Struggling with HOH Partner


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May 16, 2014
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My partner has had significant, bilateral hearing loss since childhood. He did not learn ASL. He wears hearing aids, but his whole life has struggled to hear others. Well before he met me, he developed a habit of pretending to listen to people when he couldn't hear people. He does this to me incessantly. If I try to check to see if he's really listening and ask him what I just said, he gets angry. Is this common behavior among HOH men? I feel really hurt. I want him to tell me when he doesn't hear me. He finds having me repeat things frustrating. If we fight about it, he'll tell me for a little bit, but he always reverts to pretending to hear me.

I also wanted to ask about how to help support my HOH partner's relationship with our young children. He has a lot of difficulty understanding them. I do a lot of translating, but it seems from my perspective that his inability to effectively communicate with his children really undermines and discourages his parenting.
It can be a struggle to follow conversations with hearing loss. It is even harder if the speaker is running their mouth without pausing to make sure the other person is even interested in the topic. I am not surprised he got angry when you quizzed him.

Concise, meaningful conversations are a lot easier to follow. As are speakers who are considerate of who they are talking to.
If he believes he heard you, there is no way he is going to know he didn't hear you. You can't have the guy second guess everything he does.

You can try to use ASL within the family(assuming it's yours) to get better communication. However, you should realize that not everyone is going to be up for the task and it has caused friction in families.

Ask the guy when was the last time he got his hearing checked and had his ears checked for wax. If he doesn't use an aid, you should consider him getting one and, if he does, perhaps getting a better one.

Even with all these things, don't plan on perfect communication. Hearing people don't even have that..
My wife will repeat herself several times for me, sometimes I just cant grasps what she is saying and she gives up and wont say it again, which pisses me off. Then other times I am in deep thoughts with myself while she blabbers on... works both ways I guess, alot of times I try to talk to her and she just isnt interested in what Im talking about.
Are your children old enough to learn ASL with you , maybe if you started learning ASL first your husband might take an interest in it too.
Even my concentration span is short....(lip reading)...and find myself drifting off....most times my Eyes just give out...admit too, that there have been times when I just shook my head "yes"...even tho' I didn't get the entire conversation.....People get so frustrated when you say...."what...or pls. repeat that".....

ASL is ur best bet....
One thing that we do is make sure we have each others attention before we start talking. Don't just walk in a room and start talking to me. Or talk to me from another room. Also helps if I know what the topic is that we are going to talk about. Save a lot of "what's".
One thing that we do is make sure we have each others attention before we start talking. Don't just walk in a room and start talking to me. Or talk to me from another room. Also helps if I know what the topic is that we are going to talk about. Save a lot of "what's".

I hate it when people start talking to me when I have my back turned to them or when they're bending down and talking to the floor.
One thing that we do is make sure we have each others attention before we start talking. Don't just walk in a room and start talking to me. Or talk to me from another room. Also helps if I know what the topic is that we are going to talk about. Save a lot of "what's".

Oh man oh man, so damn true.
Lets say I am talking to my wife about something , seriously.
Next minute she is talking about something and I cant place it, cant figure it out????
Reason is, she starts talking about a different subject..

Why does she want to put peanut butter on a new door knob and put pepsi in her engine oil when I do a tune
You know, that kind of confusion. lol
Oh man oh man, so damn true.
Lets say I am talking to my wife about something , seriously.
Next minute she is talking about something and I cant place it, cant figure it out????
Reason is, she starts talking about a different subject..

Why does she want to put peanut butter on a new door knob and put pepsi in her engine oil when I do a tune
You know, that kind of confusion. lol

This just happen with my daughter a few days ago . I misunderstood what she said and we end talking about two difference things. I find I am having a harder time understanding things as I guess older plus I am only wearing only one hearing aid now . LOL about what you said about putting pepsi in the engine . You can laugh about this so that a good . I think it would funny to write down all the silly things that happen and made a book . You could have your TV show .
This just happen with my daughter a few days ago . I misunderstood what she said and we end talking about two difference things. I find I am having a harder time understanding things as I guess older plus I am only wearing only one hearing aid now . LOL about what you said about putting pepsi in the engine . You can laugh about this so that a good . I think it would funny to write down all the silly things that happen and made a book . You could have your TV show .

Well both my aids are out, been about a year or so now.
My wife says I get confused or dont understand things, but then again she goes from one subject like the house to working on her car, so now she is talking about the car and i think she is still talking about the house... Can I check the air? Whats wrong with the ac? its brand new? who messed with it? OHHHHHHHHHHH the air in your tires... damnit woman.
And she thinks Im crazy? lol
Did any of you ever read "What's That Pig Outdoors" "A Memoir of Deafness" by Henry Kisor? He was the book editor and columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times at the time it came out (I do not know about now). The hardback was published in 1990 and it came out in paperback in 1991. The title is a miss lip read of "What's that big loud noise?" In the Preface he suggests looking in a mirror and watch your lips while saying both one after the other.
Well both my aids are out, been about a year or so now.
My wife says I get confused or dont understand things, but then again she goes from one subject like the house to working on her car, so now she is talking about the car and i think she is still talking about the house... Can I check the air? Whats wrong with the ac? its brand new? who messed with it? OHHHHHHHHHHH the air in your tires... damnit woman.
And she thinks Im crazy? lol

This happen a lot . When I was a health aide I was getting the names of my clients and their health issues . I thought my boss said one of the woman was a 'son of a bitch ' over the phone and I am thinking great I have to work with a bitch for 2 hours. My boss said ,she was She short of breath ' . LOL!! We both got a good laugh out of this. It's very hard for to understand people over the phone.
My partner has had significant, bilateral hearing loss since childhood. He did not learn ASL. He wears hearing aids, but his whole life has struggled to hear others. Well before he met me, he developed a habit of pretending to listen to people when he couldn't hear people. He does this to me incessantly. If I try to check to see if he's really listening and ask him what I just said, he gets angry. Is this common behavior among HOH men? I feel really hurt. I want him to tell me when he doesn't hear me. He finds having me repeat things frustrating. If we fight about it, he'll tell me for a little bit, but he always reverts to pretending to hear me.

I also wanted to ask about how to help support my HOH partner's relationship with our young children. He has a lot of difficulty understanding them. I do a lot of translating, but it seems from my perspective that his inability to effectively communicate with his children really undermines and discourages his parenting.
It sounds like he's given up. The fact he gets angry when you asked him if he understands you and he really doesn't.

I have exactly what your partner has. Severe/Profound Bilateral Hearing loss. I struggle constantly, but if I can have someone at least be willing to meet me halfway, I'd be very happy. I don't get angry if someone asked me if I could hear them. I'm glad they ask, cause it make me feel much better knowing they care enough to make sure I get involved in conversations.

Is this common behavior among HOH men?
I am going to say, No. I smile when someone makes an attempt to involve me and help me understand other people I really don't understand. Whether I can't understand them because of accent or they are slurring or New York Speaking vs Southern Drawl. I'm a fast talking New Yorker, I struggle to understand most people from down South. lol

But in the case of your partner, it seems he's given up. Find out why. Is his hearing aids not strong enough? Maybe he needs stronger more powerful hearing aids. Or has his hearing gotten worst? Either he starts learning ASL or possibly look into getting CI.

Again this is just my opinion, and that's coming from someone with the same hearing issues as your partner.
y. If I try to check to see if he's really listening and ask him what I just said, he gets angry. Is this common behavior among HOH men? I feel really hurt. .

I think it would be common behavior to any adult if you demanded they tell you what you just said, and thinking it had something to do if they were really listening.

He's deaf? How much listening do you think he can do?

Meaningless chatter ?

That's the world if one is deaf enough. Find an alternative way to communicate that is easy for him.
It can be a struggle to follow conversations with hearing loss. It is even harder if the speaker is running their mouth without pausing to make sure the other person is even interested in the topic. I am not surprised he got angry when you quizzed him.

Concise, meaningful conversations are a lot easier to follow. As are speakers who are considerate of who they are talking to.

I do pause, and he generally will see that as the sign in the conversation to say, "Okay." I can generally tell that he's not listening, though I can't always tell. A lot of the conversations we have are about managing the house and kids: not exactly meaningful but it generally affects him and we both get frustrated when I've talked to him, gotten what I thought was agreement, and then later I find out he had no idea what I said and actually doesn't approve. I definitely struggle with being concise. I tend to repeat things to repeat things because I don't really believe he listens and I want him to know what's going on and he doesn't look at our calendars, planners, etc... I don't really know how to be more concise or engaging.

Are your children old enough to learn ASL with you , maybe if you started learning ASL first your husband might take an interest in it too.

I have a baby, a preschooler, and a school-aged kid. We did some Signing Time videos when the older kids were toddlers, and they used a few ASL signs then, but they pretty much stopped using it as soon as they could talk well in English. I'd love advice on how to learn ASL as a family beyond teaching the kids how to sign simple words like, "Ball."

One thing that we do is make sure we have each others attention before we start talking. Don't just walk in a room and start talking to me. Or talk to me from another room. Also helps if I know what the topic is that we are going to talk about. Save a lot of "what's".

I do try to do this. Yesterday, I walked into the room and asked if I could talk to him. He said, "Yes," but then went back to looking at his computer screen. I talk for a while and then ask if he's listening. He says, "Okay," which is his default answer, and we get into it.

But in the case of your partner, it seems he's given up. Find out why. Is his hearing aids not strong enough? Maybe he needs stronger more powerful hearing aids. Or has his hearing gotten worst? Either he starts learning ASL or possibly look into getting CI.

Again this is just my opinion, and that's coming from someone with the same hearing issues as your partner.

He has nerve damage, so a CI is not an option for him. I know he would definitely benefit from better hearing aids. He is supposed to wear both, but he generally only wears one. He says it's too hard to hear with the other one in despite repeated adjustments. I don't really know how to help him get the hearing aids he needs. According to him, there's nothing that can really be done.

I think it would be common behavior to any adult if you demanded they tell you what you just said, and thinking it had something to do if they were really listening.

He's deaf? How much listening do you think he can do?

Meaningless chatter ?

That's the world if one is deaf enough. Find an alternative way to communicate that is easy for him.

I came to the board to find an alternative way to communicate with him, and I understand why he's angry when I quiz him. I just don't know how to tell if he's really agreed to do something or let me do something or if he's just saying, "Okay," because that's what he says when he's not listening. We have fights constantly about how I thought he agreed to something, it's on the calendar, to-do list, meal plan, etc... and I've mentioned it conversation five times and then it surprises him and he didn't want me to do this despite that he told me, "Sure," every time I mentioned it.