Struggling with HOH Partner

This is a common behavior for lots of HOH folks. At least for me personally. I'm HoH. Before my aids and even now. Asking "what?" Is extremely frustrating for the HOH person (and for me personally embarrassing with my job). And the hearing person can get just as tired of hearing "what did you say?!" Over and over. So we just pretend.

abbey layne
My Grandpa had become HoH after, I think, some construction work had gone wrong. I don't know all the details but I do know that his hearing has gotten significantly worse over the years and I wouldn't be surprised if he's nearing the point of becoming profoundly deaf. I've caught him reading my lips when I talk to him and he's admitted he can't hear himself speak.

Honestly, whether it be male or female, I think this behavior has a lot to do with pride. Hopefully, your husband isn't as bullheaded as my grandpa because he refuses to learn ASL, he's not a very good texter, and his handwriting is horrid to read, hahaha.

Patience and lots of love is the only thing I can think to say...and that has to come from both ends.