Teacher arrested for statutory rape and sexual misconduct.


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Jan 13, 2005
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Folks, I want your opinion. This is a long posting thread so please bear with me. You will recognize the posts by Codger near the end. Did I go overboard? Was I wrong? What is wrong with these people, or I just not "with it"?

posted 02-08-2005 07:56 PM
Did anyone hear about the teacher arrested in this Co. at her parents' house for 13 counts of sexual misconduct as an authority figure and 15 counts of statutory rape with more pending? I went to school with this girl. She was a big time basketball player. She is out on bail as of now.
Of all the ways to get this County in the news....
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASSASSIN
posted 02-08-2005 08:00 PM
looks like she plays more than basketball
posted 02-08-2005 09:20 PM
yeah i heard about it, its all over the news. At least we get on the map somehow .
posted 02-08-2005 09:30 PM
Dang i just saw her on TV, shes hot.
posted 02-08-2005 09:35 PM
Pretty sad.
posted 02-08-2005 09:39 PM
Originally posted by Marshal:
Does she do girls or boys?
posted 02-08-2005 09:45 PM
Yeah that BS how about this jerk down in Redbank a principal sleeps with a 15 yr old gets a suspended sentence and will be able to teach again in 6 yrs our courts better get their **** together
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- BigAl
posted 02-08-2005 10:06 PM
I saw it on the news.
And although I don't condone what she did, she's one fine looking lady.
posted 02-08-2005 10:11 PM
I saw that on the news tonight. I thought they were'nt supposed to show pics or names of the juvenile victims...then I found out the pic they showed was actually the teacher!
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wildcat
posted 02-08-2005 10:19 PM
Saw her on TV, she's one hot babie. Why didn't we have teachers like that when I was in Middle School.
posted 02-09-2005 12:07 AM
Happens all the time, not very often with a female teacher though. I never trust anyone, not even a teacher, with my kids. I know some who have got away with it scott free (I don't have a clue how). Others have not been so "lucky". Sometimes, however, students make things up on teachers. In one particular instance I have seen it just about ruin a teachers life. The student finally admitted that she had made the whole thing up over an altercation in class (she had told her friends about her plot of revenge and thats what got her). By that time his reputation had been through the mud.
posted 02-09-2005 04:52 AM
Originally posted by Wildcat:
Saw her on TV, she's one hot babie. Why didn't we have teachers like that when I was in Middle School.
I was thinking the same thing, Wildcat.
posted 02-09-2005 07:39 AM
Just saw the story on the Today Show. Matt L. interviewed the Attorney General for Warren county.
posted 02-09-2005 04:27 PM
if she was that desperate she should have come seen me. fine lookin babe
posted 02-09-2005 04:56 PM
Anybody got a cubscout uniform I can borrow?
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Buzzsaw
posted 02-09-2005 04:56 PM
I had some teachers when I was in school that THAT would've been a crime, but this teacher is hot. If that would've been me when I was 13, that would NOT have been a crime. Just a whooped a$$ if my Momma found out, mine and the teachers. I would be the first 32 yr old 8th grader and they would have to drag my a$$ out of her class. That's every boy's fantasy.

posted 02-09-2005 05:17 PM
I would like to volunteer my services to offer her some counseling.
We'll start with some hands on physical therapy.
Also, I believe that my volunteer work should put me in the running for the 2006 (site) 'Hero of the Year.'
posted 02-09-2005 05:25 PM
Im so sure that this young boy will have a horrible life. I bet he is tromitized and will never have a fullfilling life. I wonder he will ALWAYS look for the older women. He just got a crash course in sex ed. What the problem?
That is the 25 year old coming out in me.
But being a father I would kill any teacher that touched my daughter in an inappropiate way.
Oh by the way she is a very attractive woman
sick but attractive.
posted 02-09-2005 05:28 PM
This whole story sounds fishy to me. She's way too hot to hook up with a 13 year old. Plus she just went through a divorce. Someone might have it out for her. My two cents.
And she is from up there on the plateau. Maybe they're cousins.
posted 02-09-2005 05:44 PM
I don't know how to post to this without getting into trouble.. . So I will keep my mouth shut.. I have tried to post about a dozen times and have erased them all... Just read my mind folks....
posted 02-09-2005 06:19 PM
All I can say is
posted 02-09-2005 07:03 PM
A crime is a crime, regardless if it’s male on male, male on female, female on male or female on female. The fact that the lady is “hot” doesn’t make it any less of a crime. Unfortunately there is a double standard when the criminal is a female and the victim is a young male. The fact that this lady was a trusted authority figure makes it all the more disgusting. If it were my son this had happened to I would want the maximum punishment for her and I would not take too kindly to those that made my son out to be some “conquering stud”, instead of the victim. Yes, when I was a teenager I also fantasized about such escapades. I have also seen the affects of a teenage male being seduced by an older “hot” female and it can have less than desirable affects.

Another page to go... stay with me!
posted 02-09-2005 07:58 PM
I completely agree KY Redneck.
At the same time, I sure wish I had had a "teacher" like that when I was a teenager! She could have tought me anything she wants!
...just kidding, just kidding...
sort of...
posted 02-09-2005 08:01 PM
Everytime I look at her picture a song pops in my head.
"got it made, got it made, got it made...I'm hot for teacher."
posted 02-09-2005 08:08 PM
That boy is the envy of every stratight teenage boy in the state!
posted 02-09-2005 08:09 PM
--------------------------------------------------------------------------What was she the Sex Ed teacher ? LOL
posted 02-09-2005 08:51 PM
--------------------------------------------------------------------------She can rape me anytime
posted 02-09-2005 08:56 PM
-------------------------------------------------------------------------I'd like to know what pick-up line he used.
I thought I'd tried them all in school.
"Do you need a partner for weight watchers tonight?"
"Can we go to dinner tonight and use you AARP card?"
"Good morning Mrs. Wilson, you're scarf sure makes your eyes dance"
"I have a Harley, ....Harley Davidson. Zat turn you on?"
posted 02-09-2005 09:16 PM
I could not begin to feel the way that Mothers feels right now, to think she let someone in their home that brought that kind of pain to that family.
I am sure glad I have not faced that kind of pain.
I have talked to my son about this and I have heard his jokes about it. I can TRUST him and I try to make sure that I leave a door open to where if he ever is faced with something that he may not be able to handle, he feels comfortable enough to talk to me about it. If it be sex or drugs.
This age is faced with more than I was every faced with at that age.
I hope they treat her just like any other sex offender. FRY her a s s
posted 02-09-2005 09:36 PM
She needs a spanking
posted 02-09-2005 09:44 PM
Sorry guys, but if one of my kids came home and told me he was doing his teacher and she looked like that, I would HIGH FIVE the boy and do my best Tim 'The Tool Man" Taylor RRRR rrrrr RRRRR at the same time!
I dont care who you are that girl is HOT!
Something else to ponder on, wonder just WHO it was that leaked this information out?
Chances are, it dang sure wasnt the student!
Im betting it was one of two possibilities: either the boys middle aged, overweight Mom, OR a another jealous student!
posted 02-09-2005 09:48 PM
--------------------------------------------------------------------------that is sad and I feel sorry for you
what if it was your baby girl and a male teacher?
posted 02-09-2005 09:51 PM
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Like it or not, the world is still full of double standards and THIS is a PERFECT example. Im just being honest, if you could get 10 men to tell you the truth, 9 of em will say the same thing I said.
Course now my kids are 19 and 21, so my view may be SOMEWHAT biased, but if they were say in high school and was tapping dat arse, yep, GOOD JOB SON-----
posted 02-09-2005 09:54 PM
In today's world,I'd just be happy it is a him and her....
Of course I would have to take action against the offending party, but that is a given.
posted 02-09-2005 10:03 PM
My only question is, "What would have been your reactions if the young lady was UGLY"? Most of the reactions were concerning her attractiveness.
posted 02-09-2005 10:09 PM
--------------------------------------------------------------------------No double standard Hunt....
She had sexual relations with a underaged CHILD.
What if she was 13 and your son was 3 and you found out she had been groping him and abusing him in a sexual way??
Sure teenaged boys have raging hormones and are probably "easier" targets than girls the same age but it is the same crime either way you look at. And is condoning statutory rape and praising your son for fooling around with a married, TEACHER during school the father fgure you want to portray and pass on to your kids??
posted 02-09-2005 10:10 PM
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Originally posted by mtnman:
My only question is, "What would have been your reactions if the young lady was UGLY"? Most of the reactions were concerning her attractiveness.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------DAYUMM BOY! I thought I taught you better than that!
posted 02-09-2005 10:11 PM
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Were you ever a teenager Hog?
posted 02-09-2005 10:15 PM
-------------------------------------------------------------------------Originally posted by Huntaholic:
Were you ever a teenager Hog?
-------------------------------------------------------------------------Yep...More than I like to admit...but being a teenager doesnt cover up the fact that she had sex with a child.
posted 02-09-2005 10:21 PM
Perhaps, by TODAY'S legal definition, but not too many years ago 13 was the age at which girls were expected to be thinking about MARRIAGE.
3 is a child by ANY definition. 13 is debatable, depending on the individual. Ive even seen some 30 yr olds that acted like they were 10.
posted 02-09-2005 10:22 PM
--------------------------------------------------------------------------I grew up about a mile down the road from her and was around her alot. If I had wanted a babie doll I would have went to Wally World.
posted 02-09-2005 10:23 PM
I personally know this lady and her family.I don't believe that she is guilty until proven so.I also wish that the media would leave her mom and dad out of this just because her dad is a well known coach he is being chased by network news like he did this.If she is guilty she has really destroyed her life and that is the big picture here not how proud the boy should be.
posted 02-09-2005 10:30 PM
--------------------------------------------------------------------------A 27 year old woman should have more respct about her self where she is guilty or not.
posted 02-09-2005 11:06 PM
--------------------------------------------------------------------------If the alleged event did in fact take place I cannot say I condone this sort of behavior. However, if said event did occur this young lady has some serious issues.
From the few pictures I have seen I am certain that she would have had NO PROBLEM finding a willing adult partner to fulfill her every need. From the posts above I'd have to assume she would have a line of TNDeer regulars waiting to offer their services.
(No honey, I wouldn't be one of them!!)
PS Did ya'll know she was one of the WCW Nitro girls back in 97? D@mn she's hot!!
posted 02-10-2005 12:19 AM
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Any adult comes near my 13 year old son or daughter like that....you better hope they hide you deep in the jail and keep you there a long....LONG time. Any of you that condone this are not much of a man in my book.
posted 02-10-2005 08:47 AM
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Whew BOY! Ive done it now! I dont recall being the least bit concerned with what, who, where, manhood, childhood, or even SPECIES I was considered by you in your book.
THINK BACK MAN, do you even REMEMBER being a teenager? Im not asking that you look at it from a 70 yr old. great grandpa view, remember testostorone? Lighten up man, I agree, I see absolutely NO reason for her to be fooling around with someone like that, but I **** SURE dont blame the boy for doing it!
posted 02-10-2005 09:30 AM
-------------------------------------------------------------------------ruht ro...anyone feel that earthquake this morning?
posted 02-10-2005 09:31 AM
--------------------------------------------------------------------------If you, an adult, condone a child having sex with and adult, then you condone an adult having sex with a child. It is not funny. It is not something to lighten up about. You obviously don't care what anyone thinks about your sense of morality or ethics, or you would not have posted such on a public forum read in quite a few states.

I guess I am too old for my sense of morality to count anymore. I was a moral teen. I had moral parents. I am trying to raise moral children and it is hard to do in today's world. Harder than it was for my parents. Back then there was no "man/boy love association." Teachers could be trusted to not abuse children.

I have no idea if this woman is guilty of doing what she is charged with. That is for the court to decide. But when a group of men come on a hoot and backslap and "Hi-five" over the idea that some kid has sex with a 27 year old woman, good looking, bad looking, whatever, it tells me that I am associating with the wrong people here.

I am done and out of here. Enjoy your site.
posted 02-10-2005 09:47 AM
-------------------------------------------------------------------------i'll pretend to be 13 and she can rape me!!!
posted 02-10-2005 09:48 AM
I don't condone what she did but everyone keeps saying that she raped this boy like she tied him up and held a gun to his head while she grinded on him. From everything I've read and heard on TV this was toal consensual sex. This kid knew what he was doing, I don't think he's a victim. I know the boy is only 13 but what a 13yr. old boy knows about sex these days is ALOT more than even 18 or 20yr. olds knew 10-15 years ago.
What this woman did was wrong but to keep it in perspective, it does take two to tango.
To play devils' advocate:
Would it make a difference if the 13yr. old is the one that persued this woman and started the relationship?
Your post was fine, it came from a straight-thinking moral man who knows what he's talking about. These guys are just excited because they saw this teacher and they think "they can do it with her back then". Obvioulsy they are thinking with the wrong head... It's best to follow the norms of today's society and a 27 years old teacher doing it with a 13 years old student, is shameful, it's even considered taboo and pedophilia and what do we do when we see a guy trying to hook up with a 13 years old boy? Not only do we view it as a gay activity but the bigger point in picture is, he's only 13 years old and why would anyone want to fiddle with someone who's 1/2 his age? It's disgusting and it's like having sex with your own children. Anyone who think of that will need to seek psychological help because this is not what we view as a positive activity in the moral book. Sure enough a lot of us have fantasies of having an older woman come on us when we are young and back then we would think it's ok, but what is really going on? we are putting the older person in picture in high risk of going to jail/getting fined. Like that song, "Stacy's mom", it's a perfect every-teenage-boy-going-through-puberty's fantasy but they are thinking with the wrong head here. Too much blood in their head, blocking them from consulting with old man Common Sense.

All in all, Codger, you said the right thing and if anyone disagree with what you said, it's not you, it's them.

Hopefully that's what you are hoping to hear from us, but if there's something else that you need to be rested, let me know!
Well, as you could tell by my last post on the thread, I left that site. I have, out of curiosity, been lurking back occasionally, and the same infantile remarks continue. It is like they didn't even see what I wrote, or didn't care.

I have both a 13 year old daughter and a 13 year old son. Their lewd hubba hubba remarks I can take as just locker room crap from immature boys. But when they openly condone child abuse like that, it tells me a lot about these people and the world we live in today. It is like they think that you cannot sexually abuse a boy? This fits right in with the child murder threads, child abuse and neglect, sick people cheerleading other sick people. Some of these men are in their 30's, 40's, and 50's. And they think that a 13 year old boy having sex with a teacher in her upper twenties is fine and envy the boy. I guess I should say boys, since there are more than 15 counts now :tears:

You are absolutely right. I have two grandsons, ages 8 and 11. The thought of any adult, man or woman, sexually abusing them makes me sick.

I hope that most of those disgustingly stupid remarks made by the other posters is just "talk". Many people say things that they really don't believe, or would never act on, just for immature shock value. Nevertheless, it is still disturbing.

I don't care how "consensual" the accused says the acts were. No minor child, especially in relation to an authority figure, is every truly consensual. In fact, even if a minor child is physically well-developed, strips naked, and throws him/herself at an adult, it is the responsibility of the adult to say "No!" and flee the scene.
Folks, I want your opinion. This is a long posting thread so please bear with me. You will recognize the posts by Codger near the end. Did I go overboard? Was I wrong? What is wrong with these people, or I just not "with it"?
My opinion: Unlike the puritans on this thread, sex is not something to be ashamed of, or something embarrassing or downright vile. It is a natural act between two consenting people.

But the laws of this country is set up to punish people, if they are not in the same age bracket, for engaging in sexual activity, because of arbitrary classifications.

Fact: The human being arrives at sexual maturity 6 to 10 years earlier than the government/society's definition of "adult." This factoid will always result in sexual relationships between "adults" and "underage teenagers," no matter how severe the repercussions may get.

Another fact: people have engaged in sex and do bear children long before the age of 18 in the past and other countries. We should stop pretending our laws and our morals are objective and should apply all the time, and learn their limits, and learn some history and gain some perspective. :buttsex:
Personal factoid: at age 19 i have slept with a 17 year old.

Ladies and gentlemen, commence "holier than thou" attitude and preaching.
The Heretic said:
My opinion: Unlike the puritans on this thread, sex is not something to be ashamed of, or something embarrassing or downright vile. It is a natural act between two consenting people.
I agree that sex is a natural act and nothing to be ashamed of. I agree that the two people must be consenting. Where you and I disagree is what is "consenting". I firmly believe that children cannot consent to sexual relations. I firmly believe that adults who take advantage of children are perverted and selfish.

But the laws of this country is set up to punish people, if they are not in the same age bracket, for engaging in sexual activity, because of arbitrary classifications.
No, the laws are set up to protect children from adults who would take advantage of them.
The child that this teacher is accused of having sex with is 13. An eighth grader. My daughter, and my son are 13. Neither of them have the maturity to give consent to sex with an adult. Or with other children. Neither of them has the physical maturity to bear children or the mental maturity to raise them if they did have them.

Beyond the matter of what the law says, beyond what the matter of societal morality says, beyond what physicians or scientist say or what another parent might say, I say that if an adult molest one of my children and I find out about it, and nothing really, really bad happens to them, they can then assume that they did the right thing. Can that be plainer?
Reba said:
Where you and I disagree is what is "consenting". I firmly believe that children cannot consent to sexual relations.
Why? They obviously can and do consent to sexual activity everyday. That alone refutes your belief.
I firmly believe that adults who take advantage of children are perverted and selfish.
understood, but that is a moral judgment of your own, and speaks more about you than the people who sleep with "children."
Since I have committed this "perverted and selfish" act, I don't see it the same way.

No, the laws are set up to protect children from adults who would take advantage of them.
I know the intent behind the law, but that presumes children, especially teenagers, are completely innocent and are incapable of seducing adults. That is manifestly false and misleading. I recommend you to read Lolita, and explain to me why that is the case.

The author has great insights in the human condition that is deeper than the arbitrary mores of society.
Codger said:
...[snip]... Neither of them have the maturity to give consent to sex with an adult. Or with other children. Neither of them has the physical maturity to bear children or the mental maturity to raise them if they did have them.
they may not have the maturity, but it is also incorrect to assume that the gap between "child" and "adult" is profound and severe that when someone turns 18 years old he or she automatically has this mystical and mythical "maturity."

...[snip].... I say that if an adult molest one of my children and I find out about it, and nothing really, really bad happens to them, they can then assume that they did the right thing. Can that be plainer?
you're using loaded words. Sex between underage person and an adult isn't molestation. I suggest you to refrain from using misleading words. ;-)
The Heretic said:
Why? They obviously can and do consent to sexual activity everyday. That alone refutes your belief.
A minor dependent child cannot consent to an older adult, especially an authority figure.

Since I have committed this "perverted and selfish" act, I don't see it the same way.
Of course not. A perp with a perverted sense of right and wrong never sees any of his own actions as "wrong". And I say selfish because the perp is seeking only his own pleasure, regardless of the damage it does to someone else.

I know the intent behind the law, but that presumes children, especially teenagers, are completely innocent and are incapable of seducing adults. That is manifestly false and misleading. I recommend you to read Lolita, and explain to me why that is the case.
I am familiar with the story about Lolita. So what? As I said before, I don't care how "seductive" an adult believes a child is, it is no excuse. An adult can exercise self-control and avoid the situation. Also, a pervert sees "seduction" in every innocent behavior, and thus "justifies" every disgusting behavior in his own mind.

Excuse me now. I feel like I need a shower.
Judge not, lest ye be judged!

Reba said:
A minor dependent child cannot consent to an older adult, especially an authority figure.
Then you do not know what "consent" means. If you are content to abuse words and stretch them beyond their dictionary definitions to make your arguments, then that's to your perogative. But that won't help your argument at all.

Of course not. A perp with a perverted sense of right and wrong never sees any of his own actions as "wrong". And I say selfish because the perp is seeking only his own pleasure, regardless of the damage it does to someone else.
Getting high and mighty aren't we, miss judgmental? :sure: And you're incorrect that the "perp" seeks only his own pleasure, because that is a strawman argument. Furthermore, there was no damage at all, beyond the deconstruction i've done to your one-sided claims.

I am familiar with the story about Lolita. So what? As I said before, I don't care how "seductive" an adult believes a child is, it is no excuse. An adult can exercise self-control and avoid the situation. Also, a pervert sees "seduction" in every innocent behavior, and thus "justifies" every disgusting behavior in his own mind.

You presume far too much, Reba. Just because you do not condone certain actions does not give you license to play armchair psychologist and explain the motives of those actions in the worst possible light. :nono:

To the audience: notice how Reba consistently uses the word "child" instead of teenager. The child is a completely innocent dove, whereas the adult is a disgusting creature from the foulest depths of River Styx, who should be ashamed of his or her thoughts. Things are hardly that black and white, and you need to realize that. The sooner you do, the more you will understand human behavior.
Food for thought, especially for the judgmental people:
Age of Consent
  • Albania: 14
  • Algeria: 16; same sex relationships are illegal
  • Andorra: 16
  • Antigua: 16; 18 for homosexual males
  • Argentina: 15; though can be 12 in certain cases
  • Australia:
    • o Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Northern Territory, Western Australia and Victoria: 16
    • Queensland: 16 (18 for anal sex)
    • South Australia and Tasmania : 17
  • Austria: 14 (as of August 13, 2002)
  • Belgium: 16
  • Brazil: 18; 14 and older only prosecutable after complaint by minor
  • Bulgaria: 14
  • Canada: 14; 18 for anal sex, sex with an authority figure, prostitution or appearing in pornography. A 14 year old may have sex with another who is as young as 12.
  • China: 14
  • Chile: 14
  • Croatia: 14 or 18
  • Czech Republic: 15
  • Denmark: 15; 18 for dependency relationships (teacher/student etc.).
  • Finland: 16
  • France: 15; however sex with a minor under 18 in a dependency relationship may be criminalized.
  • Germany:
    • 18 years in dependency relationships (teacher/student etc.)
    • 16 years if the older partner is over 18 and coerces the younger partner into sex other than by physical means, or if the older partner pays the younger partner to have sex (prostitution)
    • 16 years if the older partner is over 21 and exploits "lack of sexual self-determination" of the younger partner (only prosecuted after complaints or “public interest", in practice rarely prosecuted with little or no punishment)
    • 14 years for all other sexual relationships
  • Greece: 17 for sodomy, otherwise 14
  • Hong Kong: gay 21, lesbian unknown, heterosexual females 16, heterosexual males 18
  • Hungary: Since the 2002 decision of the Constitutional Court 14 for both heterosexual and homosexual relationships
  • Iceland: 14
  • India: heterosexual 16, homosexual forbidden
  • Indonesia: 17
  • Iran: extramarital sex is illegal (see: Marriageable age)
  • Ireland, Republic of: 17, 15 for lesbians and oral sex.
  • Israel: 14, but under 18 legal if age difference is no more than 2 years.
  • Italy: 14
  • Japan: 13 nationwide, 16 to 18 in most prefectures; however, age of marriage for a female with parental approval is 16.
  • Latvia: 16
  • Lithuania: 14, for homosexual males, as of 2004, source LifeSiteNews.com
  • Malaysia:
    • 18, but Muslims must also be married
    • homosexual sex is illegal
  • Mexico: 12, but 18 under some circumstances
  • Netherlands: 16 (18 if dependent relationship or prostitution)
  • New Zealand: 16
  • Norway: 16
  • Peru: 12
  • Poland: 15
  • Portugal: heterosexual 14, homosexual 16
  • Puerto Rico: 14
  • Romania: 15
  • Russia: either 14 or 16
  • Saudi Arabia: heterosexual must be married, homosexual illegal
  • Singapore:
    • sex with a girl aged under 14 is considered statutory rape
    • sex with a girl aged under 16 is considered an offense of "carnal intercourse with an underage female" (less severe than rape but still a punishable offense)
    • homosexual sex is illegal
  • Slovakia: 15
  • Slovenia: 15
  • South Africa: homosexual 19, heterosexual 16
  • South Korea: 13
  • Spain: 13
  • Sweden: 15
  • Switzerland: 16, under 16 legal if age difference is no more than 3 years
  • Thailand: 15
My cousins are from Italy and they are about the most well-adjusted people you will ever meet in your life. They are, on the whole, a great group of intelligent and sociable people. The fact that the age of consent is 14 has something to do with their lack of prudish or judgmental perception, it is likely, however, I am not going to make a sweeping generalization based on my cousins alone. Anyway, they are proof that the age of consent is rather inconsequential to their emotional or physical maturity. :cool:

1 a : compliance in or approval of what is done or proposed by another; specifically : the voluntary agreement or acquiescence by a person of age or with requisite mental capacity who is not under duress or coercion and usually who has knowledge or understanding

Merriam-Webster Dictionary of Law, © 1996 Merriam-Webster, Inc.
playing your hand too soon....

Reba said:

1 a : compliance in or approval of what is done or proposed by another; specifically : the voluntary agreement or acquiescence by a person of age or with requisite mental capacity who is not under duress or coercion and usually who has knowledge or understanding

Merriam-Webster Dictionary of Law, © 1996 Merriam-Webster, Inc.
Congratulations, Reba. In other words you do not believe a young person under the age of 18 is capable of consenting to anything because they're not mature physically or mentally. Since in a biological sense their bodies are capable of engaging in sex, they are physically capable. That leaves the mental capacity.

Which begs the further question: what is the qualitative difference between a 17 year old's mental capacity and that of an 18 year old? Do you actually believe every 18 year old inherits a mental capacity that did not exist until they turned 18 years old? Does this "quality" consists equally in each and every 18 year old person?

You'd be hard pressed to argue that is the case.

Since I know many teenagers to be much more mature than some mid-20 year old people, that already discredits the "mental capacity" appeal of yours. Next!
pl: children

1: a son or daughter of any age and usu. including one formally adopted
(compare issue)
Note: The word child as used in a statute or will is often held to include a stepchild, an illegitimate child, a person for whom one stands in loco parentis, or sometimes a more remote descendant, such as a grandchild. In interpreting the word child as used in a will, the court will try to effectuate the intent of the person who made the will as it can be determined from the language of the will.

2: a person below an age specified by law: "infant" "minor"
Example: assault on a child under 16 years of age
(compare adult)
Note: A person who is below the statutory age but is married will usually be considered an adult.

So, using your logic, perhaps you should move to a country where YOUR definition of child is prevalent, such as Mexico or Peru, or perhaps you can find one of your 14 year old cousins in Italy who will consent to have sex with you, since I doubt you have opinions prohibiting incestual relations either.

I just had a thought. If free sex between teenagers is considered consensual, exactly what makes it nonconsensual when the teen is shacking with an adult? If the teen is already physically capable and is mentally cognizant (after all they take sex education classes for learning, and to learn is to be capable of cognizant decisions) then what makes the exact same act between consenting teenagers different with an adult?