Surgery Day

First of all :ty: all for being here for me. It made me feel so good to see your questions.
My appointment lasted an hour and a half. I had my daughter and hubby with me to cheer me on. When I heard the first beeps, I have to admit I giggled. All I can say is that I do hear. Nothing makes me jump, but I do have "what is that" syndrome. Right now, my world is full of computers inhaling helium, so not that pleasant but they say that will go and voices will sound normal as my brain retrains itself. Yes, I know you have all heard that, and I am sure it will, just a little down right now. I can speech read better, and that does help with my hubby. Poor thing gets so frustrated when I don't understand him. Oh, and I no longer talk too of the hard parts of sudden deafness, not knowing your own volume. I can also start to hear music, at least to the point that I know it is music, not just noise, so that is great.
I was amazed at all the accessories that come with the nucleus. Not going to run out of anything any time soon. I just have to find the patch cord to plug my tv audio cable into my audio jack. I know I have one around here from my ha but where???:hmm:
What I find most annoying is hearing things when everyone else says there is no noise. No AC, no that normal? Almost like a radio channel that is not tuned correctly, if that makes sense.
Congrats on a successful activation. Yeah it will slowly get better over the next few days. I am still hearing stuff that others say they can't hear. Today I visited work and could not believe how loud the air from the machines is there. Hope your next few days go smoothly. :)
Still living in the land of computers on helium and have not really had any CI moments today. Just plugging away at household chores and just getting used to things being different. I can hear the dishwasher now, so I guess that does count as a "moment" doesn't it? :P I could hear most environmental sounds before, so it is just a matter of adjusting to the synthesized sound.
That's great! I bet every day things will start to make more sense. Keep us posted on your progress! :D
Still living in the land of computers on helium and have not really had any CI moments today. Just plugging away at household chores and just getting used to things being different. I can hear the dishwasher now, so I guess that does count as a "moment" doesn't it? :P I could hear most environmental sounds before, so it is just a matter of adjusting to the synthesized sound.

hang in there! it will get better! i can promise you that! :)
After the last hour I have spent, I know it will. I just had a melt down and was on the floor crying. I had ordered some colored mic covers and a snug fit from Cochlear USA and they wanted the SSN of my processor. They told me where it was and in trying to snap the mic cover off, I think I broke something in the pin connection between the processor and the battery. It wouldn't snap back together and stay, and then it fell. I was all over the floor, under the desk, searching everywhere (thus the melt down) and I finally gave up to take a break, and it had fallen into my pocket! I have it taped back together and it is working. Just glad this is going to be my spare as the chocolate brown one that is my main one is on order. After that little nightmare, anything else is better!!
After the last hour I have spent, I know it will. I just had a melt down and was on the floor crying. I had ordered some colored mic covers and a snug fit from Cochlear USA and they wanted the SSN of my processor. They told me where it was and in trying to snap the mic cover off, I think I broke something in the pin connection between the processor and the battery. It wouldn't snap back together and stay, and then it fell. I was all over the floor, under the desk, searching everywhere (thus the melt down) and I finally gave up to take a break, and it had fallen into my pocket! I have it taped back together and it is working. Just glad this is going to be my spare as the chocolate brown one that is my main one is on order. After that little nightmare, anything else is better!!

whew! glad you found the pin connector. that's one of my pet peeves about being totally blind...searching on the floor for a dropped object for hours only to come up empty. :mad2:
Oh, that has to be frustrating. My extra challenge is 7 indoor cats. I was so afraid that if I didn't find it, one of the cats would and then it could go anywhere in the house, not to be seen for who knows how long.
Oh, that has to be frustrating. My extra challenge is 7 indoor cats. I was so afraid that if I didn't find it, one of the cats would and then it could go anywhere in the house, not to be seen for who knows how long.

7 cats? cool! i know how you feel. whenever i drop something small on the floor, i'm always concerned tigger (my guide dog) will accidentally swallow it if i don't find it. she's usually good about letting things be, but you never know...
Yeah, there are some that call me the cat lady. :) I just love their personalities and how they play together. At the same time, that can be bothersome if they find a bauble or something else interesting and start batting it around the house. They got my first hearing aid one time and I found it a half hour later in a different room (luckily).
Yeah, there are some that call me the cat lady. :) I just love their personalities and how they play together. At the same time, that can be bothersome if they find a bauble or something else interesting and start batting it around the house. They got my first hearing aid one time and I found it a half hour later in a different room (luckily).

There has been numerous times I've caught my cat carrying around my hearing aid in his mouth!!!! And if I forget to put in my hearing aids in the dry and store, most likely he will play with it, and somehow swipe it under the door of the AC closet, or behind the kitty litter (THANK GOD NOT IN IT!).

sigh.. cats.
Yeah, there are some that call me the cat lady. :) I just love their personalities and how they play together. At the same time, that can be bothersome if they find a bauble or something else interesting and start batting it around the house. They got my first hearing aid one time and I found it a half hour later in a different room (luckily).

i've never had cats before, so i don't know what they are like. however, i did have a dog who severely chewed up one of my BTE hearing aids when i was 15. needless to say, i wasn't a happy camper.
No, I imagine not. But, dogs will do things like that. Some more than others. I have two, but they are outside dogs. Both were rescues and the one could not be housebroken by us. Not when the kids have left the nest and we both work full time. So, they have a large pen outside and seem content.
Cats are unique. Unlike dogs, who generally love everyone, cats are finicky and they choose you, not the other way around. They are independent, which makes them perfect for full time workers who are more couch potatoes than outdoor people. Keep them fed, litter boxes clean, and love them when the demand to be loved and it all works out.
I have 3 cats myself; I had 4 up until last year until I lost one to kidney failure, she was 14. Beautiful black cat. Now with the 3 I have, I still feel like a crazy cat lady :D One is on a diet so I have to follow a "schedule" for her feedings and one is neurotic so I'm constantly doting on her, and the other is just one normal lovebug. So I'm always "there" for my cats so I fear people think I'm crazy LOL :D How are you today?
I am doing great AlleyCat. I don't know if I have had any major CI moments, but things are coming easier today. I bumped up to P3 and it seems to be fine. I do get annoyed by hubby's tv as he watches other shows and has surround sound which means I hear his tv and mine too. But, learning to sort things out as I go. I did hear the timer on the oven go off and actually knew what it was. That is a good sign things are getting better. :)
Of my seven, none are on a special diet and can eat whatever they want, including my old guy. He can have whatever he wants, plus a gooey vitamin/hi cal concoction. They range in age from 13+ (found my old guy in a parking lot at work and finally made friends with him after almost a year so not sure how old he is) to 1.
First of all :ty: all for being here for me. It made me feel so good to see your questions.
My appointment lasted an hour and a half. I had my daughter and hubby with me to cheer me on. When I heard the first beeps, I have to admit I giggled. All I can say is that I do hear. Nothing makes me jump, but I do have "what is that" syndrome. Right now, my world is full of computers inhaling helium, so not that pleasant but they say that will go and voices will sound normal as my brain retrains itself. Yes, I know you have all heard that, and I am sure it will, just a little down right now. I can speech read better, and that does help with my hubby. Poor thing gets so frustrated when I don't understand him. Oh, and I no longer talk too of the hard parts of sudden deafness, not knowing your own volume. I can also start to hear music, at least to the point that I know it is music, not just noise, so that is great.
I was amazed at all the accessories that come with the nucleus. Not going to run out of anything any time soon. I just have to find the patch cord to plug my tv audio cable into my audio jack. I know I have one around here from my ha but where???:hmm:
What I find most annoying is hearing things when everyone else says there is no noise. No AC, no that normal? Almost like a radio channel that is not tuned correctly, if that makes sense.

its a great thread I read with interest and can see it from the pro-CI side of things, and all this 'similar experiences and varied outcomes of the recovery is quite interesting, I believe 'weak legs' sydrome has alot do with the the general anaesthesia for there are quite alot of different types, like faster rates of going under and faster rate of waking up, all these differeny types have different pros and cons.

wow, your nucleus comes with everything, I love music too, i miss it so much, due to failing hearing and bouts of severe tinnitus for the last 2 years, I have been to see CI team short while ago. Its a big decision but they say I'm a very good canidate, so give or take about 6 months that I'd have to decide. Yah i do know what you mean by not realising your own voice volume, as the falling hearing i have - i get conspicious of how loud i maybe. im sure it would be quite an experience.
now jsut slightly of the topic note the bold, i'm so curious what relationship does helium have with computers?? im bit confused sorry

any way Cheers,