Strange human behavior


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2014
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My first example comes from the gym. From the upper floor I can see the whole parking lot. It's probably 3 or 4 acres. Without fail people will search out the closest parking spots to the entrance. I've witnessed everything from minor accidents to jockeying SUV's back and forth 3 and 4 times to get in those spots. There are hundreds of open spots all to themselves and you're there to exercise! Sheesh. :D
I always like to park far because it gives me the opportunity to exercise and less hassle of trying to find a parking spot closer. It is a waste of gas anyway.
duh, it's winter. unless you live in Florida or Hawaii or other hot, sunny spot,
I think every sane person will fight to death for a spot closest to the entryway

duh, it's winter. unless you live in Florida or Hawaii or other hot, sunny spot,
I think every sane person will fight to death for a spot closest to the entryway


Yeah , I try to find a parking spot close to store now especially when it raining ice water.
ah even in winter or rain I still park either in the middle or further away. A little water doesn't hurt me (torrential rain is another matter and I either will just not go out or just sit in the car for a little while).

To each their own. If I were in a hurry then that may be the only time I will try to snag a parking spot close to the door.
ah even in winter or rain I still park either in the middle or further away. A little water doesn't hurt me (torrential rain is another matter and I either will just not go out or just sit in the car for a little while).

To each their own. If I were in a hurry then that may be the only time I will try to snag a parking spot close to the door.

Yeah a little rain does not hurt me but it sure does hurt my hearing aid. It does not take much water to mess it up.
If the parking lot is full and crowded, it seems to be more work to try to find a spot closer.

For me, rain, snow, or ice doesn't bother me because the walk from the end of the parking lot to the entrance is usually less than 5 minutes and I think I can survive that.

I just hate having to fight for a spot when there are plenty of them in areas further from the entrance. My husband is the opposite..he will drive and drive around the parking lot looking for that perfect spot.
If the parking lot is full and crowded, it seems to be more work to try to find a spot closer.

For me, rain, snow, or ice doesn't bother me because the walk from the end of the parking lot to the entrance is usually less than 5 minutes and I think I can survive that.

I just hate having to fight for a spot when there are plenty of them in areas further from the entrance. My husband is the opposite..he will drive and drive around the parking lot looking for that perfect spot.

I hate it when people take two parking spots b/c they don't want anyone parking next to their car. The employees at Market Basket are suppose to leave the good parking spaces for the customers but they don't and park close to the store . Some employees will park at the back but most don't.
My first example comes from the gym. From the upper floor I can see the whole parking lot. It's probably 3 or 4 acres. Without fail people will search out the closest parking spots to the entrance. I've witnessed everything from minor accidents to jockeying SUV's back and forth 3 and 4 times to get in those spots. There are hundreds of open spots all to themselves and you're there to exercise! Sheesh. :D

Yup, I'm a far away parker, my husband on the other hand, grrrrrr. we won't go there. We'd still be riding around looking for that spot by the door if I didn't say....park this thing already! :lol:

Yup, I'm a far away parker, my husband on the other hand, grrrrrr. we won't go there. We'd still be riding around looking for that spot by the door if I didn't say....park this thing already! :lol:

Can you remember where you park your car , I forget sometime so I like to park close to the store so I can find my car easier .
Can you remember where you park your car , I forget sometime so I like to park close to the store so I can find my car easier .

Just recently I had that problem, found myself wandering the parking lot looking for my car, hoping no one was watching. So embarrassing!

Also, last week as I drove into a parking space and parked I looked up and discovered I was parked beside myself.....a car exactly like mine. I decided to move for fear either me or the other person would be so confused and not know whose car was whose. Stranger things have happened than that the key would open either car!
Once I returned to my car from shopping mall, I discovered that there is a damage on my car bumper, I was kinda pissed and about to call police and then I saw someone was inside my car. I walked to him and saw the yellow dice hanging on the rear mirror, all of sudden I realized this car is not mine and I hand waved at him as he looked at me and I walked away. I hope I will never see that person again. :lol:
If the parking lot is full and crowded, it seems to be more work to try to find a spot closer.

For me, rain, snow, or ice doesn't bother me because the walk from the end of the parking lot to the entrance is usually less than 5 minutes and I think I can survive that.

I just hate having to fight for a spot when there are plenty of them in areas further from the entrance. My husband is the opposite..he will drive and drive around the parking lot looking for that perfect spot.

DITTO! my hub really likes to park that is the most closest to the store. I like to park in the end where it is empty then park there. sometimes I m in a mood to park clost to the store when i am not in hurry. LOL
I had a big fake flower on my last car antenna so I could find my car easier , the car I have has now no antenna so I try to park in the same spot when I go to Market Basket . This made it easier for me find my car , I have walked up to wrong car before and think I don't remember parking over here. ! I just walk away very fast. LOL ! I have seen people back into a parking space and they could had just pulled into an empty parking space taken the one in front of it.
Mine is easier to find for me what with the giant dent in the back bumper (can't afford to fix it right now). I also know my license plate # by heart so that helps a little. I sometimes also hit the lock button on my remote and look for the flashing lights lol- my reasoning is that there is a really low chance of two cars with the same 'remote' frequency in the same area plus if I know the general area that helps.

I wind up doing that more often at night though it seems...
Mine is easier to find for me what with the giant dent in the back bumper (can't afford to fix it right now). I also know my license plate # by heart so that helps a little. I sometimes also hit the lock button on my remote and look for the flashing lights lol- my reasoning is that there is a really low chance of two cars with the same 'remote' frequency in the same area plus if I know the general area that helps.

I wind up doing that more often at night though it seems...


I have 5 cute Cat Bumper Stickers on the back of my car. Most of times, I can spot my car there. :giggle:
I was nearbye parker, women have been attacked in car parks I used get in out as fast as poss
My second example is from the men's room. Specifically above the urinal. Why would guys feel the need to wipe a booger on the wall while the are peeing. Is it boredom? A form of marking their territory? It's disgusting!
Yah, I cant stand that. Every month I travel four hours to the hospital for surgery/checkup or whatever and stop at the same gas station halfway there. Boogers for days on the wall.


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My second example is from the men's room. Specifically above the urinal. Why would guys feel the need to wipe a booger on the wall while the are peeing. Is it boredom? A form of marking their territory? It's disgusting!

Cause there is no where else to put them. Who would want to touch the urinal? Next choice, the wall!

There! that makes sense! :roll: