The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XIII

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Jiro, you missed my qtn: Why those two States?
I am not her little son, she's not my mom. :rofl:

Correct. And I said Shel's son Nathan is a character as he threw a laundry hamper down the stairs and hit her in the head. And he is only three.:lol:
Correct. And I said Shel's son Nathan is a character as he threw a laundry hamper down the stairs and hit her in the head. And he is only three.:lol:

I was joking Bottesini, and poor little Nathan Jr hit his head. Ouch.
I was wondering because now... It seems that the CW classes are popular nowadays.

A lot of fliers and posters are out advertising it. ( In my community.) I have been considering taking it.

I have also seen on the news how people are rushing to buy Ammo due to the fear of the gun laws may change.

1. because 9/11 opened people's eye. It taught everybody to be SELF-RELIANT. For so long during Clinton Administration (which is the most anti-gun government in the history), people have been coddled with and they put their lives on government's hands to protect them. 9/11 woke them up and thanks God for that.

2. Vermont government regarding gun law said - "Travelers should rely upon a handgun for personal protection while traveling through Vermont." Mind you - Vermont is the only state in USA that does not require ANY kind of license/certification/etc. You can just walk up to any store and buy it. You can walk around with gun on your belt visibly. I think that's cool but I'm not too thrilled about not requiring license/permit/etc.

3. this CCW class I took was funded and created by a licensed clinical psychologist who was affected by 9/11. He is a NRA certified firearms instructor (so is Chase) in basic pistol, personal protection, and home firearms safety. He strongly believes in personal defense & safety.

4. Mind you - I DO NOT recommend that EVERYBODY should get armed. Just by having gun rights especially CCW - it affords you a rights to response by using EQUAL force for SELF-defense. That means you may response to situation with deadly force ONLY IF your life is in JEOPARDY and you cannot avoid it. THAT'S ALL. Leave rest for cops.
Jiro, why those two States?

Because those 2 states issue non-resident CCW that has Reciprocity Agreements with 29 states - Pennsylvania, Ohio, Delaware, Florida, Virginia, Texas, Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont and Wyoming.

I'm from Eastern Coast and I travel around the surrounding states often especially PA.

Im not coming back, so good bye!

Alldeaf done turned me off, so fuck off!

lolololol why is Freedom of Speech aka Amendment 1 so COMMONLY misunderstood????? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

1. Amendment 1 cannot be touched by government
2. Private (non-government) can regulate its own "Freedom of Speech". That means censorship, use of language, etc.
3. STFU you must :cool2: just got bad anyhow. New rules, new Mods, more security, post been removed or edited without warning, flame wars, trolls, some members became too selfish and think only about themselves, etc...

then file a complaint to Alex :cool2: The more complaints he receives from you ADers, the better the chance will be that Alex will take some action to remedy this situation.
then file a complaint to Alex :cool2: The more complaints he receives from you ADers, the better the chance will be that Alex will take some action to remedy this situation.

I was referring it to diehardbiker because of no freedom of speech.
AD was better back then until it all changed in 2009 when Alex was not around.
AD was better back then until it all changed in 2009 when Alex was not around.

nothing's ever better especially in this time of economy. I don't blame Alex. He's paying for AD out of his own pocket, you know? Like rest of us - Alex has to work more and he has bills to pay.

I FEEL YOU, ALEX! :sadwave:
just FYI - you only need to stay away from rednecks & dumbass, not responsible law-abiding armed citizens.

some of us rednecks are responsible law-abiding armed citizens! :P
some of us rednecks are responsible law-abiding armed citizens! :P

Depends on our meanings of rednecks. for us - it's dumb hillybilly with crooked teeth and many inbred children. For you - a hard-working labor job that ain't for any patsy.
Oyster farmers wear green slickers.

When they are out in the beds--all you see are greenbacks.
Oyster farmers wear green slickers.

When they are out in the beds--all you see are greenbacks.

ooohhh.... I was thinking of something relating to gardening lol. I'm WAY off the target.
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