The Person Above Me Is **PART FOUR**

^ above me have many animals!
Answers the person above me I love all types of wildcats Tigers, Lions, Cougars, Jagaurs, Spanish Lnyx, etc...
The person above me love wildcats as I do! :)

the person above Above Jlkwildkat, Yes I do like Tigers- they r my favorite! Domestic birds- I do like them but not crazy, eh! :P
the person above me is right! :) Halloween is my favorite holiday! :)
The person above me- I thought about being a cat but dunno yet! ha.
Above person should be Frankenstein cat--the good Dr. Frankenstien's pet with huge claws and red fang teeth.
Above person should lighten up and not be so serious, be silly--that the whole point of my avatar. There is enough serious people on this earth and we need more silly folks around.
The person above me is right about that! its just cute avatar as i loved it! I love humor as life is too short.. why be too serious? jeez ha. i like your idea of being Frankenstein cat. I might dress up as one but hope i wont scared the lil kids. :lol:
The person above me and the person above me were offended by my describtion? Perhaps I should have rephrased? I guess I came off a bit too serious. I think the avtar is perfect for Sillycat. I really like it. :D
^ above me have scary signature! She sure tried to pee my pant! :giggle: :giggle: (JUST KIDDING!!!)
the person above me, this was meant for GalaxyAngel. I was too slow to answer.

The person above me wants to know about the my avtar? Hallowe'en is coming up soon so I thought about making an avtar in Hallowe'en colors. It's supposed to look weird.

I plan to upload an image of a skeleton that I drew for my signature.
The person above me is unable to upload images for her signatures.

It keeps saying image is uploaded and ready to show but images won't appear on her signature. What am I doing wrong?