The Deaf Diaries Blog

Also, "Life in the Silent Lane" (you know, like "Life in the Fast Lane").

Maybe...... "Life in the Silent Lane" :) I think I like it. I was thinking that every day is a triumph is a Deaf person's life. Sometimes ignorant hearies can make life so unnecessarily complicated for them. So, when you put together a video, maybe you can reflect some of their triumphs and show the tenacity that it takes for them to make it through inadequate education accommodations, and non user-friendly work environments. Did you get a chance to pick up that book "Triumph of the Spirit"? YOu really will love it. OMG... please forgive my typos... I get really Drain Bed when I think faster than my fingers can keep up. :)

thought, the word silent in the title will help to be a tag word for the search engines, so it will appear under other headings as well as under the specific title.
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Thanks Dreamchaser. I'm still to get hold of the book, but will do in the coming week.

So, "Life in the Silent Lane" is the most popular name right now with 2 votes from hearing people. Any other ideas from our Deaf brothers & sisters?
"Life in the Deaf World"? Life in the Silent Lane doesn't sounds so bad at all. I did vote for that one 2. Good luck with book
Actually, though, its going to be an online diary which I hope all of you will participate in.

Ur welcome, looking forward to reading ur dairies, just let me know and keep me posted.
Regards Nathan