'Survivor' Gives Rupert $1M Consolation

YAY! I'm so glad Rupert won the other million! HE deserved it! WAY TO GO!
Oceanbreeze said:
Yep! And, I thought that was totally cool! I still can't figure out why TOM was even considered for the $1M consolation prize, but whatever. I voted for Rupert! :)

A big heartfelt congrats to Rupert for the 1 million dollars prize!! I couldn't believe that Boston Rob was even considered in the running for the prize...just IF he had won with the fans' approval, then surely this would have been 'Survivors' all-time richest couple!'...by being multi-millionaires! But hey, I'm really glad that Rupert ended up getting it...all the hard work he had put in throughout the Survivor's series was well worth it...by the way, does anyone know his phone number??? :naughty:
Roadrunner said:
A big heartfelt congrats to Rupert for the 1 million dollars prize!! I couldn't believe that Boston Rob was even considered in the running for the prize...just IF he had won with the fans' approval, then surely this would have been 'Survivors' all-time richest couple!'...by being multi-millionaires! But hey, I'm really glad that Rupert ended up getting it...all the hard work he had put in throughout the Survivor's series was well worth it...by the way, does anyone know his phone number??? :naughty:

Well....not sure what his phone number is, but he DOES have a website now:


Ohh....as for the reason why the Robfather was one of the F4? There's a lot of reasons: there's a lot of people that like the villain, that thought the rock he gave to his better half (Amber) was...somewhere in the price range of Kobe Bryant's apology ring to his wife :mrgreen: ,...or, of course, more sinister things like, say....ohh....possibly someone making some software that would allow people to vote for one candidate as many times as they so desire?

BTW, as it is required duty to be a Hoosier (Indiana resident), I naturally voted for Rupert....and several others (won't delve). Congrats to Rupert....ohh....and it makes me wonder just how expensive a birthday present he's going to give his daughter. ;) [It was her birthday the day he won the $1 million.]
People were autovoting for Rupert, Shii Ann, and I think Cesternino as well. We all know that the Webmasters over at CBS aren’t exactly evolutionary success stories, but even a five year old can figure out that something’s up when a single IP address is casting a vote every 8 seconds for 72 hours straight. I’m sure they figured out a way to negate those votes somehow.

The whole thing was just a flimsy device for giving Rupert a million bucks. There was no way Rupert was not going to win. Mariano got votes just because he’s sittin’ on top of the world and that makes him cool. There’s a lot of guys out there who would give their right arm to be Rob Mariano—not only does he have the national spotlight, he’s engaged to a hot blonde with a million bucks. Rob’s living out every man’s fantasy right about now, and there’s plenty of twenty-somethings out there lining up to give him a high five for it.