Sulfur/Sulfa Allergy

Not to mention the fact that if bipolar is left untreated (i.e. through medication), people face a 15-20% risk of committing suicide.

When psychiatrists encourage people with bipolar to take meds, they do so because it's a necessity.
Yup... Read the labels most of them are not actually approved. and come with warning labels.

such as...

"These statements have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases."


other warnings like..

This may interact with other medication. Speak to your doctor...

If you have any other illnesses speak with your doctor.


I do believe some Homeopathic remedies may help some. I am not against it. Just for some that are on a lot of medication and have serious issues need to truly consult a M.D.

I agree. I should say that I am not against homeopathic remedies to treat certain minor symptoms, but they should NOT be used to treat serious diseases all on their own, and they most certainly should NOT be used in place of competent care from a Dr.