The Greatest Mystery!


New Member
Jan 15, 2006
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What's is truly up on Endymion's face, is it a grotesque beastly face or the face of Adonis, Hmm I hereby think now *seats down in a thinking position*
Presently Endymion is working out on a big mathematical equation to see whether it's fitting and ok to reveal the mysterious part hence all the waiting and many wild guesses (some that are indeed wayyy out of this world!) to what this mysterious face looks like! Then again, there may even be a long line of ladies at his door to take their turn at taking a peek or two! :lol: Which also explains why he may not be revealing here by getting all the attention that's he is craving and raving about with 'em ladies lurking about at his doorstep!! :laugh2:
There is a slight possibility I look like the Witch of Agnesi. ;)

But we all know I'm just really Oprah Winf--oh crap! I almost said my name again! Whew.

And what about you, TheWinterKnight? If your looks are like your noble and chivalrous charm, I imagine women swarm around you like bees on honey. But you don't need looks, I'd think, your charm is awesome enough.
In all actuality, Endy bears an uncanny resemblance to this fellow:


Though Endy's suits aren't quite as nice. :)
About Endymion's headless stature here at AD, I shall shamelessly copy a snippet out of Shakespeare's tragedy, that of Othello, in Act I, Scene III:
The Anthropophagi and men whose heads
Do grow beneath their shoulders
. This to hear
Would Desdemona seriously incline:
Obviously Shakespeare hasn't met a dashing headless creature sporting an Armani suit, where Desdemona would definitely approve! :)
me_punctured said:
Where did this obsession about Endymion's physical appearance come from?

Probably because Endy's identity and appearance is such a closely guarded secret.
thewinterknight said:
Cute, very cute. If I had a crush on End, then I woild be quite blunt about it. :squint:

One can only speculate why you started this thread. ;)

It's all right, thewinterknight. We won't judge you.
Ok, if you want me to admit it, I ADMIT I'M IN LOVE WITH ENDY'S SUIT!!!!

What? You thought I would admit 'that'? :crazy:
thewinterknight said:
Ok, if you want me to admit it, I ADMIT I'M IN LOVE WITH ENDY'S SUIT!!!!

ROFL. I'm sure Endymion's got a closetful of suits, which you can choose from and sneak off with one or more of 'em. In that case, you might come upon his driver's licence in one of the pockets. He he
Do no one care about Endy's identify?

Endy is evil, you know that? He's pure evil for denying us his face

BTW :bump: