mp3s... :p

I never said downloading things off the Internet were illegal. But to download a copyrighted song from a person who only own a copy of the songs is illegal. These people who own copies of the songs don't own the rights to share these files. They are intended for private uses.

Even if it's just "sharing."

Let's think about BOOKS....VIDEOS....MUSIC CDS...that you share with your friends....why aren't those illegal? Why are digital copies illegal?? That's why the copyright laws need some SERIOUS CHANGES.

You are entitled to play the copy you bought from the store. But you are not entitled to share them on the Internet because you don't own the RIGHTS to these songs.

You talk just like Microsoft...."You are allowed to use this product and if you do not agree to this should not use this product." Where's the refund if I couldn't take it back to Walmart?

That's what needs changes.

You BOUGHT the copy, your friends didn't.

Buy a it up all you can care....and it's LEGAL. Why not music? Another pointless ranting....but something for everyone to think about.....what you are entitled to do with what you PAID for...

According to the copyright laws, it is illegal to make copies and pass them around. It's even more illegal if you made copies and sell them.

You're incorret about making copies for yourself....for example..

I buy a playstation cd....make a backup copy of it...take that backup copy to my friend's house and play it...leaving the original cd back's PERFECTLY legal.

Music should be the same....but no....some stupid loopholes in this DMCA made it impossible.

The more you share files, the less sales are being made.

I mentioned earlier in this thread....of something opposed to what you said....I'll like to see your PROOF. Back up your mouth.

What made you think it's perfectly legal to share files?

The current settlements that Sony, Microsoft, Sega, and few other companies had been losing in backup copies of console wars.....that's what is supposed to be legal.

You don't own the songs, you only own the copies of them. You don't even own the rights to these songs.

Correct...since you were speaking about DCMA.....the magazine 2600 didn't have the rights to discuss about the dvd cracking where the hell did this "rights" come into to stop the magazine??

If you write and create your own songs, you own the rights to them and if you want to share them. You can share them for all I care since it's your songs.

But to share somebody else's songs just because you bought the CD doesn't give you the rights to share them.

Tell that to a small timer band....they'll tell you bullshit like you would really care. :p

It proves me how ignorant I am?

No, it just proves how ignorant you are when it comes to copyright laws.

I'm afraid the statements you have been making made us think that you belong to a country such as North Korea....where you don't want freedom to be around.

I never said p2p softwares are "evil" or anything. It's just a software, nothing more. They are not responsible for any legal problems. The Internet users are responsible for their actions.

Tell that to napster group if you can manage to find them spread all around the other parts of the country.

The fact is very simple...

You cannot abuse copyright infringement rights without suffering the consequences.

Actually...that's an opinion imposed by someone who is stubborn to look at the real facts. :p

"It ain't illegal unless you get caught!"

Please do yourself a favour and take a look at the "agreements" on thsee p2p softwares. They'll tell you that they are not responsible for your legal troubles. Therefore making it your responsibility to watch what you are doing.

Look at all the agreements...including buying a gun....the companies who created those weapons sure ain't responsible for what you did with that piece of gun.


No, the person who owns the original songs would be the person who wrote it or sung it. Most of these people own a COPY of the original songs. They don't own the songs, they own a COPY of the songs. They don't own the rights to the songs, they are just given the permission to play the songs in private. (meaning not broadcasting the song in public)

Incorrrect....the singer...writer....SELLS the license to the companies to be published. My cousin co-wrote some of Garth Brook's songs....Friends in Low place....and he sold the royal license..and he made over 30 million dollars....and the companies can do whatever they wish to do to resell this license. Other singers doesn't do royal license...but instead gather one time fee from each piece of work they did. You need to go and educate yourself with much further facts instead of playing some guessing word game.

Did you know that it is still illegal to download game roms even if you own the original copy?

Nintendo made that claim. It's not illegal to download. It is only illegal to distribute.

Hard to believe, I know but it's true.

To be's hard to believe a liar. And's true what I said. :p
Originally posted by SilenceGold
Sure, if it's more reasonable......what if i wanted to buy just one song? Is it possible? have to buy the entire CD (album) to just get one song while the rest sucks. (I don't listen to music but I know I sound like I do....but I understand hearing people and my wife's needs for music)

You can buy one song from online music stores at a low price. Man, you're really behind on the news though.

Sure I might be a cheapskate because I'm out of a job and been looking for a job the last 2 yrs.

Then get a job at McDonald's. It can't be that hard to find a job while you're looking for the job you want. It should keep you up onto your feet for a while.

Just because you're out of a job don't give you the right to steal copyright materials.

I'll guarantee you that at least of 90% broadband users has downloaded at least ONE copyrighted mp3 file regardless of how it was obtained.....and that 99% of the hearing people (same group of people) has heard a single illegal copy of the mp3.

But are they regular users?

No, that I'll bet on.

Those TV shows kept on going on the rise after the VCRs came look at those DVD recording devices like Vito....etc...would that make the tv companies go bankrupt? Nope..those big boys can take care of themselves as always...

Advertisement/Sponsorship/Cable Fees are what's keeping TV shows plugged in.

But do you think they make a profit from these pirated movies?


You act as if you're doing nothing wrong. To mention the legal threats that you got from a company.

I have to say that there's something fishy about your claims. Of course, you could be a huge liar who just want attention.

To call me a liar is like having the pot calling the kettle black. I'm not playing word-guessing games here.

Buy a it up all you can care....and it's LEGAL. Why not music? Another pointless ranting....but something for everyone to think about.....what you are entitled to do with what you PAID for..

You are entitled to break the CD, scratch it, listen to it all the times.

But you aren't to make copies and pass it around on the Internet or to your friends.

Books, it's still illegal to make copies of them just in case you didn't know. But you can rip the book up for all I care since you bought it. It's better than making copies of them.

Heck, students can get into trouble if they get caught making copies of pages from a book using a copier.

I mentioned earlier in this thread....of something opposed to what you said....I'll like to see your PROOF. Back up your mouth.

Why don't you ask Bush_for_2004, he seem to know something about it. He's bound to tell you something. He's pretty big on music to tell you the truth unlikely me.

"It ain't illegal unless you get caught!"

You'll be singing another tune when your hand is caught in the cookie jar.
Of course, there's still a lot of fussy copyright-related law cases going around on.

The dust hasn't settled yet.

But that doesn't make it right to violate the laws.

3821 (43.15 posts per day)

This is the reason why you still don't have a job.
Originally posted by Banjo


No, the person who owns the original songs would be the person who wrote it or sung it. Most of these people own a COPY of the original songs. They don't own the songs, they own a COPY of the songs. They don't own the rights to the songs, they are just given the permission to play the songs in private. (meaning not broadcasting the song in public)

Did you know that it is still illegal to download game roms even if you own the original copy?

Hard to believe, I know but it's true.
What are you talking about? First, I was talking about the original CD that has at least 15 songs. If u damaged, you buy another one right. Instead, people buy CD player that has recorder. Therefore, whenever u bought original alum that has at least 15 songs. You have a right to copy that alum in case the original CD is damaging like Scratch. Most of artists are supporting that. Not mention the copyrights laws too. Second, Nah, you can download any game ROMs if u have own original game. Nintendo and Sega are supporting it because those games were no longer products.
Originally posted by Banjo

You are entitled to break the CD, scratch it, listen to it all the times.

But you aren't to make copies and pass it around on the Internet or to your friends.

Books, it's still illegal to make copies of them just in case you didn't know. But you can rip the book up for all I care since you bought it. It's better than making copies of them.

Banjo, you do not get it, you miss a Hugh point. let me put this way, according to copyrights laws, when you purchased a game, music, or movie, and then you can copy it and give to your friends for free as long as it is Private home ONLY and no profit. Second, a sharing user who is copying those movies, games, and songs and then passes to whomever on the internet, which that not true. It is up to people who is responsibly downloading for those music, songs, and movies either they own the original or not. The point is a sharing user has no right to that because it is not private home only. It is public which is not cool. Copyrights laws do not create about "public home"
Originally posted by Banjo
You can buy one song from online music stores at a low price. Man, you're really behind on the news though.

I already knew that...but didn't succeed because of RIAA.

Then get a job at McDonald's. It can't be that hard to find a job while you're looking for the job you want. It should keep you up onto your feet for a while.

You got a point there.....but however...I'll gurantee you that my applications are at all the employers here in Malvern, AR. Also there's some in Hot Springs that do have those too. The rehabiliation office has admitted to me that there is too high unemployment rate here in this state. Care to cough up some thousands of bucks so I can start up my own business? 40% of interest for your investing opportunity sounds appealing? :p

Just because you're out of a job don't give you the right to steal copyright materials.

I've never actually stole a piece of copy material. Warez doesn't count does it? :p

However, I'll wage something that you did steal something. :p

But are they regular users?

No, that I'll bet on.

YES....I MEANT regular home users or any regular humans with heartbeats...some Joe..or some Amber....on a broadband connection.

Advertisement/Sponsorship/Cable Fees are what's keeping TV shows plugged in.

Right...and there's far more opportunities for RIAA to earn some more money besides selling mp3s. Look at the MTV annoying ads. :p

But do you think they make a profit from these pirated movies?


No they won't.....but they still can float....they ain't going to sink. Did you know that most of those movies played on the theater movies are actually in DVD format? Why didn't they release those DVD movies earlier? Because they want to pull in more of the money doughs and hold off the DVD releases for a while until they feel satifised. :D

You act as if you're doing nothing wrong. To mention the legal threats that you got from a company.

Well, I didn't do anything wrong...but according to a loophole of DMCA law....I wasn't allowed to discuss about a security risk which involved the encryption process of the swf files. Macromedia jumped at the chance to gather up the personal information. What exactly did I do wrong?

It's just like this story I have been preaching to many people about Microsoft's stinky security. Let's say you're a business man who is working on a very sensentive document and a neighborhood kid comes up to your door and shows you a printed page of what he got off your you blame that kid or the company for the lack of security features?

Imagine a car without seat belts....that is why we had protect lives in the vehicles....and our lives do depend on Windows...believe it...and many of those people with CC frauds, resume scams, identify thefts...all learned that.

I hope none of those above would happen to any of you. I wanted the security added into Macromedia Flash player and wanted the credits to myself so I could have a chance to be one of those top dogs in the internet security field and have a huge challenge myself. It would have been nice to be up there for a while.

I have to say that there's something fishy about your claims. Of course, you could be a huge liar who just want attention.

Sure, I could be a liar in your eyes...but in my eyes...that is oppose. There's really no reasons I need attention unless it's for a lifetime opportunity. A chance to impress you ain't one of those lifetime opportunities. :p

To call me a liar is like having the pot calling the kettle black. I'm not playing word-guessing games here.

Then why aren't you bashing RIAA? You just stood by a law that denies all of the american people the rights to freedom of speech. You have made so many statements that couldn't even stand up in the court of law. You must have had believed everything that RIAA has been feeding you. Your statement of RIAA losing money because of those p2p was an example of proof that you believed RIAA. RIAA cannot even prove in the of their representatives have already faced prejury because of making a statement like that.

You are entitled to break the CD, scratch it, listen to it all the times.

I'm glad you said let's see what what you say to when I say, "You can rip out a page of a book and show it around." What do you have to say that you could do with a CD. :D

But you aren't to make copies and pass it around on the Internet or to your friends.

Check out the old laws that would have forbidden the uses of's just the same exact law that applies to those "CD copies."

Books, it's still illegal to make copies of them just in case you didn't know. But you can rip the book up for all I care since you bought it. It's better than making copies of them.

I know it's illegal to make a copy....but that is only if you DO NOT have the permissions to do so. Copyrights expire after 75 years....with few exceptions (look at walt disney characters for example). Music doesn't. :/

Heck, students can get into trouble if they get caught making copies of pages from a book using a copier.

Why don't they face $250,000 per page like RIAA wants to do about per mp3 copy? :p

Why don't you ask Bush_for_2004, he seem to know something about it. He's bound to tell you something. He's pretty big on music to tell you the truth unlikely me.

So you can't even submit the proof yourself?? I'm amazed at someone like you......I really thought you I could have an opportunity to admit my mistake...but I'm so surprised that you're pointing at other people to do the work for you....just like RIAA is doing. :p

You'll be singing another tune when your hand is caught in the cookie jar.

Nah....I'll be baking. :p
Originally posted by Banjo
Of course, there's still a lot of fussy copyright-related law cases going around on.

The dust hasn't settled yet.

But that doesn't make it right to violate the laws.

And you stood by DMCA even it's all confusing?? this similar to be pointing to a potenial murderer without checking the evidences? :p
Originally posted by Banjo

3821 (43.15 posts per day)

This is the reason why you still don't have a job.

Making assumptions are very dangerous for your ego.

I do a lot of things around....I'm just a damn good at multi-tasking which you appear to be impressed at. :D
Breaking news....I just found out...

It's legal that if you get all your music cds and make copies of all of them....

Also other funny thing...try making a whole box of those copies and put it on the side of the street.....and let someone pick that box up....and you keep the originals.

Guess who broke the law.....not you....but the person who recieved it.'s impressive. :p
Originally posted by SilenceGold
Breaking news....I just found out...

It's legal that if you get all your music cds and make copies of all of them....

Also other funny thing...try making a whole box of those copies and put it on the side of the street.....and let someone pick that box up....and you keep the originals.

Guess who broke the law.....not you....but the person who recieved it.'s impressive. :p

Url please :) since you said you just found out..

I'm not picking on you but "3821 (43.15 posts per day) This is the reason why you still don't have a job." is a pretty strong argument.:)

Can I make a suggestion? With your skills of multi-tasking, why not cut down to 33.15 posts a day and instead send out more 10 resumes to the ones that you are already sending out daily and it might increase your odds a bit. I'd like for you to get a job so you can BUY my DVD someday instead of getting it free. My daughter would like to go to college some day BUT she'll have to work at McDonalds if people keep stealing my creations. see?:(