Stop Smoking Programs

I quit about 9 yrs ago. I used Zyban pills. I don't know if it still exist today. Patches never works for me.
I am curious about insurance coverage paid for quit smoke program. Mine cost me $112.00 for one month and insurance paid the coverage pills. yayaya. One thing there some company don't take coverage for paid pills. My sister paid $25 dollars then rest of insurance take care all bills. Strange. I am sure some of you might have insurance coverage or not for quit smoke program.
It was my third and successful attempt to kick this habit, as I am former smoker for nearly 14 years altogether.

I decided to give up before the 21st century arrived - 31st December 1999, as cold turkey and withdraw the nictorine is pure hell and craving for ciggie for the first two weeks is very hard.

To keep me busy I bought some Household bleach and clean my home with it more often knowing I can't smoke afterwards because the inhaler is awful after using it!

Also I bought some wrigley chewing gums, and lots and lots of toffee and boiling sweets to keep my mouth busy chewing.

It is easier to gave up if your partner doing it around the same time as yours, because my first two attempts was unsuccessful because my husband smoked in front of me, and he gave up for the first time by cold turkey two months after me, it helps me to stay non-smoker for the longest 7 years so far, thanks to him!

Well I did smoke while I was pregnant with my first daughter, and I cannot help because it was impossible to kick this habit, call me names whatever you like, I am grateful my daughter turns out fine. Thanks to my lucky stars. My GP Doctor knows that I cannot help myself, he said up to 5 cigs on low tar is ok but really zero is best!!! I smoke more than 5, Her birth weight was 6lb 13oz.

My second pregnant, I kick the habit for three months, well, at least I tried so hard as it was difficult to kick this habit. I did try my best too. Her birth weight was 7lb and 10oz.

My third and final pregnant - Smoke-free pregnant, I cannot believe I make it possible, and I gave up for 12 months until I feel low, and I pick up this habit again, because my husband smoked!! My third baby was 9lb 14 half oz at birth!!

I know I am not the only one who smoke through pregnant, and I am happy to say I stay smoke-free for 7 years and my husband this February (7 years too).

Oh ok I admit my mistake to start smoking in first place. Please don't call me names as I am only human and learn my mistakes. Life go on.................
when i was about 15 yrs old i used to smoke on and off mostly (very light ones) as i was snuck out to behind my mom's back to get on hooking smoking cuz of my mom was heavy smoker as i was "Second Hand" kid until i was 18 yrs old... i started to smoke in front of my mom 1/2 pack per week (that is mild ones) but after i graduated i started 1/2 pack a day until i met my wife for blind date and i begged her let me finish my last 1/2 pack of ciggies so she let me as she has asthma that time (but still have asthma even today) and i quit in cold turkey in almost 22 years ago (started Feb. 1985) and never went back ever since.... i cannot stand of smelling those ciggies, cigars, pipes and etc... It was SO awful to smell those ciggies on the clothes, chairs and etc at someone's home or places.... oh boy!!!!! I am thankful to my wife to give me the will power to overcome the filth ciggy habits back then.... Smacks Smacks Smacks Smacks on my wife's cheeks and lips for that... lolz :giggle:
Start with chewing tobacco, LOL. That is how I quit smoking many years ago.

There are places where you can get shots to stop the cravings. I know of two local guys who had the shots and it helped them to quit smoking big time.
Start with chewing tobacco, LOL. That is how I quit smoking many years ago.

There are places where you can get shots to stop the cravings. I know of two local guys who had the shots and it helped them to quit smoking big time.

That's so nasty! My BIL chews those. I can't see how my sister don't mind kissing him. Bleah!!
I started smoking at 15 years old. I quit after 4 years at 19 years old almost 20 cold turkey. For over 3 years I didn't smoke. Then started up again back in late 2001. Smoked 6 more months & quit again. Damn that was much much harder then the 1st time. Well anyways started up again after 6 more months. Then been on & off every since & trying to quit again. Even tried some programs, What sucks about them is their more expensive then smoking itself. So what's the point in it? & They don't really work anyways. Really to quit smoking its all about will power..Me myself I decided to quit trying to quit smoking LoL :lol:
To those who successfully quit smoking, I am so proud of you! Congratulations!!

You still have a chance to give up smoking - there is never a good time so there is no reason why you should wait for a good time.

There is another excellent website that might be helpful:

For support, check out ~ those folks are very wonderful and supportful.

For finding good reasons for quitting, visit

Don't give up. If you smoke again, it is alright AND don't give up. Try it again. Most folks did several attempts before they successfully quit. DON'T
That's so nasty! My BIL chews those. I can't see how my sister don't mind kissing him. Bleah!!
Yeah I know chewing tobacco is nasty. I don't take any of it anymore because whenever I have some in my mouth, it would make me want to puke. :)