Stick with your own kind? or Mix it up!


If You Know What I Mean
Premium Member
Apr 27, 2007
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Stick with your own kind? or Mix it up!

I know there was a thread about Interracial Date but that was about dating. This thread is about your marriage preference.

Would you marry someone of same race/color/nationality or you don't care aka "MIX IT UP" ? Be honest! Mind you - it is OK to say that you rather stick with your own kind. That does NOT mean you're racist - it's just a personal preference and that is perfectly understandable! BE HONEST and PICK ONE - same or MIX! and then tell us what nationality you prefer to marry.
I'll start - Although I am 100% Korean... I feel out so out of place with my own kind and for some odd reason - I have a thing for Chinese women. I prefer to marry an Asian - especially Chinese :cool2:
my situation is kinda interesting...

I am Cacausain of an European mix so simply put, I am white. My first hubby was born in Mexico and my 2nd hubby is American black.

My daughter is half white and half Spanish while my son is half white and half black. LOL!

My friends tease me that if I marry again, marry an Asian.
my situation is kinda interesting...

I am Cacausain of an European mix so simply put, I am white. My first hubby was born in Mexico and my 2nd hubby is American black.

My daughter is half white and half Spanish while my son is half white and half black. LOL!

My friends tease me that if I marry again, marry an Asian.

:whistle: <raising my hand> :cool2:
Personally, I perfer to be at the same nationally, but no offense - I'm bristish Cacausain :o
Well, I am techically mixed even though I was white. I probably say mix it up.
I have already been married 30 years and my husband and I are both Caucasian so I guess that must have been my preference. But I didn't know anyone of another race at that time. Iowa is noted for a lack of diversity.
My love (hopefully future wife ) and I are both caucasian but we are from very different nationalities ..does this count same or mix ?
I am white I rather stick to my own kind.(American)
Insteresting comments..but I have a question for u all. Suppose you befriend someone from a different nationality and you become close to them leading to both of you developing deeper feelings for each other. Would you deny your strong feelings just because the other person is of a different race?

The reason I asked was cuz I fell in love with my hubby after 3 years of being very close friends. Of course, I would never tell him.."Yes, I am in love with you but I wont date nor marry you cuz your race is different from mine."

No, I didnt seek out to marry men from a different race..nature took its course with me falling in love with them and them doing the same. My ex hubby grew up knowing he would marry another Mexican because his family didnt believe in mixing it up but unexpectly, he fell in love with me.

I never grew up thinking I would not "mix it" up. I guess it never mattered to me as long as the other person and I are right for each other.
My ethnicity is already so mixed up that sticking with my own kind is a rather broad concept!:lol:
Insteresting comments..but I have a question for u all. Suppose you befriend someone from a different nationality and you become close to them leading to both of you developing deeper feelings for each other. Would you deny your strong feelings just because the other person is of a different race.

The reason I asked was cuz I fell in love with my hubby after 3 years of being very close friends. Of course, I would never tell him.."Yes, I am in love with you but I wont date nor marry you cuz your race is different from mine."

No, I didnt seek out to marry men from a different race..nature took its course with me falling in love with them and them doing the same. My ex hubby grew up knowing he would marry another Mexican because his family didnt believe in mixing it up but unexpectly, he fell in love with me.

I never grew up thinking I would not "mix it" up. I guess it never mattered to me as long as the other person and I are right for each other.

That is an interesting question. I think I would have no problem with marrying someone different. But it is hard to know if one is not presented with the opportunity.
Insteresting comments..but I have a question for u all. Suppose you befriend someone from a different nationality and you become close to them leading to both of you developing deeper feelings for each other. Would you deny your strong feelings just because the other person is of a different race?

The reason I asked was cuz I fell in love with my hubby after 3 years of being very close friends. Of course, I would never tell him.."Yes, I am in love with you but I wont date nor marry you cuz your race is different from mine."

No, I didnt seek out to marry men from a different race..nature took its course with me falling in love with them and them doing the same. My ex hubby grew up knowing he would marry another Mexican because his family didnt believe in mixing it up but unexpectly, he fell in love with me.

I never grew up thinking I would not "mix it" up. I guess it never mattered to me as long as the other person and I are right for each other.

One of the reasons that so many relationships fail is because people are too busy looking at what's on the outside of a person when they should be looking at what's on the inside!
One of the reasons that so many relationships fail is because people are too busy looking at what's on the outside of a person when they should be looking at what's on the inside! of the biggest factors for my first marriage failing was that my ex hubby, despite falling in love with someone outside of his race, expected me to adopt his cultural traditions of the women being submissive to men. That wasnt who I was...
i am white american with different nationalities but can be white but with different nationalities no plm
I am half white/half hispanic, the racial makeup of who I meet does not matter at all, although what I look for is similar experience backgrounds. (Like someone who likes a broad range of music, not just rap/r&b, open minded, etc)
I have already been married 30 years and my husband and I are both Caucasian so I guess that must have been my preference. But I didn't know anyone of another race at that time. Iowa is noted for a lack of diversity.

Hehe, Botti; the Iowan corn's so tall, you couldn't see the rest of the world! :lol: