That's it. Never leaving house again.


New Member
Aug 8, 2011
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I get in car today, sit belt metal piece stick up...sit right on it. Bruise ass. Very painful.

Is sign (continued sign????) I should stay home where safe.

This week alone I slam finger in desk drawer and split head open, now bruise ass. This add to last week break fingers (same fingers which slam in drawer) and two weeks ago break nose.


You need me, I be home in bed.
Actually right now is apartment full boxes, part packed shelves, many tripping hazards. Not safe anywhere!!!
Your bed could break too. Or a spring could poke through the mattress. Safety is never guaranteed. :giggle:

Seriously, I hope you have no more accidents. :)
Sucks you've had such a bad time of it. Maybe a lot of pillows will help, placed in strategic places around the house.
you are the living proof of Final Destination :Ohno:
We need to wrap you in bubblewrap!
Be careful and hope that this thing blows over soon.
Wirelessly posted (Backberry)

What are you talking about!?!? Some people pay to get abused like that and you are getting it for free!!! Come on! What's wrong with this picture??? (I was just kidding! You've had the worst string of bad luck that I have seen in a long time. But it's over now. These things come in 3's.)
Wirelessly posted (Backberry)

Stupid me I forgot to add... I hope you feel better soon!
I don't blame you for hiding. Hope you're all healed up soon.
Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry about your string of bumps , bruises, and worse! Definitelyseems like the Universe is telling you something :) . Feel better, top to bottom.
Wirelessly posted

Cheetah said:
Wirelessly posted (Backberry)

What are you talking about!?!? Some people pay to get abused like that and you are getting it for free!!! Come on! What's wrong with this picture??? (I was just kidding! You've had the worst string of bad luck that I have seen in a long time. But it's over now. These things come in 3's.)

Six times in one month for me... Long story! Lol. Worst luck ever. Involves a psychopathic boss which led to a car accident and then my apartment flooded, etc...
Wirelessly posted

Things will start looking up soon for you sunny! Bad things usually happen before good things start happening or at least that's what I think...
I am thinking as an old Native woman (Native American) that you might have some medicines (Sage, Sweetgrass, native tobacco and one important small stone to put in the small medicine bag). All you need is to pick up each of the Sage, Sweetgrass and native Tobacco between the thumb and first finger and put them in the medicine bag. After you have done that, just wear it around the neck and hopefully you will not get into any accident. It is like Karma. We put our medicine bag in the car up where the center mirror is. It work for us. At home, no problem except sometimes we bump or hurt ourselves and they were not serious.

Where to find the stone to put in the medicine bag? You could find it anywhere like at the beach where there might be stones only find it small one and special to you. Something that might be spiritual that click with you. Hope that help.

You can try this if you want to. It is up to you whatever you decide that might help.

You are surely a accident prone person. :)
They say when it rains, it pours. I believe this.

I hope things start looking sunny for you sunny!! :D
Bebonang, is this or bubble wrap...I think I try this first!!!!! Where I get native tobacco?